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About dbgrace1970

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  1. I know this may have been discussed previously, but here’s another example. I was service connected for heart conditions at ten percent. I appealed the percentage and also put in for IU. I U was denied and the percentage was not addressed, so I submitted a HLR to address the percentage. I got a message to contact LHI for a C&P. Called them a moment ago. Turns out VA is asking for an IMO on ALL my prior claims. These claims are ten years old. Seems kind of strange? Doesn’t it? HLR updates say a decision was made on 10/15, then it says an error was found the same day and they are fixing it. Not feeling too confident about this news.
  2. Another UPDATE: Appeal was filed, second C&P exam was performed. That nurse told me that she thought I should be checked for COPD due to smoking for years. I told her that was fine and all, but not what I was here for, and I've never been told COPD might be a problem. Had a quick exam, and a couple of weeks later received a letter from VA stating they service connected the heart attack at 10 percent, with the mandatory 100 percent rating for 3 months following myocardial infarction. But weren't done adjudicating because the C&P notes " are not clear and have been returned to the provider for clarity". The letter went on to say the rating may go up once the notes are cleared up. I'm assuming its because she included notes about COPD. So waiting to hear the final decision. All in all, im pretty impressed, as always, with Nebraska's RO, regarding the minimal amount of time they take to reach decisions.
  3. UPDATE: Got a letter from my private doctor, a cardiologist. Letter stated that connections between depression and heart attacks are well known and well documented and it was AT LEAST AS LIKELY AS NOT that my heart attack was caused by service connected depression and anxiety. I filed the appeal on October 15. I am set for ANOTHER C&P for this Friday, but already received the enclosed letter. I cant believe they already adjudicated the IU and the P&T. before I even have the next C&P. And how have they gotten that far before I even get the results of my previous C&P, which I requested in Late August? My original claim in 2011 only took four months to approve and close.
  4. Thanks Bronc. Wouldnt be presumptive for me, I discharged in 1990 with no AO exposure. That being said, did spend time on Chanute Air Force Base, which is now a superfund area, I believe, and was designated one shortly after I left there. But I just received a phone call from my cardiologists office. He has received the request to look at the records and determine if it is AT LEAST AS LIKELY or better. They'll get back to me tomorrow.
  5. The year ,mark is in just a few days. I had figured I had already lost out on the time, and then realized a couple months ago their was still time on the clock. I requested the C&P records so I could quote exactly what the doctors opinion was. And challenge anything else he had put in their, like alengthy interview or something. But the time it has taken to get those back has been its own challenge. Then, of course because why wouldnt it, my hard drive crashed last week, losing all of my medical records. Ill have to go back tot eh original hospital that treated me to get those. Which is good, I suppose, because that cardiologist is the one that told me it certainly could be tied to stress and depression. This will take some quick action. ugh
  6. Forgive me if this has been asked previously. I am trying to navigate the site and did not find anything searching for it. I am currently service connected at 50 percent for depression, listed as MDD and Anxiety. Had a heart attack last year. STEMI. CAD diagnosis. In discussing lifestyle changes, I was asked what my stress level was as far as job, home life, leisure, prior health, etc. Stress is high and depression is thick and real. Was told that the depression and anxiety COULD be a contributing factor and Id want to be as stress free as possible. Applied for secondary heart attack, due to depression and anxiety with VA. had C&P exam. Saw doctor (contractor, QCV or something) for five minutes in which he said nothing to me. looked at computer screen, typed some things up, and excused me. Was later denied..."It is less likely than not that the veteran has a diagnosis of CAD with MI requiring stent placement that was proximately due to to MDD, anxiety, or OCD. There is no medical evidence that MDD, anxiety, or OCD cause CAD". There are numerous studies performed by the VA, Mayo, and universities and agencies worldwide that connect CAD with depression as a cause and a symptom. Several rulings have already stated as much. I have requested the records from the C&P ( a month or more ago) and have yet to receive them. Deadline for appeal is coming up quickly. This new system sucks. I used to just go to the regional office in Lincoln and theyd let me walk out with any copies I needed. Question, Is it worth appealing on the grounds I have listed in this paragraph? And is there a way to get a doctor to look at my records on my own and see if they agree that its AT LEAST AS LIKELY that the two area linked?
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