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  1. Hi everyone, Thank you for your comments. I just called the white house hotline. Thank you for giving me that information. They said that they are going to have someone look into it immediately. Please understand that my HLR was closed without the supplemental record for the duty to assist error corrections being taken care of. This was confirmed by calling peggy and also from Disabled Veterans looking at my files in the VA computer. There were no opened files for me. I am praying that by contacting the white house, some one will honestly address my concerns. If I didn't have you guys for support, I don't know where I would be. The worst thing in the world is being in pain or suffering from a mental condition and not being heard. It's great that there are so many caring hearts in this forum. Thank you. Will let you know how I make out.
  2. Hi, I am praying that someone could help me. I had a Higher Level Review. They found several duty to assist errors and was suppose to send it to the AOJ for corrections. My HLR closed but the duty to assist errors were sent for correction. I called the 800 number and informed them what was done, I called and asked to speak to a supervisor, I sent a letter through IRIS and I sent a letter to the intake center alerting them all of what was done. To date, no one has answered my calls or emails. My case is suppose to be expedited due to hardship. Is there any one else who I could talk to that would look in to this? This has been going on for about a month now.
  3. Hi, Can you tell me what usually happens with duty to assist errors that are sent for correction? Is a supplemental claim opened? I received the decision letter from my higher level review, but it still shows as open and a supplemental claim was not created.
  4. Hi, If I am already service connected for IVDS syndrome and degenerative changes of thoracolumbar spine. I have arthritis in both SI Joints. Is this connected to the IVDS?
  5. Hi, I pray that someone can give me some answers because I feel distraught. I filed for a higher level review. The decision came back saying, it was returned for correction of a duty to assist error in the prior decision. The Va Medical opinion was not sufficient for rating purposes. What happens now? Do I have to go for another exam? I called and was told that no exam was scheduled for me.
  6. Hi, I pray that someone can give me some answers because I feel distraught. I filed for a higher level review. The decision came back saying, it was returned for correction of a duty to assist error in the prior decision. The Va Medical opinion was not sufficient for rating purposes. What happens now? Do I have to go for another exam? I called and was told that no exam was scheduled for me.
  7. I feel distraught. What do you do when you need help, but the Va says you don't hurt enough and denies your aid and attendance? They rated me as !00% combined but said I don't meet the criteria for smc aa. They said my medical record show I require some assistance with bathing and other hygiene tasks, my service connected conditions do not meet criteria for a grant of special compensation based on the need for an aid. In order to be eligible, my service connected disability must be totally disabling and be the sole cause or contribute to the need for aid and attendance. I have no service connected disability evaluated at 100 percent. They said if I had disabilities resulting from the same disease process and/or certain combinations of primary and secondary disabilities, they could consider that. But in my case, everything for my back adds up to only 90%. They said they couldn't add the fibromyalgia 40%, depression 70%, or neck 10% into that formula. I've been shifting from crying to being lifeless for the past week. Where am I suppose to turn for help now? What am I suppose to do? I think the worst part of the rating, is that it feels like someone got an in dept look at my life and screamed back at me, that nothing I am going through is taken seriously by any one.
  8. Hi, My doctor did submit the form and I had a c&P exam for an increase. I see the 100% combine disability final on e-benefits but the aid and attendance is not there. I am distraught because I really need help. My husband is sick too. I have someone that comes in to help me, but I can't afford to pay her. I don't have any where else to turn. I have to wait for the decision letter to see what happened.
  9. I need help you guys. I don't know what to do and I am so distraught. I have fibromyalgia really bad and a back issues that prevents me from taking care of myself. My nurse practioner applied for the aid and attendance benefit for me but ebenefits was updated showing that I was awarded 100% but the smc L is not listed. They gave me 40% for my back and 60% secondary for my bladder. Shouldn't the primary condition be higher than the secondary condition?
  10. Hi, I seen my decision posted on e-benefits. I went from 90% P&T to 100% P&T but I don't see a SMC L listed for the Aid and Attendance benefit. Does that mean I was denied? Also, I was given 40% for my back but 60% for my bladder secondary to my back. Is that right?
  11. My e benefits account was updated today with my increase. I was 90% with 10% TDIU. Now I am 100% P &T. I applied for Aid and Attendance. Should my e benefits show that I was awarded SMC L, if it was granted or should it be seen in my benefits letter? Neither of them say it.
  12. If a veteran is service connected for both fibromyalgia(40%) and spine conditions(60% and 10%), radiculopathy (20% upper, 20% lower) and is in need of aid and attendance, could the veteran receive a higher SMC because both conditions require Aid and Attendance. The veteran also has mental health issue that equals 50% but may be increased to 100%.
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