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Posts posted by Seabee64

  1. Can you be at 100% and still working? I ask this because it is taking so long for my regular job to get my early retirement pushed through and I am afraid that the VA will actually beat them ( my regular job) to the punch and possibly award me 100% based upon my seizure disorder while I am still working. I also still have the military side I am waiting to hear from. It never crossed my mind to go TDIU. What is that? I have handled all of my claims and this whole ordeal myself without any assistance and am at a total loss as to where to go from here. Please keep it simple for the newby...LOL.

  2. Question...As of this week, I am 90% (87.7528) service connected through the VA for PTSD at 70%, migraines 30%, neck 20%, TBI 10%, left cervical spylondosis 10%, right cervical spylondosis 10%. I am now a reservist living in Shreveport, LA and I have a seperate package for the military that has been sent to Providence, Rhode Island and is in the gathering evidence phase. It was originally submitted only for PTSD but they have seen fit to include seizure disorder to the claims for me.These are two seperate things; one for the military and one for the VA. I never included seizure disorder in my claim for the VA. I had epilepsy when I was little but had long since outgrown it before entering the military and no, I did not disclose this to them.I only have 13 years with the military as a reservist and served two years in Iraq where I had an accident that injured my head and about three months later, I started having seizures again. I've been on 1000mg of Keoora and taking Topamax for the last four years and under a neurologist care ( all through the VA ) so all the medical evidence is there, I just never told the military. I went in September for a MEDBOARD review to Florida and between the PTSD and seizures, the military will not be retaining my services. I am in the process of early retirement at 50 % of my pay from my my job of 22 years because I just can't hang in there anymore...it's too much. My question is, on the military side of my claim in the gathering evidence phase they stated that "We need evidence showing that the following condition(s) existed from military service to the present time" referring to my seizure disorder. What do I do? Everything is documented in my service records and VA records and I was taking no medication until I sought treatment at the VA four months after returning from Iraq. It is well documented in my records that I have about 1 seizure every three weeks to a month but it is considered under controll and my doctors don't want to jack around with my medication. My idea is to just let it ride and see what happens but I would like some advice from the experts. Thank you.

  3. Thank you Carlie and Pete53. I am still currently working but on my way out the door as I can no longer avoid the obvious. I am only 47 but my cognitive skills, temperment, epilepsy, PTSD and many facets of TBI have become a part of my life to the point that I have to medically retire from my job after 20+ years and recieve only half my pay. The process of med retirement is like taking on the VA but it is a challenge I will undertake because I have earned it. I know that I have no chance of getting TDIU while I am still working...Question is, once I retire from the State of Louisiana where I currently work, how do I go about filing for TDIU with the VA? And what are the chances of getting it? How long does it take and do I go through my VA rep? (He's ineffective) Or what is the best and quickest way to go? I can't remember what I posted originally and I can't see it from this page but I am 80% SCd (70% PTSD & 20, 10,10,10 other). I have a pending TBI/migraines issue that has been in the development stage since 5/08/1010 while they sorted out the PTSD. But hey, at least they went ahead and resolved THAT issue! YIPPEE! I appreciate any comments and/or advice you might have to offer. I am at a total loss when it comes to all of this. Thanks again and have a blessed day!

  4. This is my second post on Hadit so forgive the new experience. I got the white envelope! I am 80% overall SC. 70% PTSD and cognitive disorder, 20%, 10%, 10% for cervical & neck problems and 10% tennitus. This whole rat race is so confusing to anyone, let alone someone with a brain injury and total lack of concentration or retintion of information. It took me two years of talking to my therapist at the VA to even get a VA rep and file. So it's been four years! My original claim was for TBI, cervical splondyosis, cervical radiculopathy, PTSD, tennitus and migraines. I have recieved all of my treatment through the VA for four years. Just this week, the 70% for PTSD was awarded and it was a hard fought battle as many of you know. I know that I am very fortunate to have gotten thru this in just two years, as many of you still fight on. I have a question...I have epilepsy also and have one or two, sometimes three grand mal seizures a month. I take Keppra twice a day and Topamax twice a day and have for over three years. Both perscribed and documented by the VA neurologist. The other question is that the TBI / Migraines claim has been deferred back to the development phase for a "medical opinion" (whatever that means) and if I do have a claim for epilepsy, can or should I go ahead and file it while the other claim is still processing. By the way, I had epilepsy as a teen but it was gone years before I joined the military and had never had any trouble with it until my TBI and this is documented in my medical records also. I'm sorry this is so jumbled, I'm just frustrated and confused and already tired of fighting these guys and I need a little bit of advice form the experts. I want to say thank you for this forum and all of the wonderful and kind people who dedicate themselves so unselfishly to helping others. I appreciate you.

    Thank you,


  5. Hello, I am new to posting but have been following Hadit for a while and appreciate all the advice from the members here. I am in a quandry. I am currently rated at 80% (20, 10, 10, 10, 70). I was rated at 40% for a neck injury. I just recieved the white envelope taking me from 40 to 80 percent for PTSD, depressive disorder and cognitive disorder. They deferred on the TBI and migraines for a medical opinion. The TBI is documented by neurologist and spect scans as well as my being on a TBI study group at the VA. Is covering me under PTSD for a cognitive disorder the same thing as the cognitive problems that stem from my TBI? I am currently still working only because I have been at my job for 23 years and am in a position where I deligate. I have been demoted and am in serious danger of loosing my job in short order due to so many things that I am sure you are all aware of. I feel like they might would have rated me higher if I hadn't of been still working. I know right, 70% for PTSD right off the bat is alright but it only took me four years to get it! So, why would they defer the TBI and migraines for a medical opinion.

    Thanks y'all,

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