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B. Capit

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About B. Capit

  • Birthday 04/30/1983

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  • Location
    PG County, MD

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  • Service Connected Disability
  • Branch of Service
    Air Force

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  1. I just want to make it clear in case there are misunderstanding, but I am still receiving my 30% monthly pension. However I have yet to receive the 100% monthly pension and the backpay. I called the VA again today (on a cellphone with only a few minutes left) and she said she doesn't know why the $348 check was put in my name, when it should have been in my mother's name. She also assumed I received my 100% monthly pension and bckpay, and told me to call her back in two days so she can contact the person managing my checks. DOES IT REALLY TAKE THIS LONG TO WRITE A CHECK AND SEND IT TO MY MOTHER?! It's been a month now since I was told my money was being put into a check and sent to her. I thought my case was expedited?? I would have my mother call, but she is too soft spoken. She slipped on a wet floor at work AND a doctor messed up her back surgery, and she hasn't even bothered pressing charges.
  2. That sounds like what happened to me, but a long time ago. When I called the VA a month ago, I was told, "I don't know the exact process, but all that needs to be done is for someone to write the check and send it to your mother." My case was expedited and put on high priority because of hardship, but like I said this was a month ago. I feel sorry for those who have cases that aren't expedited, because God knows how long that could take.
  3. My doctor never mentioned anything about my ability to drive, maybe the VA has nothing to do with it after all? The DMV here sucks, they are very slow processing paperwork and make a lot of mistakes. Even the courts here are dumb. I ended up being arrested in the middle of the night (long time ago) and after several hours they discovered there was a computer error. And this guy I know went to court on the same day there was a fire in the building, and he was arrested because the records showed he never arrived on the court date (even though he was there, but every one was evacuated). I can't wait to move out of Maryland.
  4. That's Baltimore/D.C. for you. I was told I would be getting my monthly comp and backpay the first week of December, and if I didn't I needed to call him (caseworker). He seems to be on Holiday vacation still. Actually, since the summer I've been told to wait one month until I get the monthly, and after a month I'm told to wait another month. It makes it really hard to plan things. It would have made my life a whole lot easier if they said, "Wait another year..." The only monthly comp I'm getting is $348, from when I was rated 30%. Maybe it varies by state. To be honest the people working in the VA in Baltimore and D.C. seem like they shouldn't be working there at all.
  5. My mother was approved almost three months ago I think. It's been taking them this whole time to write the check. She's a penny-pincher, she is the best person to handle it. I have a hard time saving...lol.
  6. I've been approved for 100% disability since May. Someone has already came to the house to interview me and my mother (she is going to handle the money) and the only thing left to wait for is for the check to be made and signed. Probably only another year or so, but that's not my concern anymore... My issue is back-pay. I was told that I will not recieve the full amount of back-pay, but probably only $500-$1,000 a month, along with my $2,400 pension. Is this true?? Also, can the VA contact MVA and suspend my license due to my disability? My license was mysteriously suspended and now I have to prove to the MVA that I am able to drive by getting a VA doctor to write a letter. But I can't get an appointment at the VA until February. It kind of makes me sad because I am basically living in my car, and I have to drive. :D
  7. If I were to move to the Philippines, what would happen to my benefits? Would it be decreased? Currently 1USD=50 Pesos.
  8. Yesterday, I went to Washington DC on I St. and finally got a hold of a Legal Instrument Examiner. She looked for my files in front of her and said she doesnt have mine today... She looked on the computer and said that my file is in the process of going to DC from Baltimore.
  9. I was at 30% and getting $348 a month. I was approved in May 100%. I am still getting the $348. They are holding the difference from 2471 something dollars and the amount im getting ($348). I also have a dependent so im sure its more than $2471.... Im going to DC right now so i guess ill let you know how it goes....
  10. Iv'e also sent an Iris inquiry to the VA 4 months ago. My 7 month old daughter was granted benefits Oct. 6 2007 from when she was born till she's 18. Well, what i dont get is that the VA will give me $348 in a check in the next 15 days... But I've been getting that amount already. They started me off as a 30% and they increased it to 100% in May. Even if they didnt approve me for 100%, why is it still $348? nothing was added at all. Im already struggling as it is. Thank God for Wireless connections, I'm able to get signal around here. Lol
  11. Thank you all for quick replies! Just wish that VA does the same to all vets. Currently im in Maryland. Everytime i call the 1800 number, it always direct me to Baltimore Regional Office. Those people said that since Im in Md, it will always go there. I have to be in DC to get the DC people because thats where my file is. Last week, i personally went to I St. in DC and thats when a rep wrote down hardship. The next day,(saturday) I recieved a letter stating that the VA approved me as incompetent. Why cant the VA give out actual local numbers instead of a 1800 number? I also talked to a va rep in Washington Dc VA Medical Center 3 months or so ago but she said she doesnt have my file and she cant help me. Right about then i had a mental breakdown. She also recommended that i need to talk to my psychiatrist again because i apparently have "anger issues" that Iv'e been keeping inside me. Also, my lovely congressman never wrote back to me. I already tried that months ago. Im still waiting. gave him my phone number, my situation back then wasnt as bad so i guess he ignored it. His interest is from what i see is all about Jenna 6.. and nothing else. I guess he wants to be re elected. Again, thanks for all the replies. Any more help will be greatly appreciated. Without you all, Ill be at a lost.
  12. I was rated for 100% in May 2007, and I sent a letter that month explaining I am incompetent to handle my benefits and want my mother to handle it. Last week I was told a fidcuciary would come to my mom's house to interview us to see if she is eligible to handle the benefits. I was told to wait 1-2 weeks by someone at the VA in DC, but I don't know if they are bs'ing me. He wrote down "hardship" on my paperwork, because I am homeless and living in my car, and I have a seven month old daughter. So here is my question. Will it really be 1-2 weeks before a fiduciary comes to interview us? And when that happens, how long do I wait before I actually see the money? I am owed over $20,000 in back pay. Will it take another six months after a fiduciary approves my mother to handle the benefits before I see the money? Can the VA provide me and my daughter emergency shelter? My fiance called a homeless shelter, but the waiting list is over six months, and men aren't allowed. Thank you in advance for your help. -Brian
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