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About Sharm

  • Birthday May 31

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  • Military Rank
    E-7 (Ret)
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  1. Thanks for your help and support GBArmy, great advice, didn't think about "Laundry List" may slow the process down. Thanks again.
  2. I am preparing multiple "New" claims to be submitted on the VA Form 21-526EZ. Does the VA make an individual decision/rating on each claim; then sends you a notification for the individual claim that's rated (or) Waits till all the decision/rating for the claims submitted on the VA Form 21-526EZ to be rated? If I have an Intent To File Claim on File, once (1) of the claim has been decided upon or rated; will the rest of the claims on the form be treated as "Normal Claims" (or) Will they all have the same date as indicated on the Intent To File?
  3. Need assistance in where to find on ebenefits to File a VA Form 21-0966 (Intent To File A Claim For Compensation) ?
  4. I'm putting together a claim package to be submitted (hip replacement) , should I also file for my PTSD claim at the same time? The hip replacement is for a "New" claim PTSD is for a "New" claim
  5. As I have been putting a package together for a claim, I found my entrance medical examination and noticed a "Note" in regards to a clinical evaluation for Pes planus. I do not have a disability rating even for noncompensable condition for 0%. I researched how the Department of Veterans Affairs rates veterans with flatfoot under 38 C.F.R § 4.71a, diagnostic code 5276, and it stated that veterans can be rated between 0 percent and 50 percent on a scale of mild to pronounced for flat foot. Could this have been overlooked during my VA Medical Exam? How and should I bring this up now? Background: Entrance medical examination in 1985, notes (36. Feet) Pes Planus, mild VA medical examination in 2009, nothing mention of Pes Planus nor any rating given During military career had inserts in boots Documented foot issues Current having issues with tibial tendon Background: On my entrance examination, conducted in 1985, it was noted under the clinical evaluation (36.) Feet that "Pes Planus, mild"
  6. 1. Current diagnosis of osteoarthritis of the hips. Prior to the Total Hip Replacement , I had a diagnosis of osteoarthritis. The replacement "fixed" the osteoarthritis and complex tear of the anterosuperior labrum 2. Documentation of an in service event which caused your current diagnosis. No documentation of a service event, only document would be in my job as working in Postal Operations and that state that the personal cannot have permanent physical restrictions prohibiting duty involving prolonged standing, walking, or lifting of weights up to 70 pounds (DOD Directive). The nature of my job, daily significant physical stress was placed upon my body staining my lower extremities. On my VA examination I put in for back issues, but was denied...prior to my THR I did research and found out that "hip issues" can be misidentified as back issues. 3. Doctor who opined your osteoarthritis of the hips, which requires replacement, is at least as likely as not due to your in service event. Yes, my doctor who did opine that your osteoarthritis of the hips (requiring replacement) is at least as likely as not due to my job (and will do a NEXUS Letter), however she can not say due to one or more of your currently SC conditions as there is none to associate it with. So when I go to file for a NEW Claim, what will I be filling for (this is my confusion). Osteoarthritis with Complex Tear of the anterosuperior labrum (or) Total Hip Replacement
  7. How do I proceed on filling a new claim for hip replacement(s)? Retired in 2010 BENEFIT SOUGHT: Background - NEW - Service connection for chronic bilateral primary osteoarthritis of hip with a complex labrum tear (Right side). Was diagnosed with chronic bilateral primary osteoarthritis of hip with a complex labrum tear (right side, with moderate right and severe left degenerative changes of the hip. Evidenced by bony proliferative changes and subchondral sclerosis. Right, lateral, femoral head neck junction subcortical cyst, 8 mm in size (Radiology Reports). Served 24 years and 1 month(DD Form 214)in my military occupational specialty as a Postal Specialist(8M00). The DoD 4525.6-M list the physical qualification to be selected and maintained into this occupational specialty.C5.3.2.7. state that the personal cannot have permanent physical restrictions prohibiting duty involving prolonged standing, walking, or lifting of weights up to 70 pounds (DOD 4525.6-M Extract). Due to the nature of my job, daily significant physical stress was placed upon my body staining my lower extremities. -Loading and unloading 20/40 foot mail trailers(bending, lifting, and stacking)containing mail pouches boxes as well as loose items without a conveyor belt. - Loading and unloading (bending, lifting, and stacking)commercial air craft cargo containers. Radiology Reports Starting in Nov 2015 - Sept 2018 - Shows a advance degeneration of the hip(s). Nov 2017 - MRI was performed , found complex tear of the anterosuperior labrum Dec 2017 - Hip Injection of Steroid. Treatments (Prior to hip replacement) Physical Therarpy Medications (Anti-Inflammatory, pain) Steroid Injection Total Hip Replacement was done in Oct 2018 and Jan 2019. A NEW - Service connection for chronic bilateral primary osteoarthritis of hip with a complex labrum tear (Right side) WAS NOT done due to the fact that I had the THR(s) done prior to obtaining all the documents needed to be filled. I do not have any thing listed on my VA Physical Examination on the Labrum tear and or for degenerative hip(s). I was only checked for ROM in the joints, no X-rays were done, other than for Lumbar tendonitist (which was not granted) Can I make a NEW CLAIM for the HIP Replacement(s)
  8. Thank you for the link providing the DBQs; can/should I forward a DBQ with a new claim?
  9. I was diagnose with Chronic Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (309.81) in 2014.It was not included in my initial VA exam in 2009, as I wasn't even aware of it...I keep it in denial for many years. However, a time came when I broke. I went to see my Doctor and was referred directly to Behavioral Health.I was being seen at the Landstuhl Behavioral Health (Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, Germany) for over two years. A change in both my Psychiatrist, and Psychologist but all went well with the transition. However, with personnel and budget cuts my time at Landstuhl ended and was told that I could be recommended to an outside provider, as I could no longer be seen there as a retiree. I had my last session, and that was it for me...never went to an outside provider, as I don't trust them and or locations that is not within a military community. It took me a long time to trust the Doctors I had in the Military (Contractor) but no way I would trust someone outside. I haven't been seen in about 2 1/2 years now, never made a claim with the VA for this, as it was after my VA exam in 2009...should I put a claim in for this, if so where do I begin. I'm starting to feel some of the anxiety and depression again, as well as anger. I been keeping it under control for now. My next question is in reference to the attachment, do I file for PTSD with secondary of anxiety and autonomic arousal? This is my first new claim, and we do not have VSO's here in Germany. Any advise and or pointer would be most helpful.Any help would be appreacheiate. PTSD Leter.PDF
  10. Hello everyone, looking for advice on preparing a new claim for Compensation. My claim was filed as part of the VA's Quick Start initiative (Ramstein AB) on 6 November 2009 with disabilities shown to be in incurred in service 1 January2010. At the time of my evaluation, I put in for connection for lumbago (claimed as lower back injury and lumbar tendonitis: DENIED ) as I had previous had a few issues with my back during my 24 years + service as a Postal Working in the USAF. I had no idea, or even thought about arthritis. Now I have found out that I have moderate right (with complex labrum tear) and severe left degenerative changes of the bilateral hips evidenced by bony proliferative changes and subchondral sclerosis. Right lateral, femoral head neck junction subcortical cyst, 8mm in size. Right lesser trochanter fragmentation/bony exostosis suggesting enthesopatic changes. IMPRESSION: Advance degenerative changes, left greater than right, bilateral hip. As I later found out, lowing back pain is sometime not from the back at all but from the pelvic. Now I am being schedule for total hip replacement (L) and (R) side. Any ideal on the best way to make a new claim for this, should I wait till after the THR or start the process now? Any advise and or experience on a similar situation would be most appreacheiate.
  11. I recently received my decision letter from the VA for obstructive sleep apnea, which was currently 0 percent disabling, increased to 50 percent effective June 19, 2107. I submitted via e-benefits the intent to file on June 19, 2017, and actually complete the claim for decision on May 8, 2018 (within the one year time frame). The time that I submitted the completed claim (8 May 2018) to the rating decision (20 July 2018) was 100 days, which seem pretty good time to me. My combined rating evaluation was 30% (effective 2010) and was increased to 60% (effective 19 June 2017). My monthly entitlement amount is shown below: How is retro pay calculated? Will I be back pay the $1,180.13 per month from the effective date of 17 June 2017, or only a portion of it as I was paid by the VA for the 30% (with $512.51 being deducted from my military retirement). Will I get the other portion back from DFAS from my military pay? I don't understand the math. Many thanks in advance for your replies.
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