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About Aremihc

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  • Service Connected Disability
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  1. Thank you for the response! The whole bed rest crap has been going on for months now. My initial doctor said just what you explained "Oh that'll make it worse".. yea... I have been doing bed rest just like a doc would prescribe anyways. It's just a joke and what really pains me: The next guy in line probably has something worse than me; and they're gonna screw him over. Didn't even think to look at SS! I just hope GI Bill doesn't take 4 months again; I only have enough money for 2 months rent. Thank goodness i'm christian, otherwise poverty would be such an annoyance. I feel very fortunate to be a borderline homeless veteran than to actually BE homeless again.
  2. Wow... LOD - Getting released from Reserves soon.........YAY! (Medboard, again (got medboard from active once before)) Next week, Spinal Fusion! Lumbar shits getting fused with some bolts! (Went through a ton of injections already (7 series of hydro/steroid/epidural 3-6 shots each series)) Waste of my fuckin time. Hopefully Post 9-11 GI Bill kicks in and I get to be on that while I recuperate. I am using my parents blue cross blue shield and just cataloging everything. Writing a fuckin bio for the masses. My Anti-Recruiting ad. Went back to the VA with my mother (seriously, she didn't believe me when I explained the VA process). Suprise suprise, my Physician has been "removed".... Soooooooooooooooooooo- I wanna xxxx these bastards hardcore Where do I complain????????? Psychosomatic just got psycho-expensive motha-FUCKERS!! Cha-ching! Bitches gonna pay in green or red at this point. Can I get a HELL YEA! No?.... lol (Just a note, my Reserve unit is xxxxxxx awesome nonetheless; these people (a select few higher command) have been keeping me paid with menial task. I LOVE the Military; not this VA crap.)
  3. I could only scan over the comments just now but I have to say a big: THANKYOU to all of you on here. The information you are giving me is top notch! Today I wanted to prep my older medical files and look for discrepancies. Sadly i've been dealing with a ton of other issues (flat tires, stripped nuts, rent, etc etc). I'll have more information by this weekend after organizing my med files. Real quick though: I do not have any information relating it to being aggravated or superimposed. After I was recalled (about 4 months from active duty) I was given the release documentation. (Filed with Va after being refused re-entry through recall) Will serving in the Active Reserve (4 months) allow me to restart a new claim easily with the VA? Or do I have to deal with the initial claim I sent in 2009 first? The only reason I was allowed into the reserves is because I was NEVER medically screened until very recently when they held an SRP (readying for deployment) My objective from the beginning of the Reserves was to fix my back, and the VA has all that on record :D My doctor is seeing me Friday and i'm certain he'll validate my bed rest. Something I need so I can take care of VA appointments and avoid the heavy duty i'm about to get Saturday (Boy my first lines are gonna be pissed, meh). My physician is Ron Pauls son so i'm certain he'll agree with me on my issues with Government :D Keep it coming
  4. I believe it was insufficient material or evidence. I would have to double check (tomorrow is my re-re-organize files day). I am NOT looking for retro-active anything. Money means so little to me people.. I just can't handle being a debt slave (20$ co-pay chiro X 3 times a week every 1 month = $240 a month.. i'm paid 500 max from reserves and rent is 325...)). I just have evidence (military medical records) stating it was acquired in the line of duty. The VA denied me and I just held onto my documents thinking my condition wasn't as bad (as maybe an amputee or someone in DIRE need of the VA services). I thought I could suck it up and rough it out. Apparently that does more damage... I will start this as an entirely new claim if I can because I have more issues in my upper back. Will being in the active reserves these past 4 months (since Jan) do me any good? I know I may need to schedule another VA visit specifically for my upper back.
  5. I know my pain thresholds. I have taken knife stabs to my hand, broken collar bone in football (KEPT PLAYING, tackled on other side); and Manchus Ruck wasn't enough for me. THIS PAIN; makes everything ten times harder/slower/unfinished I can't operate because I can't get out of bed. It's 11:00 and i'm just now getting breakfast. I go to bed at 9 but this is my life at 25 years. "When I've been asked about my back from VA, they say "Can you touch your toes". Never have they asked, "How far can you go before it hurts".... I always touched my toes and said "Thanks, now my back feels like ice" to those bastards!" I understand that I have a "common condition" for older adults, yet i'm 25 and I was diagnosed at 21. I understand that I have had a "common condition" which has been degenerative the last 3 years. I understand that my condition has many similarities to other conditions as well. I also understand what DENIED means, and a what a big middle finger looks like. A colleague went to Iraq for less than a month: 100% PTSD So I guess my only other question would be: Can you sleep outside the VA; I may have to do that when I get thrown out on the street.
  6. This is my first post and I apologize if it's in the wrong area. I researched other peoples issues but I find mine to be a bit unique. I will do this chronologically and as summarized as possible: I left the U.S. Army Infantry in May of 2009, after serving since Jan 2006. I had not found any work but I was attending school (GI bill was coming in nice). When I received a recall packet (not unexpected at all) I dropped school happily to have my back checked out. Soon enough, they found the problem and released me. 9 Oct 2009 FINDINGS: There is bilateral spondylolysis at L5 with grade 1- spondylolisthesis of L5 on S1. IMPRESSION: 1. Bilateral spondylolysis at L5 with grade 1 anterolisthesis of L5 on S1. 2. Indistinctness of the superior endplate of L5, this may be artifactual, however a CT scan of the lumbar spine should be obtained for more complete evaluation. 15 Oct 2009 Radiologic Examination Report Procedure: CT L-Spine w/o contrast CAT scan lumbar spine There is grade 1 spondylolisthesis. No abnormality otherwise identified. Transcription Date/Time: 15 Oct 2009 23 Oct 2009 Provisional Diagnosis: ACQUIRED DEFORMITY - SPONDYLOLISTHESIS Reason for Request: 23 yeat old USIRR male with grade 1 spondylolisthesis, please evaluate and provide recommendations for deployability. --- Consult(s): -Referred To: PHYSICAL THEMPY CONSULT (72 Hours) Specialty: Clinic: PHYSICAL THERAPY Primary Diagnosis: ACQUIRED DEFORMITY - SPONDYLOLISTHESIS 2. sleep disturbances: Pt reports trouble sleeping seocndary to his physical symptoms. Has tried Ambien in past, was not able to tolerate med due to adverse side effects. Will start trial of Lunesta. Medication(s): -ESZOPTCLONE (LUNESTA) 1MG--PO 1MG TAB - TAKE 1 TABLET By MOUTH AT BEDTIME #30 RFO Ql 30 Rf: 0 & MedBoarded Now, I spent some time trying to get school back organized (disaster) when I got back. That and I took on the big ole VA alone: Dear Mr. (so and so) We made a decision on your claim for service connected compensation received on December 10,2009. We determined that the following condition was not related to your military service, so service connection couldn't be granted: Spondylolisthesis (claimed as back and spinal condition) During this time I was being made a cuckold by my now ex-wife who thankfully; bore none of my children. So I deal with my divorce and struggle to survive. Having still worked absolutely no jobs, I try for school again. Only this time I received my GI Bill a day after the last day to drop classes. I'm basically living out of my car when Dec 2011 rolls around and---- *Ring ring ring* "We want you to be Intelligence for the reserves" Ummmm.... unemployed for 3 years; yea, i'll go intelligence. BUT I want my back taken care of first because it's worse than ever. VA denied me so I never tried any support other than a chiropractor. I'm a 11B grunt, what do people expect?? Reserves say: No problem VA looks at my file like a train wreck, my unit gets SRP so probably deploying; my back gets checked: LOD - now they're looking at a medboard (#2 by my recollection). I'm stressed, I started to smoke marijuana because my g-ma that raised me (I moved one block from her nursing center to help feed/entertain) died a few months ago. I self referred to my command and now i'm in OSAP. While OSAP will help me quite smoking cigarettes, I doubt it will be as useful for me with marijuana. (My joke: Nicotine gum was my gateway drug.... didn't go over well) I know i'm going to smoke, it helps better than all the meds. My unit revoked my security so no longer can I "run S-2". Instead I'll be tasked to menial 11B labor for a stoner. I came to work, I busted ass; I even said "I'll come in for the flag". What did I get in return? First Ibuprofen, then; Tramadol Baclofen Meloxicam I initially opted out (myself!) of all of the higher end drugs because of my addictive personality. I'll pass on the surgeries, i'm 25; I should be able to do therapy! (Not a therapy 2 hours away, making the event worthless because the drive back will destroy everything they do....) All the meds either make me sick; or make me loopy. I only take baclofen now for bedtime when necessary... ----------- Now i'm supposed to talk to someone in the benefits section eh? It's been 3 years, I feel pain in my UPPER back, shoulders, neck, and arms as well as my lower extremities. My spine looked dominoed at my chiropractors and now the VA tells me: Treat it psychosomatically The pressure has me curling my toes all day long, I am in pain, I have trouble finding and holding suitable work that doesn't make me feel like a bus ran over me. They have had me shredding paper in the reserves because they know about my problem. When I've been asked about my back from VA, they say "Can you touch your toes". Never have they asked, "How far can you go before it hurts".... I always touched my toes and said "Thanks, now my back feels like ice" to those bastards! Any helpful data would be nice, I want to apply for 100% (Not looking to be a lifer people, I just have NO SUPPORT FOR MY CONDITION). I just want resolution so I can get back to a REGULAR life. My doctor should write me a bed rest prescription; it will prevent me from being hard labored at Drill these next few months thank god. Lastly; I exited the military over 200 pounds. Today I weigh 145. I've done the exact OPPOSITE of the boy who cried wolf; yet i'm treated as a malingerer the ENTIRE process. Any help at all, I will no doubt be homeless again soon when the paychecks stop coming next month.
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