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Posts posted by assaultedairman

  1. The HPI (History of Present Illness) that came with my discharge paperwork states:

    Patient is a 32 year old female VAB with a past psych history of PTSD following several episodes of sexual abuse who was admitted to ______ for _______ overflow from the V.A. outpatient psych for worsening SI over the past 4 weeks. Four months ago the patient started dating a man, who is now her fiance and is 100% SC for PTSD, that has tried to help her with her PTSD. Over the past four months , her PTSD symptoms, to include hyper-vigilance and nightmares / flashbacks, have become worse. Of note, she reports that all men in uniform cause her significant anxiety. Over the past four weeks, she has started having SI that has progressively gotten worse. She reports that she has thoughts of worthlessness and thoughts that her family would be better off if she wasn't here. She denies any current or active plans for suicide. She does have a history of cutting, while she was AD for a period of 3-4 years. Currently patient is unemployed and quit her volunteer job in January after a disagreement with management.

    Her PTSD was from events during a two year period from 2000-2002 (when I was AD), while the patient was stationed in Germany. She was an E-3 and the assailent was an E-6. She reports that he raped her twice, stalked her, and harassed her while at work and at her place of residence. She has not yet received any treatment, or counseling for these events. Additionally, she reports blocking out much of her memories about the events, only resurfacing now as she talks to her fiance. Additionally she reports having a breast reduction to decrease the attention that she has received from men.

    She reports having depressed mood. Additionally, she has difficulty sleeping (nightmares, trouble falling asleep), loss of interest in daily activities, decrease in energy, poor concentration, significant decrease in appetite (loss of 5-10 over the past couple of weeks), some psychomotor agitations (hand tremor, hand wringing), and SI as described above. SIGECAPS +8/9. Denies feelings of guilt.

    Reports no drinking in the past four years and prior to that was a social drinker (1 to two drinks per week). While AD, reports alcohol abuse. Reports having administrative actions taken against her by command for drinking while on quarters, Need to drink to fall asleep, etc.

    No illicit drug use.

    Quit smoking 4 months ago.

    Will this help me with my claim?


  2. Hi everyone! I'm sorry I've been unavailable, but I voluntarily put myself in the V.A. psych ward for a few days to to progressively worsening symptoms. My official diagnosis is Chronic PTSD / MDD due to MST. The OSI record will be requested via fax Monday morning (Monday afternoon their time) and I have multiple medical and service records to support my claim. I am now on Terazadone (for sleep and a mood stabilizer) and Prozac. My Psychiatrist while I was inpatient also offered me a med that would help with the nightmares.

    My GAF upon initial eval prior to voluntary admit was 41. My GAF after admit onto the military unit was 40. (There were initially no beds on V.A. unit so they kicked me to military unit. They then got upset cuz I wouldn't [couldn't] eat and made little to no eye contact and crawled the walls to get away from uniformed men). My GAF upon discharge was 55 with meds, but they also expressed concern that if I went off my meds that I would end up back there or worse.

    Axis I: PTSD --- Chronic, r/o MDD (r/o? What does that mean?)

    Axis II: Deferred

    Axis III: Asthma, Celiac's Disease

    Axis IV: History of abuse, Occupational Stressors

    Axis V: GAF 40 (upon admit; 55 upon discharge)

    All doctors and nurses have now told me that if I claim it now I will likely get 70% - 100%, irregardless of the assault report, and if I get 100% it will likely be p&t. I know that what a non- c& p examining doctor says doesn't necessarily matter, but I can't help but think that if these people are saying it that I've got a pretty good chance. We shall see tho.

    Any advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated.


  3. This form isn't going to make or break my claim, but it would definitely help. After speaking with OSI (the AF's Office of Special Investigations) I found out that in 2002 they did not use the DD Form 2910. In 2002 any report regarding sex assault, rape, harassment, stalking etc...automatically generated an investigation by either the SP's (Security Forces) investigators or OSI agents. There were no restricted or unrestricted reporting options. They also told me that if he had admitted to having done it, as he did, then there is also a paper trail from that, too, as he would have been charged either at the Squadron or UCMJ (court martial) level. I do not believe he was charged at the UCMJ (court martial) level, as I was not required to testify, however, he could have been charged with an Article of some kind at the Squadron level which would explain why he had his E-7 taken before he could pin it on, base restriction, and loss of pay. What the OSI agent did tell me, however, was that a copy of the report would have been put in my SPR and, possibly, my SMR.

    My FOIA is being faxed in tomorrow and my expedited request for my SPR and SMR will be going out tomorrow as well.


  4. Hi! I'm new here and have a few questions. I know I've likely made at least one mistake in the past regarding this, however my DAV guy told me we can work it in my favor if need be.

    In 2006 I was diagnosed with Chronic PTSD (is what it says in the system, but the triage nurse from Friday says it doesn't say specifics as to the cause even though I know I told them about my childhood [i know...DUMB DUMB DUMB] and the male psych intern told me he felt I had PTSD due to childhood trauma).

    However, in the past four months my PTSD has gotten progressively worse (to the point the the Triage nurse at the V.A. Mental Health clinic said my PTSD was severe on Friday [2 March 2012]).

    Initially I didn't understand why until the nightmares started and I was able to start putting things together and once that happened I started remembering things I worked VERY hard to forget. I was told flat out on Friday that I have PTSD due to MST not related to childhood trauma and that the childhood trauma diagnosis may be a misdiagnosis. When my fiancee (who is 100% disabled vet due to combat PTSD) came in he asked what she felt my GAF was and she said 30. He then asked if she did any kind of PCL on me and she said she did and that my score was an 82. After some research I found out what this meant and now I'm scared as hell for myself.

    My fiancee has helped me to see that fling disability is a good thing and will help me out (single mom of two young girls). My DAV guy asked me if I had filled out a DD Form 2910, I told him I had and that the individual who harassed / assaulted / staled me had suffered punitive action (whether under the table or not I don't know). Apparently this means I filed an unrestricted DD Form 2910 which is likely still on record (hopefully) either in my SPR or at the SAPRO at the base I was stationed at or the AF SAPRO in Texas. I doubt I have a copy of the 2910 (as in me having a copy of this from 2002 is about as likely as me being able to remember what I wore three days after I was discharged from the AF).

    My question is, how likely is it that a copy of the 2910 is in my SPR? If it isn't in my SPR, how likely is it that it was saved so that we can retrieve it from evidence in my claim? If we can't get ahold of the 2910, but I cite that I did file one and that it was an unrestricted report, will they take that into account or will the fact that we can't find it or get ahold of it work against me?

    I have service medical records and service personnel records that show change in behavior etc... Also I wasn't diagnosed with any type of behavior issue or anything of that nature prior to military service. My DD 214 stated discharge is general under honorable conditions.

    On the 2910 I told them I was harassed and stalked and that he assaulted me which he admitted to although he did attempt to say that I agreed to him touching me / me touching him (if you consider being pinned face first against a wall in an empty room in a loud and busy club while your arm is being dislocated and your hand forcibly shoved down someone who outranks you by 5 ranks pants consensual [this happened right after I reached this duty station]). He also raped me twice (didn't tell anyone about that either time out of fear of punishment) and assaulted me multiple other times. I am now waiting for the phone call to set up my psych and medical appointments with the MST clinic at the local V.A. in Honolulu.

    Based on my last GAF of 30 and PCL of 82, my DAV guy told me I have a good shot either way I go even though I was an idiot and told the V.A. psych intern about my crappy childhood because I did a 2910.

    Would you guys be willing to give me your take on the situation?


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