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  1. Hello, I am Army SGT Med Ret, Marco DeLeon. I retired 2014 medically and I have been experiencing medical paralysis dysfunction throughout my body since my return from Iraq in 2010. I demobilized in Camp Atterbury Indiana (2010) and had several injuries in which the most prominent was my lower to mid back. it was so bad I did not trust the Army to fix it so i opted-out to take care of it with the Army and instead took take care of it upon returning home. I was having some pain in my neck but nothing I couldn't take care of. 2011 I lost function of my left leg, then 2011 right leg, then I had surgery on my right hand which is service connected and lost function of the full arm, then lost the function vertically (only) of my eyes, then horizontally all since 2010 April. I've had many...many multiple test done, blood test(17), mri's (6), ct scans(2), pet scans(1), xrays (4)and no...nada then an outside VA doctor did one mri and blood draw and found some CNS brain issues with an onset of CNS Rheumatoid. The Doctor said I have a central nervous system problem (motor dysfunction) and I have had hit my head several times in Iraq due to some IED conflicts. I have had irregular heart rate beats at times and high blood pressure which wont come down without medication. I have asked and complained ....complained.....complained that I have a TBI for several years now by going to congress , senators, patient advocacy, DVA VSO's, and many other people that will help me then I was given a garden variety diagnosis of CNS Vasculitis in Phoenix Arizona(2017) which was recently reclassified as CNS Rheumatoid which does not cause permanent paralysis dysfunction. I am getting worse every few months and need the proper diagnosis of a TBI motor injury dysfunction with onset auto autoimmune disease, including all the other injuries I am connected for.......................................... I need help, can someone please help me. my email is marco.adeleon1@gmail.com and im not very good at correspondence mostly because i forget but i do check my gmail. If i get some assistance I promise to give Hadit.com the promo.
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