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First Class Petty Officer
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About Kuwaitin08

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  • Service Connected Disability
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  1. On my most recent claim, I was able to get service connected to put me at the 100% mark and was permanent and total. I had submitted an intent to file in August 2023. When I received my decision letter, I saw that for whatever reason there was a newer intent to file that occurred in March however, I never submitted a new intent to file. The date of this intent file was the same date a supplemental claim was submitted. The strangest part is not only was there one intent to file on that date, but there were seven. This definitely is indicative of some sort of error. I had taken my time and spoke to ebenefits customer service and tech-support, and the other VA claims representatives to see if they could pull up the intent to file to verify if I actually submitted it, but nobody has access to see the document and can only see that the system said it was submitted. How can I get this fixed and who should I contact? This error has cost me over seven months of backpay. I fully understand I could dispute the date.
  2. I’m currently rated at 30% for IBS/Gerd. I recently submitted a claim for diverticulitis which I believe would be rated under IBS. My diverticulitis symptoms are quite severe and am fairly certain it will be service connected especially considering my VA Gastro Doc provided a nexus letter. I know IBS is maxed at 30% and Gerd is 60%… So being that my IBS and Gerd are combined, would that mean that with my new Diverticultis (IBS) disability that my rating could be bumped up?
  3. I have recently submitted a claim for Diverticulitis secondary to IBS. I’m maxed out on IBS at 30%. My diverticulitis causes a lot of distress and as such, it makes me lose a lot of work. 1-2 days a month for appointments, 1-2 days off of work for symptoms and an additional 1-2 days off a month for hospitalizations. I should be good to go as my VA doctor filled out a DBQ and opined it was at least as likely as not aggravated by IBS. Do you believe the VA will lump the diverticulitis in with IBS or will they rate it some other way. thanks!
  4. I’ve done a bit of research and see that’s chronic multi symptom illness is a presumptive condition that the VA recognizes now. I have never seen a physician classify specific items into that group however, I have many of the issues that are considered presumptive under that umbrella. How would I file for chronic multisymptom illness. Would I use that as the title and then provide documentation showing my myriad of issues that fall under the umbrella of presumptive service connection?
  5. I have recently submitted two Fully Developed Claims and a request for an increase on the same day. Will the FDC claims be processed in an expedited manner or will the timeline be delayed by the request for an increase? Thank you
  6. Thank you all. After getting feedback and doing research, I just submitted a fully developed claim and a different claim for a request for an increase. Thank you for all the feedback. I’ll let you folks know how it went.
  7. I'm preparing to submit documentation for a fully developed claim for some gastrointestinal issues. I'm not worried about it as I have everything I need to get it approved. My last FDC took only 38 days. At the same time, I need to submit paperwork requesting a HLR for a rating in which I received 0%. Would I be better off submitting both at the same time or should I do the FDC first and the HLR later?
  8. Hello all. I am currently SC for IBS at 30%. With that being said, I have had pretty severe Diverticultis for a few years as well. My diverticulitis presents in such a way that it would classify closely as ulcerative colitis (DC 7323) which the VA uses based on symptoms. My symptoms would easily get me 60%. I’m a huge mess and visit the hospital a few times a year for it not to mention other minor flare ups treated with antibiotics. What would be the suggestion on how to get this SC? Would it be best to try to get it as secondary to IBS? I just want to be cautious as to not have them lump it together with IBS. Documentation, diagnoses and continuous treatment are not an issue at all.
  9. In 2000 I claimed a back injury. It was a very weak claim and was denied as it should’ve been. I never appealed it at all. I attempted to file a new claim for a back injury from 2008 but the VA will not allow me to do it because I had submitted a back claim back in 2000. They claim that I have to appeal the old claim.
  10. The problem is not with the evidence. I have the documentation that shows the injury that occurred in 2008. The problem is that I am unable to submit a new claim with that evidence. Because a claim was made back in 2000 for the same body part, the VA requires that I either appeal it or complete a supplemental for that injury. The evidence I currently have from 2008 is not considered new and relevant evidence because it occurred after the date of the initial claim. so my problem is that I am stuck. I cannot submit a new claim with the evidence in hand because I’m not allowed to open up another claim with the same body part.
  11. I had submitted a claim for a back injury in 2000 when I originally got out of the Army. It was denied because I was a turd and the claim was less than solid. In 2008, I reinjured my back during my deployment. I tried to do a claim for a new injury in 2008 but it was rejected saying I needed to appeal my original back claim in 2000. Of course, none of my new evidence supported my claim 8 years prior so it was sure to be denied which it was. Im completely stuck on how to submit a claim for the new injury in 2008. VSO’s in my area are worthless. Any ideas/suggestions? Thanks!
  12. It was denied 20 years ago because I was a turd and didn’t do my legwork back in my youth. not service connected.
  13. In the beginning of March I submitted a supplemental claim for a back injury. It was first denied around 20 years ago and I never got around to filing another appeal since the initial attempt was made. When I filed the supplemental, I attached a bunch of new evidence to prove service connection. I just found out the supplemental claim was closed without them scheduling a C&P. One would assume it is not going to be a favorable outcome. Has this happened to anyone else?
  14. Thanks for the info. My SCD is in my left ear only and the VA isn’t recommending surgery. As for having this be SC, I found it could be caused by loud noises, explosions and head trauma. I’m hoping logic and reason will rule the day and they’ll see that the timeline for the symptoms are spot on as they started soon after a service injury and have become progressively worse with time. Fingers crossed.
  15. I’m familiar with audiology ratings and am SC for everything except vertigo. With the VA’s new diagnoses of my condition, I imagine it’s gonna be a hot mess trying to have the disability folks square it away. Superior Canal Dehiscence wasn’t even discovered until 1998. I don’t foresee any real battle with getting SC for SCD due to the VA giving the diagnoses and the timeline, I just like to get a general idea on how they rate things. This looks like a hot mess.
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