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Posts posted by AnonyMousVet

  1. This past Monday I had to drop by the local prosthetics shop to have some work done on my leg. To make a long story short, the whole bottom assembly had to be replaced. My prosthetist has loaned out the parts until VA can get me in on an appointment in the clinic. No problem, I think....

    I called VA prosthetics department to set up an appointment like I've done for the past twenty years. No go. Gotta get a referral from the PCP. I don't have nor ever have had a PCP.

    So now I get to navigate a whole new set of roadblocks? Something tells me this is going to be another nightmare waiting game. It could literally take six to nine months to get a new leg?

    Well, it only took them almost 7 years to get my claim approved.....

  2. A newspaper reporter here in Memphis is looking for OEF/OIF combat veterans who live in the area to tell their story about the problems they have had or are currently having with the Veteran's Administration claims process and/or treatment.

    We could all talk for days to her about this subject

    This, of course, is an opportunity to shed more light on what we veterans have to go through to get our earned benefits.

    If you live in the area and interested in telling your story, please send me a private message.


  3. Service connected for Hepatitis C. Rating 0% as expected!

    Service connected for Major Depression Disorder. Rating 0% as expected.

    Increase to 50% PTSD from 30% for period of time prior to February 20, 2008 retroactive back to April 16th, 2002.

    Case was closed on November 19th, 2008!

    6 years, 7 months, 8 days

    208,569,600 seconds <LI>3,476,160 minutes <LI>57,936 hours <LI>344 weeks

  4. Service connected for Hepatitis C. Rating 0% as expected!

    Service connected for Major Depression Disorder. Rating 0% as expected.

    Increase to 50% PTSD from 30% for period of time prior to February 20, 2008 retroactive back to April 16th, 2002.

    Case was closed on November 19th, 2008!

    6 years, 7 months, 8 days

    208,569,600 seconds <LI>3,476,160 minutes <LI>57,936 hours <LI>344 weeks

  5. Wonder of wonders! I called the VARO in Jackson, MS this morning and talked to the most pleasant lady I've found yet on the other end of any call to the VA.

    I gave her the claim number and after answering various security questions she informed me that my claim had been completed as of November 4th, 2008. She also told me that it could take up to 14 days to close it. Until it is closed, there will be no letters sent or money deposited or updated percentage in the computers.

    If what I have been told is BS, I won't be to terribly disappointed.

    What do you all think of what I have been told? Anybody now what all is involved in closing a claim? I need to find links to the procedures manuals!

    What a long strange trip it's been. I just hope it's finally over.......

  6. something is going on , been getting calls since yesterday and

    seems someone is trying to help me work on my claim . cant go

    into details ,but this has never happened before.


    WTF, over?

    Jackson VARO trip will be coming soon for me. Do you live in or around N. MS, or between Southaven and Jackson?

  7. If you tell me which VARO I might have their director's and VCSMs phone number and fax number.

    If you are dealing with the NY VARO- 4 of their higher ups (to include their director) have just been put on administrative leave over the shreddergate problems the VA OIG found there so I guess the NYRO numbers I have won't get them on the phone.

    Also as you all know recently a VBA employee from this RO stated ,during a NYSDVA training seminar at one of the National Guard Centers in NY that 20,000 pieces of mail are sitting in the mail room of this VARO unaccounted for.

    I have phone and fax numbers for direct contact with all VA directors and VSCMs but looks like many of them should be concerned abput their jobs - the numbers might still work-I just dont know who will be answering the phone.

    Service org heads have been called to VA in DC for a meeting this friday to discuss the latest VA fiasco which has probably affected and caused erroneous denials to thousands and thousands of veterans and widows.

    The reps know who those vets and widows are- they have their SOCs in their POA claims folders.

    VARO Jackson, MS


  8. This is not the time of year where I behave my best. I'm sure that all who have PTSD have their time of the year and hopefully understand what I am saying.

    I have been brutal in some of my postings. I personally would not want to be in the shoes of the VA folks who have to deal with the amount of claims coming in. I'm sure no consideration was given to their needs when our current leaders decide to send this generation of warriors across the globe. For the most part, 99% of them do their jobs to the best of their ability.

    On the rare occasion like this one, when I have a "moment of clarity", when I see the rational understanding person I used to be, is when I wish I could just put a gun to to my head and end it, because I know the PTSD and MDD will soon be back to ravish my mind and body.

    If it wasn't for a loving, understanding wife and a beautiful little boy to go home to every night, I do believe I would have shot myself years ago.

    My apologies to all whom I have offended.

  9. well folks i have found a lawyer , price is pretty steep 30%,

    but if i do it on my own i will not get anything. also i can forget

    about it, and rest my mind . it sure has affected my mental health

    and physical health , gerd especially. so i can refrain from my rants

    since someone else will be taking the headaches.

    I use the services of Mr. Gregory Keenum in Boonesville, MS. Good guy. If it wasn't for him handling the case, I would have already taken a ball bat to the VARO in Jackson......

    Last night I hand delivered a letter personally to Roger Wicker at the Desoto County rally. I am literally begging and pleading now after seventy-eight months to bring closure to a case the BVA has ruled on in my favor. Just finish it so I can put this behind me.

    I swear to God we should just all be out in the damned streets protesting the VA. Make it public, make it loud.

    Find me 100 volunteers! I swear to God we should march, hobble, crawl, or roll our way into a VARO facility and start raising hell!

    Anybody in Mississippi interested in meeting in Jackson, MS? We need to organize, we need to lead. All of us older vets need to put pressure in the system so the younger vets won't have to put up with this.

    700 billion for Wall Street, not shit for the vets. We fight, the civilians enjoy the good life.

    Is there no help for the widow's son?

  10. Skunk:

    I said the hell with it. I called Senator Wicker's office over in Tupelo. The gentleman who took the call was amazed that the claim had taken so long to get approved, and that it was taking even longerer to get paid. He took my information and will contact somebody inside the VARO down there. He knows about the waste of time with IRIS and 1-800 numbers.

    Senator Wicker sits on the Veterans Affairs committee and from what I understand, he isn't impressed with the VA handling claims, and even less with Jackson VARO.

    Hopefully Mr. Wicker's office will be able to bring closure to this fiasco.




    I got so fed up with VARO in Jackson that I hired an attorney in Corinth, MS to handle the claim. He's been really effective. I had my video conference in Jackson, MS and was not impressed with the facility at all. The VBA judge experience was positive and VBA remanded claim back to VARO. VARO was ordered to their damned job and I was finally rated 30% PTSD this year. We disagreed and it went back to BVA who agreed that I should have a 50% PTSD rating, MDD rated seperately, SC for Hep C.

    So now the c-file is back at Jackson VARO (I hope) and has been sitting there since August 28th (I hope). This has been going on for 78 months....

    I have been thinking about paying them a visit, but I know that would go bad.

    Three years ago I was in the Memphis VAMC for a clinic in the prosthetics department. I needed a new leg. Prosthetics sent me to orthotics. Orthotics sent me back to prosthetics. They bounced me back to orthotics. Nobody had a record of my appointment except me, so I produced it and directed the orthotics dept to confernece call prosthetics and we'd get it straight. They thought I was nuts. Some bitch doctor comes out of the back and flat out asks me what MY problem was. By this time I was coming unglued and this weally set me off.

    I, in front of 40+ people, in the waiting room of a VAMC, dropped my pants and pulled off my leg. I showed her the blisters, irritation and sores caused by a worn out prosthesis. I explained to her I couldn't hardly walk and would soon not be able to walk. I further explained to her that if I can't walk, I can't work. If I can't work, I don't get paid. If I don't get paid, I can't pay my bills. If I can't pay my bills, I lose what little I have. If I lose everything I have, I'll lose my freedon when I decide to take it out on those responsible. Bitch wanted to get attitude, I gave it right back.

    She signed off on a new leg in three minutes. I walked her to fax machine and directed her to fax it to the prosthics shop in Memphis. I thanked her for her inquiry and her personal attention in this matter and dismissed her.

    I got several hand shakes, attaboys, etc. from the folks in the waiting room.

    By this time I was so worked up and about to rip the windpipe out somebody's neck, so I left.

    To this day when I go to VAMC Memphis, I get a shadow from security. This leads me to suspect the VA has face recognition software tied into security. At the mood I'm in, a visit to Jackson VARO would be counterproductive. Everything has to be a fight with the VA.









    I'm about to send a letter to Sen. Wicker. Glad to see he cares.

    Southaven, MS

  13. I got the decison from BVA on 28 SEP 2008, still no money as of 21 OCT 2008

    Well, it is finally over. After 78 months, the BVA has made its final decision. I look forward to your comments.

    "Service connetion for major depressive disorder is granted, subject to the law and regultations governing the payment of monetary benefits.

    Service connection for hepatitis C is granted, subject to the law and regultations governing the payment of monetary benefits.

    An initial disability rating of 50% for PTSD is granted from April 16, 2002, subject to the law and regultations governing the payment of monetary benefits.

    I was rated 30% PTSD in August 2003 on top of 40% for loss of left leg. for a combined total of 60%."

    Quoted from the BVA decision.

    "As above, the veteran contends that service connection for anxiety/depression is warranted secondary to his service-connected left below-the-knee anputation. The veteran was afforded a VA psychiatric examination in February 2008. The examiner diagnosed the veteran with PTSD and major depression disorder.

    To a certain degree, the symptoms of major depressive disorder overlap with PTSD - in particular, depression, anxiety and lability. When, as here, it is impossible to separate the effects of a service-connected disabilty and a non-service connected disability, reasonable doubt must be resolved in the veteran's favor and the symptoms in question attributed to the service-connected disabilty. See Mittleider v. West, 11 Vet. App. 181, 182 (1998)

    In view of the foregoing, the Board finds that the symptoms of the veteran's major depressive disorder cannot be dissociated from the veteran's already service-connected PTSD. Thus, resolving in the veteran's favor service connection for major depressive disorder is granted. 38 U.S.C.A 5107(:P"

    In reading of some of the Court of Veteran's Appeals, I have drawn the conclusion that the RO will now have to factor in the effects of MDD into the PTSD. This probably means another round of appeals, CVA, etc etc, so forth so on and ever more Amen.

    However the previous remand of BVA to RO stated:

    "With regard to the claim of service connection for anxiety

    and depression, to include as secondary to the service-

    connected amputation, the Board finds that the record needs

    to be clarified before a determination can be made on that

    claim. The initial grant of service connection appears to

    relate the PTSD to the traumatic incident in service which

    resulted in the amputation. The veteran's additional service

    connection claim for anxiety and depression includes his

    contention that those complaints are related to the service-

    connected amputation. Anxiety and depression are typically

    evaluated as symptoms of PTSD. As part of the examination

    conducted on remand to determine the current severity of the

    service-connected PTSD, the examiner should be asked to

    indicate whether any anxiety or depression currently

    diagnosed is associated with the service-connected PTSD. If

    so, the RO should consider all symptoms when rating the

    service-connected PTSD and determine whether a separate

    rating is warranted. Mittleider v. West, 11 Vet. App. 181


    According to the above, it looks like the BVA says a separate rating is warranted for MDD. Pyramiding says no. Other cases says to factor it into PTSD. Still haven't got paid!

  14. This Shreddergate could be really misused by the DVA for the very purpose of continuance of its delaying tactics.

    Given the massive amount of claims, both newly filed and soon-to-be-resolved, this incident could very well be used efficiently by the VA as an excuse to halt the claims process in its tracks. I can just visualize the following:

    "We're having a stand down to review policies and procedures." Of course this would require everybody in the claims process to attend useless meetings, re-training classes, etc.

    "We are currently in the process of accounting for each and every claim file." Everybody in the claim process is runing around and physically verifying the presence of a claim file, reviewing the chain of custody logs (if any were kept), etc.

    There are just so many variables and possibilities with this one.

    Could the IG report been a false flag to allow this?

    Ya'll can call me paranoid and cynical all you want. Seeing how the government is printing and diverting all available money to Wall Street to delay the coming economic collapse, I figure it's going to be us who pays for it. What better way to protract the avoidance of paying benefits and providing health care to those who earned it?

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