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Third Class Petty Officers
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  1. Windy, I too have FMS and yes I have lower extremity pains. When I sit in the evenings my calves ache really bad. I have to continuously move my legs around because the pain is so bad. About a month ago I could not lift my legs off the ground without assistance, walking up stairs was impossible. I am now on 300mg neuroton three times a day and an antidepression. I take a muscle relaxer at night to sleep. In just a month I am feeling much better and I can lift my legs up again. I disagree that it is a garbage dx but I do agree that your problem could be caused by a number of different things. I would ask for a complete work up to include a nerve conductor test and also a sleep test to see if you have restless leg syndrome. If you do have FMS there are several medicines out there that may help you. I hope that you find a dx soon and that your pain stops
  2. Windy city: it is hard for Gulf War Vets to claim both these because the VA has established a catagory/disease called Gulf War syndrome which encompasses all the symptoms of FMS, CFS and IBS. Because these diseases are very similiar and the symptoms of each are exactly the same it is hard to determine or differentiate between them. Most doctors think they are actually the same condition. Normally depending on what type of doctor you see will depend on wether they call it FMS(rheumatogolist) or CFS or there are a few others. Again as Rick said if your doctor makes a strong case as to why they believe it is both CFS and FMS and deliniates between the 2 in a well written IMO then you should stand a chance with VA claim. Good luck
  3. Am I understanding you all correctly: 2 disablied Vets, married to each other with one child. lets say each was rated at 30%. They would both draw $429 (the Vet with spouse and child rate) or would One recieve $429 and the second only $356. The reason I ask is because the military only allows one person to claim the child and the other is considered without dependence?
  4. If you are asking can you be diagnosed with both FMS and CFS, the answer is yes. The criteria for these while similiar have different triggers and identifiers. CFS is deliberate fatigue which has an acute onset and not relieved by rest. It is normally caused by a disease or illness FMS is widespread musculosketal pain requiring 11 of 18 tender points to be present. To be diagnosed with either of these diseases all other causes of symptoms must be ruled out ie. Thyroid, depression, sleeping disorder.
  5. I agree with Hoppy get treatment now for your chest pain. Congrad on the new baby. think about it and get treatment now. While you are still on active duty insist that the Army doctors sent you to whatever specialist you need to see (neuro, heart, rheumatologist, and even psychologist) whatever it takes to get a correct diagnosis and treatment. I know is hard some times as a SFC but it is time you put yourself first and get the treatment. Ask for a nerve test for the pain in your legs to see if you have nerve damage. I wrote psych-- although it is hard ask to see one. Chronic pain causes other issues, the psychologist will help you through these as you get treatment. Do not let your pride stand in the way. I am telling you this because I understand. I am also a SFC on active duty. I was in a car accident 10 years ago and have gone through all the treatments you have listed. I was getting fustrated, but I now have a good PCM who took all the issues into consideration together and seperately. I ended up have a disc replacement and have fibromyalgia and nerve damage. I could hardly move, Getting in and out of the car was a task, could not walk up stairs but after about 2 months of a combination (cocktail) of medicines I am better. I still have some pain but nothing compared to what you are feeling now or I was feeling. There is hope do not give up, If I am correct you are too young and have a lifetime of playing with your child/children.
  6. Hello, these medical conditions are in my SMR. I have the diagnosis and because they are all in my SMR from active service, I believe this covers the nexus (not positive) but what I don't have is a reason. What I mean by that is I was diagnosed with depression- due to medical conditions FMS, and CFS and my lack of mobility. But to descibe to someone how I feel on a daily bases is hard. Also when you say I am unemployable (which I am not) because I have a job now but my work is limited due to my impairments. This is where the letters I thought might help? A doctor or Va rep can not make an accurate assessment of me (hell any of us) just by looking at us, only the people who spend all day with us and see us at our best and our worst know what we go threw. If you do not think these letter will do any good please let me know as I know combined you all have more experience with Va then any VA or service rep does. I value you opinions. If it will help or could possible be useful in the future, is there an example I can give them. Thanks
  7. Wing, they are very supportive of me. I currently work in a office with just me and my co worker, our boss is at another location in another state. My co worker understands my situation and medical conditions. He finishes my sentences for me when I forget my words (so I don't look dumb), he reminds me of deadlines and always reminds me of appointments and meetings. He helps me a great deal and in doing so my boss does not know the extent of my medical problems. He has seen me when I was depressed, tired, short tempered and when my mood change in a split second. He and my husband are the only two to really see and understand the impact my medical and mental conditions have on my life both occupationally and personally. IF VA does not capture it correctly, I want to have something to back up my situation. The second co worker use to work with me several years ago. He saw my mood and out look on things change when a 17 year old kid I had recruiter for the military died in a car accident going to his reserve unit drill one weekend. He was so young and still in high school. I am not saying I have PTSD but I hated my job after that and continued doing it for 4 more years. Shortly there after I was placed on Prozac but I never told anyone about the situation. Again I am not making a big deal out of it but I think it had something to do with my realization of life. I think a letter from each of these people will help to bring a full circle to my situation that I could never convey in the short sessions with the Va doctor.
  8. I need help. I am going to get stressor letter or actually just letter from two of my co workers who have seen pyschological and medical changes in me over the past few years. I am filing a claim but I want to get the letter in case I have to challenge there decision. I want to get the letter now in case they move away. My question is can anyone tell me where I can find an example of a letter? Is there such a thing?
  9. John I am trying to prove connection between chronic pain and depression, the service connection is already in my SMR. I am also trying to get a correct diagnosis (mild depression, moderate, severe or anything else). I am on medicine and for the most part it does help, but I thought understanding and trying to get a handle on the depression would also help. Larry, what you are discribing is what I am afraid of-- someone asking me to close my eyes and focus on the bad energy, Like yoga and telling me to focus on liking myself. I like me just fine, I just hate feeling like I am 80 years old when I am in my 40's. I want to run and play and have fun like all the other kids. I guess I was expecting something else from the psyc. I don't want to go to an AA meeting disquised a "Pain Management Group" and tell everyone I am a veteran and I am in pain.
  10. Yes Larry, I have Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lower Back Pain (DDD which resulted in a disc replacement) with radiating pain, IBS, headache syndrome and several other illnesses which cause me pain daily. They are all service connected. My doctor wrote the depression is due to these illness and this is what I told my psych. and I thought she was going to help me through this and maybe this Energy medicine will help but I am really worry about it. The more I think about the treatment the more depressed I get. Kind of like every time the doctor said he would send me to a pain clinic to learn to live with the pain. It has taken me over 10 years of treatment to finally be diagnosed and begin treatment for some of my illness.
  11. This is an Army Psyc. at Army hospital. I am trying to establish a clear diagnosis for my VA claim. As my regular doctor just diagnosed depression due to other medical issues. I am trying to get the Army pysc to narrow the diagnoses. I have not seen the medical notes from my exam yesterday but I will try to get them this week. All my current documents just say depression secondary to medical conditions.
  12. Hi everyone, I had a psychological consult yesterday, my first. I was diagnosed with depression by my doctor several years ago and have been on antidepressions but was never sent to the psych. It is/was believed that my depression is due to my medical conditions and poor health. My psych did a history of my life and then talked about treatment. Here is my concern: She had me read about Energy Medicine by Donna Eden, and said this will be the bases for our treatment when I see her next time. Has anyone ever heard of this and If so can you please give me some insight on it. I have read a lot of material on it and It appears like witchcraft or it is all in your head medicine. I am thinking about not going back because of this. I know none of us are doctors ( or at least most of us) but I am not asking for medical advise, just friendly advise as I know alot of you have been dealing with issues like this alot long than I have and have been very helpful to us young veterans. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  13. Thank you all I will start making phone calls tommorrow. One thing I've learned from you all is don't give up and I won't. Cowgirl don't appologize you did not offend me. short memory and forgetfulness is a way of life but what you said gave me a great idea (how do I know it was my fault and can anyone prove it- no because VA didn't give me or send me anything). Hopeful this will help when I call. Thank you for the phone numbers. I will let you know how things work out. Also I am going to the base hospital tommorrow to see about talking to the physciatrics.
  14. yes I am still on active duty this C/P was part of my retirement physical. The military has a new program where you can have VA do your retirement physical and file your claim at the same time (prior to seperation) but I will not get my rating until after I retire. If is suppose to speed up the process. This is the only VA appoints I will have prior to them awarding a disability rating. My PCM diagnosed me with depression due to medical/physcial condition, but I have never seen a physciatrist. It is documented in my medical record. I do take prozac. I will try to find the patient advocate number to the VAMC in Columbia Mo. Also should I just go see the military physciatrist and ask them for a complete diagnosis with a GAF number just as if I had done the VA physical. My fear is VA will say I didn't go to my appoint just as Quint had said and deny my claim. If I can not get them to reschedule it and I do see the military physciatrist will VA use this. Im thinking, like cowgirl said ,if I explain to the military physciatrist what happened and link it to my other medical conditions CFS/hypersomnia which cause forgetfulness, memory loss, confusion and alot of other issues while VA have to except this.
  15. Thanks rick, I tried that and although she remembers me writing it down, she said there is nothing she can do. She gave me the phone number to the people who do the scheduling and they said because the request is closed, now that I no showed that they can't reschedule it. They said they need a new order/request to schedule another appointment but no one will tell me how to do that. I just keep getting the run around.
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