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  1. Thank you for taking the time to respond. This is new navigation for me. The TERA is confirmed and is not disputed from the VA (and he has established service connection for HTN, DM based on his RVN TERA exposure) but these are relatively low disability ratings since it is his cancer that is the driver of his actual disability. The issue is that colorectal cancer is not yet one of the presumptive conditions related to AO exposure (most other cancers are, and colorectal is a presumptive for burn pits, but not yet for AO). The reason for denial is simply stated as "toxic exposure was 50 years ago, not a presumptive condition". His documentation is clear on the disability caused by his colorectal cancer (all medical records and spousal support letter submitted detailing his ADLs that he is unable to perform, which is unfortunately at this time almost all of them). The dispute from the VA therefore appears to not be with whether or not he is disabled, but with whether or not his AO exposure is likely to have caused his cancer. We have a letter from an oncologist supporting this but I was able to find additional medical journals, prior VA case determinations granting this service connection for other RVN AO exposures, etc supporting the link. I'm just not quite sure how/where to submit this info. Thank you again.
  2. Hello, New member here. I am assisting my father with his supplemental claim after initial denial for service connection for colorectal cancer from Agent Orange exposure in Vietnam (Has already had confirmed TERA). For a Statement in Support of Claim (form 21-4138) we are at a bit of an impasse as to what should be included. I have drafted a letter detailing current medical literature, prior VA determinations and rulings that all support strongly in total a service connection. My parents have read that this letter however should only include a personal statement as to how the cancer has affected his life (which has led to total disability and soon hospice). I do not understand how such a letter would support establishing the service connection, as this to me seems that it would only support the percent disability. Most examples I have found of this Statement in Support of Claim discuss the ways the condition has affected the veteran's disability, but not to establish the service connection. Does anyone have any guidance or experience with how to convey the actual scientific literature and legal precedents to include in justifying the claim? Thank you in advance for any guidance you may have.
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