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About jbowen0205

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  1. Thanks I'm so confused how theycan condem me for serving my country and penalizing me for it afterwards.
  2. I did have one but he was a joke but I guess my next option since I can't afford another lawyer is ask dav.
  3. To keep it short I'm 100% disabled veteran I have never been in any legal trouble, me and my girlfriend had a child together and through a custody battle the judge has said because I have PTSD which is controlled just fine even with the letters from the VA to the judge he deems me on fit to have any kind of custody with my child or any interaction with them I've not seen my son in almost 2 years because of this sidebar on this I have had full custody of three other children and raise them on my own and they're fine adults and children now my middle child Jefferson drowned in the lake while swimming four years ago and the judges also same because of this I have mental issues help what can I do there's nothing in my medical record VA medical record stating that I am unfit why am i harm to myself or others they made me give up my medical record the judge and they found nothing but he still said that I am unfit to stab or even see Wyatt my son can someone please help
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