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Chief Petty Officers
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Posts posted by livingrock21

  1. Jbasser, yes, thats exactly what happened.. They only gave me a 60% rating when I tried to get it without the IU, and I did look, they rated me permanent and total in my findings..

    Where would I find what their criteria for rating me was, and is.. As far as what their saying is going on.. I want to try and make sure I'm wording that right.. Like where would I find what their saying happens to me.. I know i meet the 100% criteria because I deal with it everyday, but where do I find their statement as far as how many flares I have, duration, ect used for rating me..?

    Dean, thats just it, I'm only 27.. I'm not saying I can work. I truly dont think I could hold a typical job at all.. I would like to earn my degree though, one just to do it as an achievement. Two, in case they ever would come up with a way to treat what I have instead of just treating the symptoms(which kind of leads me to another question). Three, with the degree I'd be trying to earn(network security), in some cases you can work completely from home and basically create your own work schedule.. So I could possibly try, but cant afford to loose my benefits if it didnt work out.. I did just get medically retired from the navy permanently which is a good thing because of the medical(tricare) benefits.. If I ever HAD to go without my medications even if only for a couple days I'd probably die(literally).. I wouldnt be able to afford all my medications without that pharmacy benefit.. I also receive SSD from social security for the same service related conditions..

    To both of you, and/or, anyone,

    If I try and get them to rate me 100 percent without the IU, is there that possibility of loosing my IU benefits(even being permanent and total, and them giving that to me for just the 7119 erythromelalgia condition) if they would low ball me again?? I know my condition meets the 100 percent criteria, but at the same time I know they could low ball me again.. There are also about 5 or 6 other conditions I need to have service related but have been holding off because I'm not sure how I should go about all this.. Claim them first, do it all in one shot, or not mess with anything at all..

    I stated earlier about having another question as far as medications are concerned.. Its getting expensive to see outside doctors. I want to start getting all my medications from the VA. The conditions I'm getting the medications for are all service related, or should be anyway.. Also, with me being 100% theres no cost.. I know I'm only 27, but I already know I'm going to have to be on pain medication for the rest of my life.. Unless they could find a cure, for what I have or a way to treat what i have besides treating the symptoms.. Which pain, is one of them.. Heres the problem though. I've tried to be treated for the pain through the VA before via the pain management clinic at one if the VA hospitals.. Well they were only giving me Vicodin 5 mg which didnt even touch the pain Through an outside pain management provider they prescribe me oxycodone 15mg oxycodone 6 times a day, which allows me to tolerate the pain.. I'd line to get my medications from the va through the VA which I know i can do if I bring the paper script here, but it'd be nice to not have to see an outside provider at all to save money..

    Thanks again for your time, help, and patience... I know that was a long post..


    100% IU P&T

    Navy Medically Retired PDRL

  2. Its been a while since I've posted here, so I have some updating to do.. I ended up getting unemployability, for the same condition I just got on the PDRL(permanent disability retired list from the navy). The way the notification letter is worded says that I got TDIU for that condition(erythromelalgia), and that condition only even though I'm rated for other conditions. I have to read back over the notification letter, but if I remember correctly its permanent IU.

    Now, heres what I need the help with. I should be ratex 100% without the IU. I could understand them doing it that way if there was no 100% rating for that condition. So, should I apply to get it rated right? There are also other conditions I can claim, is it worth me claiming those? The main reason I'd like to get it fixed is because I'd like to use my post 9/11 gibill, and I'd be afraid to use it with the way I'm rated right now.. I payed into it, I should be able to use it. My conditions should be rated right anyway. I couldnt get 100% as of yet without IU, but they have me permanent and 100 percent IU for the same(and only that) condition.

    Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!!

  3. Everyone,

    I want to thank you for your quick replies. I only wish I could have gotten back on here sooner.


    My POA is the VFW. Which I've been talking about changing forever, to the DAV, but havent as of yet. The VFW at my VARO just seems so understaffed. He not only works at the VARO, but another office 50 miles away from the VARO which is actually another 50 miles away from me. I'm pretty sure he's the only representative they have there too. They have like 3 secrataries, and him. Everytime I'm chatted with the DAV at my VARO they seem like they really have their stuff together. We also have county representatives here in PA, but I'm not sure what to think about them. My county was actually the county rep that was investigated about a year back for asking for too much personal information(I dont think they ever proved he was misusing the information). That was also about 5 or 6 reps ago. Which leads to another reason why I'm kind of hesitant on going there for help, their representatives seem like they only ever last about 6-9 months.


    I believe I'm looking at about $16,000. The partial grant has been awaiting final authorization since the 29th of June. The part that I dont understand is everytime I talk to anyone at the 1800 number, their saying that the REMANDED issua of IU is also awaiting authorization. If this is true, then the retro could be a very large check, such as about $70,000. I just dont see them being done with the Remand though. The BVA requested and examination be done, and I haven't even been scheduled for one. Could it be possible that they decided the evidence is overwhelming, and they didn't need an examination since I just had one within the last 6 months? I don't know, I'm not sure. This part kind of has me baffled.


    I cant ever seem to get my VSO on the phone. I always get his secretary which says she'll leave a message for him to call me back and I dont hear anything. The last time I talked to him, I called 4 days in a row, and on the 4th day I explained that this is the 4th day that I had been trying to talk to Mr. _____. I then demanded to talk to him, whether he was with a client or not.


    As per your first post, I understand the claims process is lengthy. I'm going on 4 years with this claim. I've made it through the BVA. Got a partial grant and a remand. The part that's super frustrating to me right now is the fact that it's in final authorization awaiting one signature, and it's been there for the past 47 days (it's been in the final authorization stage for 47 days), I know it's been waiting for a single signature for atleast the past two weeks.


    Would I send that fast letter to my regional office, or the AMC that's handling both the remand and the partial grant. It's funny becuase on the last page of the BVA letter it said everything would be handled expiditiously. What a joke. Also, I truely am homeless(as I said, by VA terms, I have a roof over my head but it's not stable and could be kicked out at any moment of any day. I'm truely going through financial hardship right now, robbing peter to pay paul, and then turning around and paying peter with pauls money. Should I write a letter of hardship expidition as well? I figure if I have both these letters it might actually draw some sympathy to my case, and maybe they'll actually finish it. I could def be wrong though, and would love your opinions.


    I haven't been dealing with them that long, and hope I dont have to fight them that long. I'm def understanding how they operate at this point though. They have one speed, slow. The design to only have that one speed wasn't to keep errors from occuring either, it was just added for humor to the upper chain of command at the VA.

    To all,

    If I did nothing. At this point, does anyone have a guestimation on when I would possibly see his money? Also, there are other claims that I've been holding off on filing. I wanted to get these all taken care of before I did that, so it didn't slow everything down(ha lol). Back to the point though, I've heard of "express claims", or "completed claims", or something like that. The veteran has to sign a paper saying that they have, and are turning all evidence in, and the VARO guarantees the claim will be completed within 90days. I've also heard of other similar programs, like same day C&P exam decisions under the same pretenses(veteran says all evidence has been filled), there are a couple other pilot programs going on out there. How do I find out what program my VA office is doing? If I could get a hold of my VSO, he'd probably have some insight to this, but I cant ever get a hold of him.

    Sorry this is so long everyone. I just wanted to make sure I got everyones question/statements answered. I appreciate all the help so far, and greatly appreciate all the help(opinions/suggestions) I'm getting here. All is welcome. Thank you for your time.

    Thanks again,


    P.S., It wont take me nearly as long to check for replies this time. I'll be on the computer pretty much all day today. So I'll be able to respond quickly.

  4. I got my BVA letter date stamped the 24th of June. I have a partial grant of 60% for the erythromelalgia, and a remand for my IU. Both were sent to the AMC. The partial grant was done on the 29th of june, but has been waiting authorization ever since. I really need this extra money a month and back pay. By VA definition, I'm homeless. I do currently have a roof over my head, but am living with family and cannot afford rent anywhere as of this moment. Once the 60% takes effect for that condition, and I see this backpay, I'll be able to. I'm going through a seperation due to all this.

    Anyway. Does anyone have any idea of when I might actually see this money? Should I file hardship expidition, maybe then they'll finally give me that final authorization signature. I also read about a fast letter pertaining to this kind of situation. How would I utilize that? Any other ideas or thoughts would greatly be appreciated. I'm desperate at this point. I cant afford to live right now.

    Also, as far as the IU is concerened their showing it as complete, and awaiting authorization. They show it complete in their system since the 29th of June. For some reason, I just dont see that as being possible. They didn't do an exam, which the BVA wanted. I guess it's possible though since I've had an exam within the last 6 months. What are your thoughts on this.

    I want to thank everyone in advance for any help you can bring me. All thoughts and input are welcome. Like I said, I'm desperate at this point.

    Thanks again,


  5. Thanks for the quick reply Pete..

    I wanted to write more when I first posted, but I had to get out the door. My ride was here to pick me up, and I didn't want to make them wait too long.

    I just re-read that first post, I guess I pretty much asked everything I wanted to. Would anyone happen to know they answers?

    Thanks in advance guys, you've always been such a big help.

  6. I haven't posted in a long time. I've tried to forget about my appeal all together because for the longest time I was letting it drive me insane, and I'm glad I did due to how long it has taken.

    I got a partial grant on one condition from 30% to 60%. The SOC that I recieved was dated on the 24th of June.

    TDIU actually wasnt part of this appeal, but I had another claim in for TDIU that was denied about 4 months ago, and was denied tuely due to the VA flat out lieing. They denied me due to "un-service connected" conditions that I dont even have. It was unbelievable. I technically wasnt elligible for it becuase I was at 40% as a whole. Now I am elligible becuase I have one condition thats 60%.

    So to make a long story short, the BVA included that, and remanded it for me to the AMC. Well, they made a decision on it on the 29th. A five day turn around which is unbelieveable. I haven't recieved anything yet, supposibly it's in authorization stage. Which is one of the questions that I have. Do all remanded appeals go through the authorization stage(denied and granted)? Supposibly something happened on the 20th of this month. I just have a good feeling that it was approved. I have a feeling that's why they haven't given me the back pay for the increased rating as of yet, I think their going to do it as a whole now. How long does the authorization stage normally take? I guess that's it for now. If there's anything I'm missing please help. I'm looking at probably about 80,000 in back pay if it does get granted. I could really use the money. I'm wondering if I should push the 60% increase issue with the fast letter, or am I probably right and they granted me the IU.

    Thanks in advance.

    Tyler Livingston

  7. Hoppy,

    I completely understand what your saying.

    I was laying on the couch thinking about all of this. There actually were two times that VA docs seen my flares. Once when I was admitted to the hospitals so they could try to figure out why my blood pressure is so high, and also at an ER visit due to kidney stones. When I was admitted, there aren't really any notes about it though. All it says is I was flared up, barely describes it, and says what kind of pain medicine she gave me for the flare. The ER visit mentions it, but not in detail by any means. Both times I was there for something else. I'm thinking that these doc notes should also help.

    This is really getting me back over the edge again. Ever since I started having these problems it's been a struggle. First trying to get the docs to believe me, finally being able to prove it to them, being diagnosed with just about everything in the book till they found this diagnosis. It's like everytime I see a new doc... It's like a vicious circle thats never going to end. I can't hardley take this anymore.

  8. Thank you to all!

    Hoppy, I greatly appreciate all the time you've spent helping me out. I'm going to have to take into consideration all of this. My doc is very understanding about how hard it is to get down there (a little over an hour and a half) in pain. I have pictures, and I could take more recent pictures.

    I wanted to update everyone, and see what everyone thinks. I talked to my doc today. She said it would not be possible to amend the C&P. She described the exam not to me. The rater left a lot out of reasons and bases. In her note she states all the treatments we have tried, along with all treatments while active that all failed. She also indicated that I couldn't work due to this condition, and described how I have to watch being very physical. The rater completely left these two factors out. Now, she did say in her note that the flares occur atleast once per day lasting 2 hours or more. Here's the kicker though that I really believe is going to help my appeal out. This C&P exam was a double appointment. I was supposed to have an appointment with her one day, and the following day have my C&P. She combined them, but still kept them seperate. She did the routine appointment, and then went right into the C&P exam. In the routine appointment she was asking about some of the things that made me flare, and I was telling her. I had told her about two days prior where I had to cut grass, it was real hot and humid that day, and I ended up flaring up for a day and a half straight. This is in her routine notes. That right there shows them that they "occur more then daily". They would have to give me the benifit of the doubt. Also, as far as me ever being seen while having a flare, I have. Many, many, many times. Just not since I've been off active duty. The doc that diagnosed me let me come in anytime I was flared up so she could see it. At that point, I only lived 10 minutes from the hospital also. My wife didn't work, so she was able to drive me. It was actually kind of funny, she'd want second opinions, and would refer me to a dif dr. Well, it seemed like every time an appointment would come up, I wouldn't be flared. That's just how this condition is.

    I still need to go down and get a copy of this C&P exam, and also her appointment notes from that day. I called the records department at the VAMC, and they said I could just come down, sign a release and they'd print them out for me on the spot.

    Taking all of that in. What do I do from here. I have proof they occur more then daily, and the rest of the rating criteria for 100% is already in her C&P notes. Do I submit her not as evidence, along with a letter explaining everything? If I go that route, I will also contact my congressman and let him know about this fudge. He knows(well his assistant) knows how badly they have treated me thus far. That's why everything has been happening so quickly. I truely think I might be able to get this turned around pretty quickly if I just get proactive about it.


    In the letter that I would send to them, I would spell out which pages of my SMR's show a doc examining my flares also.

  9. Stretch,

    I'm def. not trying to jump down the docs throat. I'm sure she would be just as apt to think she may have made a mistake as myself. The other C&P exams I had, the examiner had the rating criteria infront of them. She didn't. Also, I was supposed to have a scheduled appointment with her one day, and the following day the C&P. Well she decided to do both of them the same day. Which I'm not complaining about, and I agreed to, but there was a lot of stuff said. It could have been very easy for her to shorten things up and just say atleast one a day either due to not remembering the other part of the conversation or due to trying to keep the report short.

    Irreguardless, she's an excellent doc, and she knows that's how I feel. Like I said, I left a message for her on her voicemail asking her to call me back at her earliest convenience. I haven't gotten a copy of my C&P yet, but I may ask her for some of the details, and then go into the specifics about everything.

    Do you know if it's possible for her to send an updated/amended C&P to the VARO? If there was a mistake, or misunderstanding I don't see why it shouldn't be possible.

    You were also saying about it possibly being evaded. How would I get this fixed? I can think of one way which has gotten me results thus far, my congressman. I know that the DRO didn't address a lot of the rating criteria in the reasons and bases, but I don't know if that due to it not being in the C&P, or if he felt it didn't need to be included. I'm really looking for a solution to all this madness.

    Thanks again.


  10. I found the problem. Now I just need to know what to do, and what my options are.

    In reasons and bases it says "veteran indicates that the symptoms occur atleast once per day lasting 2 hours or more." Now when she asked me this question, I answered they occur atleast once per day, but often occur more then once per day, and I also told her that one flare can last multiple days.

    I'm pretty sure since they seen that they automatically put me in the 30% catagory. If you look at the rating criteria in my first post, it says for 60 and 100 % the flares have to occur more than once daily.

    Now, here's some more food for thought. As I said above, I explained to her atleast once daily, and that's how it's worded. But I also went on to state they can occur more then once a day, and can also last multiple days. If you look at the 100% rating criteria. It states "responds poorly to treatment", mine does not respond to treatment at all. Last more then two hours, it even states in the SSOC that they last "2 hours or more", and mine restrict daily activity (I can't work, play with my kid extensively, or do anything to physical).

    So, optimally, if I could get her to amend the once per day, to say what I said would be optimal. Even if I couldn't. Shouldn't they rate me at 100% under the "reason of doubt" rule. Their supposed to give the veteran reason of doubt. Even with out my dr. amending the C&P, my symptoms fit the 100% criteria 75% of the way. Even more really since they occur daily also. I could see if I only flared up 3 times a week, but had all the same symptoms why they wouldn't give me reason of doubt, but under these circumstances, I should have gotten it, should I not?

    I hope this all makes sense to you. I'm 100% sure that's what happened here. What do I do? I want to get this fixed before it goes to the BVA. Do I write the VA a letter? What regs do I use, ect.? You guys have been greaat thus far.

    Carlie, you were def. right. I cooled off completely, and then found all this. I would have never caught it if I were still in the "heat of the moment".

    Thanks for the help in advance.



    Lol.. I kept saying reason of doubt. I meant to say "benifit of doubt". Sorry. I want to leave it in there though. It's actually kind of funny.

  11. Thank you all for the quck responses.

    Here's truely what I want to do.. I need to know if it's possible..

    I want to go back to the C&P doc (my treating physician) and get her to amend this C&P. I'm going to provide the rating criteria to her. Then let her fix the exam. I just need to know if it is possible to do this. If I get the doc to amend it, will the VA then accept it and either grant what I want or provide another SSOC.

    I need to get this ball rolling as fast as possible. I'm racing against the clock right now. My appeal is going to go back to the certification stage to be sent off to the BVA. I'd request a DRO hearing, but don't want to do that if I can fix it the way that I want to. I truely believe this is the obstical I'm hitting right now. I left a message for the Doc to call me back, it was only an hour and a half before quiting time, so I figure she'll call me tomorrow mourning.

    After I post this, I'm going to get out the older two SOC's and compare them to this SSOC. I'll prost back within the hour and let you guys know what I find. I've cooled off a lot, it's time to take care of business. I have to take care of business now.


  12. Carlie,

    I understand the SSOC completely. The problem is some of the rating criteria isn't even addressed like I said in the previous post (think I was posting while you were). So either the doc or dro messed up, or possibly both.

    I just need to know if it's possible to get the C&P amended, and re-submited so they can make a decision with the correct information, or I guess I should say with all the information. If not, what are my other options? I'll also be contacting my congressman about this issue again. It's the same thing as it has been. They based everything off a f'd up C&P. Atleast this time the C&P was the correct one, I just don't know if the doc forgot to include some of the rating criteria, or if the DRO didn't address what she included.

    Thanks for the quick response Carlie.


  13. You know another thing.

    The DRO didn't even touch all the bases under reasons and bases. He didn't list all the criteria for my condition. It didn't say either way whether it affected routine daily activity. It didn't say whether treatment is working. As I said, it does restric daily activity (working, playing with kids, physical activity). Also, none of the known treatment has worked, and even the experimental treatment hasn't worked (I'm willing to try anything to help with this condition, and I've made that very clear).

    Thanks for the help in advance, guys/gals. You all have always been more then helpful before. I just have no idea which direction to head now, and how to do it. I truely think getting this C&P ammended is my only option. I haven't seen the C&P, but if the DRO didn't list any of this other rating criteria, I'm willing to bet it's not in the C&P. My treating physician (one that did the C&P) gave me her business card a while back and told me feel free to contact her. I left a message, and am waiting for her to call me back. If I don't hear anything back today, first thing tomorrow mourning I'll be heading down to the VAMC to get a copy of this C&P so I can know for sure whether she included this information. Irreguardless, even if she did, the DRO still didn't address it. Like I said, she didn't even have the rating criteria infront of her when she did this C&P so I have a feeling she didn't even include it in the Exam.


    P.S., any and all help is greatly appreciated.

  14. Please, please help me.

    I just recieved a SSOC. They denied my new C&P. I think theres two factors. The doc, my treating physician, messed part of it up. Also, they misinterpreted evidence again.



    Here's the rating criteria:

    7119 Erythromelalgia:

    Characteristic attacks that occur more than once a day, last an average of more than two hours each, respond poorly to treatment, and that restrict most routine daily activities.................................................................. 100

    Characteristic attacks that occur more than once a day, last an average of more than two hours each, and respond poorly to treatment, but that do not restrict most routine daily activities........................................................ 60

    Characteristic attacks that occur daily or more often but that respond to treatment.......................................................30

    Characteristic attacks that occur less than daily but at least three times a week and that respond to treatment....................10



    Here's what I recieved:


    Entitlement to increased evaluation for service connected Erythromelalgia currently 30% disabling is denied.

    Reasons and Bases:

    The veteran submitted treatment reports from the Naval Medical CEnter noting treatment for his Erythromelalgia while on active duty. VA treatment reports and examination note history of symptoms and diagnosis by exclusion. The veteran indicates that the symptoms occure at least once per day lasting two hours or more. VA examiners noted that the veteran's symptoms have never been observed while active. (This is a flat out lie. They were observed while I was active duty. I was able to go to my PCP many times because the hospital was 10 minutes away, and we had an agreement when it got really bad I could come in without and appointment. Now the closest VAMC is atleast an hour and a half away, and I'm not going to make that drive while in pain.). All clinical testing was negative but noted deep perivascular dermatitis and rare eosinophils. There were no chilblains. Skin was normal with no rash or talangectagias. There was no erythema found. Diagnosis of Erythromelalgia was made. Social Security Administration records also note the veteran's disability.

    Review confirms current 30% evaluation for the veteran's service connected Erythromelalgia. The current medical evidence does not support entitlement to a higher evaluation.



    Obviously my treating physician (C&P doc) said nothing about treatment, or lack there of. No treatment has worked. Also, there is nothing on restricting activities, I can't work due to this condition, they even stated it with the SSA records. I also talked about how I can only play with my daughter for a short period of time before I can feel a flare comming on. There were many things that I mentioned about restriction. None of it made it into the exam notes though. The problem is, I had an appointment the day before the C&P, and then the C&P the following day. She decided to combine both appointments. She didn't do the traditional C&P. She wasn't even looking at the criteria when doing the C&P.

    I'm not sure if the DRO screwed this up or what, but I also have been seen while flared up. Either my treating physician(C&P Doc) or they misconstrued that information. I haven't been seen at the VAMC while flared, but have been seen while flared (while active duty).

    Here are my questions. Can I have the C&P doc ammend this examination and correct it? I know she would due to the errors, or lack of information. Will they look at it again, and issue a new SSOC or decision. I don't want my claim being certified for the BVA. I should be able to get this fixed at the VAMC. I'd be wasting a whole lot of time at the BVA when the evidence is all right there infront of them. What do I do here? Hopefully I can have her ammend this C&P, and get this fixed rather quickly.

    Please, please help me. I'm over the edge right now. I had a distant friend OD last night. At this point, I can truely see how life gets to be too much. I can't take any of this. I need a solution, but am affraid I'm limited on time. I feel that if I don't get this taken care of now, it'll be another year before the issue is taken care of, and my family is barely scraping by as it is.



  15. Thank you for the quick replies guys.

    I'll def. be doing that here in the next couple days Stretch.

    Pete, it'll def. be a SSOC. My claim was supposed to be awaiting certification for the BVA until I had my congressman get involved about them trying to continually rate me off a C&P that didn't pertain to my condition. They actually told me to be expecting a SSOC in their response to my congressman. I agree about my treating physician doing the C&P. I truely believe everything went very favorably only time will tell though.

    Anyone else have any ideas on the other questions I asked? I'm also wondering how much longer I'm looking at until they reach a decision. It's only been two weeks since my C&P. I'm going crazying thinking about all this though.

    Thanks again guys,


  16. You know, their playing the game again.

    Since I was on here last. I had an appointment with pain management. They said they were going to prescibe some new meds, and haven't yet. I'm truely thinking about filling a lawsuit for pain and anguish.

    I'll be using the same game plan I did last time, and see where that gets me. If no results, I'll be contacting a lawyer. May just do that anyway.

    I'm so fed up with this VAMC clinic. This is absolute bull sH%t.

  17. I have a few questions pertaining to my appeal. As some of you know, I had a C&P exam two weeks ago. It was at the VAMC with my treating physician. I need to go pick up the results.

    A little background on my appeal for those that dont know, or dont remember. I was rated under the wrong diagnostic code. They did this because they said my condition wasn't in the Schedule for rating disabilities. So they tried to rate me analogously. My condition is in the schedule. When they rated me analogously, they gave me the C&P for that analog condition. As soon as I recieved my first SOC, I realized this was a huge error, and had a letter of reconsideration in two days later, that they said due to no new material evidence decided to file an NOD even though there was evidence they could not have taken into consideration. They denied that. I filed another letter of reconsideration, with new and material evidence, they still decided to interpret it as an NOD. This time they partially granted it, essentially CUE'd themselves. They changed the DX code, but didn't change the percentage. They couldn't change the percentage because the C&P exam they had on file didn't fit the new diagnostic code, but instead of requesting a new C&P decided to leave it at that. At this point, I had to file a form 9. I filed the form 9 back in Nov of last year. About a month an a half ago, I decided to write my congressman about this situation. I wanted to see if I could prevent my file from being transferred to the BVA and get this damn mistake of the VA's fixed there at the VARO. Soon after my congressman had contacted them about two weeks after, I had a new C&P scheduled for the following week (two weeks ago).

    Here's my questions.

    Before they issue a SSOC, are they going to write me a letter asking me if I have any evidence? Should I write them a letter telling them that I have no more evidence, and to please finish my appeal a.s.a.p.? Should I have my congressman contact them again (seems like as soon as my congressman got involved, it got the ball rolling very quickly. maybe with another nudge it'll get done sooner)? As I said, from the time I contacted my congressman till the date of my C&P was about three weeks, with that being said, how much longer do you think I'll be wating on a decision? The C&P went completely favorably, and should put me where I should be, 100%. Where at the VAMC do I go to get a copy of this C&P? My dr. told me it was completed a couple days after my exam, and sent to the VARO. The VARO is telling me they haven't recieved it yet (week and a half after).

    Any and all responses to these questions would be greatly appreciated. Any advice, and input would also be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


  18. I think pete pasted the wrong one there..

    Here's the correct one:

    <H3 align=center>Neurological Disorders, Miscellaneous

    (Migraine, Tic, Paramyoclonus Multiplex, Sydenham's and Huntington's Chorea, and Athetosis)</H3>

    Name: SSN:Date of Exam: C-number:Place of Exam:

    A. Review of Medical Records:

    B. Medical History (Subjective Complaints):

    Comment on:

    1. Onset and course - If flare-ups exist, describe precipitating factors, aggravating factors, alleviating factors, alleviating medications, frequency, severity, duration, and whether the flare-ups include pain, weakness, fatigue or functional loss.

    2. Current treatment, response, side effects.

    C. Physical Examination (Objective Findings):

    1. If
      - Obtain the history of frequency and duration of attacks and description of level of activity the veteran can maintain during the attacks. For example, state if the attacks are prostrating in nature or if ordinary activity is possible.

    2. If
      Tics and Paramyoclonus Complex:
      - Ascertain the muscle group(s) involved and obtain the best possible history of frequency and severity of attacks. State the effects on daily activities.

    3. If
      Chorea, Choreiform Disorders, etc.:
      - Describe manifestations by impairment of strength, coordination, tremor, etc., with particular attention to the effects of the performance of ordinary activities of daily living.

    D. Diagnostic and Clinical Tests:

    1. Include results of all diagnostic and clinical tests conducted in the examination report.

    E. Diagnosis:

    I found it under neurological, misc.

    Hope this helps you out.

  19. Here's a link that rockhound actually posted in one of my topics that you'll probably find very useful. I'm sure it's posted around here more then 100 times, but I was unable to find it, and that's why rockhound helped me out.


    That will take to you to a list of all the VA C&P examination worksheets. Hope this helps, it sure helped me out with my C&P.


  20. I believe he's referring to this story:


    All you have to do to find the story and read more about it is google: " FBI probes $10M ransom demand VA ".

    Hope I was able to help. He maybe talking about a different story, but I believe this isn't a story about the VA, its a story about Virginia. Same timeframe, it'd be a pretty big coincidence if not.


    Sorry skunk, apparently I was posting when you were replying.

  21. Well,

    I had my C&P exam today. All the right questions were asked, and I'm feeling pretty confident. I had my wife in the exam room also, as well as my 3 1/2 year old daughter. I'm pretty sure this was a more then favorable C&P, and as I said before, the dr. that treats me was actually the one that did the C&P.

    I'm truely just wondering how long it's going to take now. The wait is going to kill me. The only reason my appeal got moving again was due to my letter to my congressman. I had my congressman contact them once, and they shot my questions down, wasn't really legit, but let it go. I then raised more questions like, "how could they rate me based soley off a C&P that doesn't even pertain to this condition?". Three weeks after my congressman wrote this letter, I was set up for a C&P exam that was only a week away. I raised other questions also. Mainly pertaining to the evidence they had thus far, and the fact they should have the ability to rate me soley off my SMR. Also questioned the fact that they admitted to goofing(partially granting) on part of the appeal, but didnt change the %, and that was due to them using a C&P that didn't pertain to my condition. The last issue I raised was how long it was taking them. This was the issue that the "aide" I spoke to was really interested in. So I'm wondering if I might get a decision real quick. What do you guys think? I'm hoping and praying. Atleast I know it will be impossible for them to shoot me down now(almost 100% sure they can't deny what I'm seeking).

    Any opinions/info is very welcomed. Thanks in advance.

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