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  1. EOR? The hearing was informal. I have 2 pending appeals. The first one was for the s/c of the mdd stating CUE and that it was pre existing. My lawyer talked and said a lot of words I didn't follow. I was told going in I would not get a decision at the hearing but I did. When the MDD was s/c it was the Buffalo RO that granted it, because it was so high they(VA) automatically applied for TDIU. Then it was sent to Lincoln, NE who severed it, even though I asked for a hearing before connection was severed, I was not granted one. When I finally got the hearing it came back to Buffalo. DRO stated he had read over my c&ps and notes and was overturning service connection and since he was giving me back the rating he was going to look at my SSDI info for TDIU. I called the 1-800# and was told it was sitting on his desk still. I talked to my lawyer who checked the system and he wrote up the transcript the same day. She said I should hear something "soon" which she cannot clarify what soon means. I was under the assumption it would only take a few days to decide, He stated he already talked to fellow coworkers about it and they agreed, he had decided before he came in I assume. As for the second appeal, he did not agree with the ratings or lack of from my last c&p, and felt they needed my outside med records which my lawyer stated she will get them, I live close and also stated if needed I could get them for her. He said once he got those he would order new c&ps on the physical issues. DRO said the second appeal will take longer and I will get notified of exams, but the first wouldn't take long. Hope I explained everything well enough. Thanks for the responses
  2. Hi everyone, I saw an old thread and thought I would ask for current timelines and from which RO I filed 2 NOD 2/28/2016 1.S/C Secondary MDD(was 70% now severed)(DRO stated he was overturning severance) 2. Bilateral pes planus(current 10%), secondary knee issues, mdd-(DRO stated he would request c&ps) DRO hearing 3/14/2018 in Buffalo, NY No news yet
  3. I was homeless for about 2 months, I am no longer. The VA did help out with all that and I have a case manger helping me along. I almost lost my children, It was a very rough time for me, thank goodness they though we were just visiting friends and camping. My family was no where to be found even though I was there for them when they were tossed out by their bfs. Anywho... I am currently rated and paid at 30%, but in the VA system it says I am 80%, and at least I am still able to get mental health through them as Im not sure I would have made it with out the help. Sorry I was unclear, I was homeless and am no longer, I have housing. I appealed the severance of service connection of major depressive disorder. Their reasoning was CUE. Which was bs. I hired my lawyer. The DRO agreed. The DRO who made this decision in another state, when I appealed it came back to my local office in Buffalo NY. I have asked my lawyer, she checked their system and all I was told was the DRO did what he said, but I have heard nothing
  4. Hi guys, new here. So sorry if this is kind of long. I was granted a secondary mh rating, it brought my rating to 80% which prompted the VA to apply for TDIU. This new claim went to another RO, not my local who just gave me the mh rating. So this other office looking at TDIU said there was a CUE, and my mh was severed even though I disagreed, asked for a hearing and did everything I was supposed to, I was never given an exam before severance either. So fast forward 2 years of waiting on the appeal, I became homeless, lost my car and credit everything. So my lawyer and I walked into the DRO hearing (at my local RO) and at first decided a formal hearing but the first words out of the DRO's mouth was I'm sorry, this was illegal so we went with informal. I was never given due process nor an exam prior to severance so the dro said it was illegal. He also stated there was no justification for the severance as I had more then enough evidence to connect the dots to my service connection. He said all it will take is a signature, asked if I had worked since last reported and moved on as I had 2 appeals going. Since he did not agree with the raters but it had been awhile he ordered new c&p exams for the 2nd appeal which dealt with the physical issues. I was told not to expect a bench decision, but it sounded like it was one to my on the mh severance, any one have any input? Secondly the dro told me usually money moves faster then paper so I would probably find out my decision if I get a deposit(from date they severed). I check ebenefits and a new claim was opened for comp and pen, I originally thought my lawyer opened a new claim but upon opening it, where it list what you are claiming it states: Attorney Fee Determination? Does this mean I won? I assumed at the DRO I won but this seems more concrete Anyone ever see or go through this? Thanks
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