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Super Ron

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About Super Ron

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  • Service Connected Disability

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  1. How soon depends on a job offer. I have been waiting for a offer for 2 months. The company has the opening and has narrowed the position down from 15 people who interviewed to three of us. I think they already had their minds made up who they were going to hire until I applied. I gave them something to consider. If offered the position, I will be on terminal in October with a retirement date of 1 Jan. Ron
  2. I am retiring soon after 21 years and would like to know what to expect from the VA as far as the process goes. I know there is know telling what I will get, but I have issues that have been routinely addressed. Here are the chronic issues I put up with on a daily basis that have not been resolved: Since 1994 I have had testicular pain on a daily basis following a vasectomy. I have tried anti-inflammatories, Neurotin, cord blocks and even a vasectomy reversal with no luck. Since 2002 I have had back pain since moving some furniture. This is also aggrivated by arthritis between L5 and S1. I have again done the anti inflammtories, tens unit, chiropactor, and physical therapy. I am going today for a traction appointment for the first time. For years, I have suffered with bilateral knee pain. They tried to do a lateral release on my left knee and left in in worse condition than it was before. I refuse to let them do the other for fear I will not be able to walk with out a cane. Most days I were knee braces. If I didn't I would not be able to walk up the stairs to go to bed by the end of the day. 3 years ago, I had a pop in my elbow. Every since I have pain and burning in my shoulder. The orthepedic surgeon has given me steroid shots in my shoulder but says the elbow was a coincidence. He has never even looked to see if there was anything wrong with the shoulder. The diagnosis is an impingement in the shoulder. Corrective action is surgery but again with the way my left knee was messed up I am scared to let them touch my shoulder. For the last 2 years I have had migraines. It started as dizzy spells followed by headaches. Took them over a year to figure out they were migraines. I am on Topamax for this but hope to be weened off here within the next couple months. After years of living in this chronic pain on a daily basis, I have been taken off of flying status. And have finally been given a referal to a pain management clinic off base. If things go my way, I will be receiving a job offer this week and dropping my retirement paperwork. If not, I will be automatically MEB'ed in July. If the MEB happens, I want to wait until Nov 08 to retire to I can go to school. But at this point, I don't even know if I can go to school with the daily pain and the topamax affecting my concentration. Anyway, sorry for rambling. Just wanting to know what I can expect for the process. Ron
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