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About joeserp

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  • Service Connected Disability
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  1. Even more confused now. Was told by my VSO that my file went to the " Rating Board " on 07/30/2012 and it will most likely be several more months. I thought (that is what I get for thinking) that my claim being in the Review of Evidence stage for the past 9 months or so, was where they make a decision and the step after that was Prepare for Notification. Joe
  2. Went on ebenefits today and there was something new I have never seen before. Under the column OPEN CLAIMS , which shows my claim submitted on 07/14/2011 still in the Review of Evidence stage, there is a SECTION I have never seen before that is - Historical Claims. Under this new section ( I initially submitted my first claim back in 1992 and a NOD in 1993 and a claim in 2004 with a NOD shortly thereafter). All through St. Petersburg. Under this Historical Claims Heading it now reads: Date = 07/30/2012. Claim Type = Authorization Review. Date Closed = 07/30/2012 and Updates = Appeal is Possible. Any Thoughts on what this means????
  3. Currently 30% for Ulcerated Colitis. My colitis has got worse and has caused fecal incontinence and I must now occassionally wear those diapers / disposable underwear. Have asked for increase. QUESTION? Are they separate ratings? If so, For the purpose of qualifying for TDIU where one disability has to be 40%, will they combine the 2 (If there are 2 ratings) to qualify for the 40%? Thanks Thanks Joe
  4. Advise Please. I also posted this on another site, for help since it has me so bummed out. I deep down thought I had everything going for me, and now this. This concerns the Doctor’s use of the wrong disability in 1 of about 10 treatment records I provided to the VA. ARNP / Doctor used Proctitis instead of Colitis while describing my disability in 1 of the treatment notes. Background: Applied for increase and IU, reporting my Colitis has got worse, to include feelings of depression and fecal incontinence. I am service connected for Colitis – NOT Proctitis. I received a phone call from the VA saying, they were mailing me a addendum Letter, concerning my having Proctitis, saying that Proctitis was not one of my service connected disabilities, and they wanted me to prove I had this while in the service. I do not have Proctitis, I have Ulcerated Colitis. The ARNP / Doctor progress notes on this one treatment record, out of about 10 treatment records said, I was being treated for Longstanding Proctitis and Ulcerated Colitis. Everyone else said, I was being treated for Chronic and Severe Ulcerated Colitis. A “ To Whom It May Concern Letter “ signed directly from the Doctor, says I am being treated for the Chronic and Severe Ulcerated Colitis. The pathology records show, Ulcerated Colitis. All of this was provided to the VA. When I get the letter, How do you all suggest I handle this? Should I just respond in a sentence or 2 and say something like, I do not have Proctitis and the use of the word Proctitis in the May 9, 2011 progress notes was an error and all the other treatment records as well as the Pathogogy report clearly show it should be Ulcerated Colitis. Thanks Joe
  5. Currently 60% combined. 30% for Colitis and six 10% for Tinnitus, scarring of face, hypertension, Laceration of right wrist, left and right carpal tunnel. Beginning of July 2011, applied for increase and IU, reporting my Colitis has got worse, to include feelings of depression and fecal incontinence. Sent the VA copies of my Medical Records for the past year from the GI doctor. Beginning of August sent the VA the signed VCAA Form, VA Forms, 21-4142’s and additional paperwork from my GI doctor that said I have Chronic and Severe Ulcerated Colitis as well as notes from VA Psych exam that reports depression secondary to Colitis. End of August sent the VA additional medical paperwork and an IME that said, my fecal incontinence, and depression are more likely than not secondary to my diagnosis of ulcerated colitis. And, More-Likely-Than-Not, veteran meets the administration criteria for Total Disability Individual Unemployability. Had my C&P’s on July 29, 2011. PA who did C&P for General exam (?) questioned me more about my current disabilities. My Psych C&P seemed to go ok. Was told by PA that results of C&P should be in system within 48 hours. Went to get copies today, 8 days later, and was told they were not in the system. This morning I received a phone call from someone who would only give their first name, saying they were from the St. Petersburg VA Regional office. She said the call was due to my application for Unemployability and asked me about Social Security. I told them I had applied for SSDI, but was denied due to not having enough work credits to qualify. I was asked to send in a copy of that letter As Soon As Possible. I asked about my C&P’s and was told an email was sent to the C&P office this morning inquiring about the signed copies. What do you all make of this and phone call?
  6. For Berta and John999 Thanks for taking the time to respond. Not sure if it matters, but the VA Psych put me on Paxil. I am not on SSDI. I applied (thinking I was qualified) and was denied because I have not worked and do not have the necessary credits. I stupidly thought I was qualifed since I have been drawing a Navy Retirement for 20 years. My three C&P's are scheduled for the end of the month. I have already mailed out the Cashier's Check to the Doctor for the IMO. I expect to get the IMO about a week before I go to the C&P's. Not knowing what the IMO will say, I am thinking, I should hold on to it until I get copies of the C&P's. Then I can compare both and decide. Any opinions on this?
  7. Sorry this is so long..Wanted to try to give a complete picture. Currently 60% combined. 30% for Colitis and six 10% for Tinnitus, scarring of face, hypertension, Laceration of right wrist, left and right carpal tunnel. Have applied for increase and IU, reporting my Colitis has got worse, to include feelings of depression and fecal incontinence. Sent the VA copies of my Medical Records for the past year from the GI doctor. Received a letter back from VA asking me to send them a signed VCAA document, signed VA forms allowing them to contact my doctor’s and supporting documents saying the fecal incontinence and depression are related to my service connected disability. Spoke to my GI doctor (non VA), tried to explain the importance of using key words such as, “More likely than, or At least as Likely”. Was advised he does not like to do letters like this as he is there to treat and cure, or something like that. Well, he did give me a letter that says, I have Ulcerative Colitis that is poorly controlled, That I am scheduled to begin treatment with biologic in hopes that my colitis can be brought under better control. He said, my fecal incontinence appears to be related to my diarrhea and specifically to my left-sided colitis disease. Adding, this patient has a Chronic Condition that will require ongoing treatment. I also saw a VA Psychiatrist – First Visit. He said Axis I: Major Depressive Disorder, single episode, mild to moderate, likely related to his Ulcerated Colitis. Axis II: Deferred Axis III: Ulcerated Colitis, hypertension, hyperglycemia Axis IV: Moderate to severe Axis V: GAF 60 I have not worked for almost 5 years so no letters from previous employers. I have three C&P’s scheduled. So far have found out 1 of them are for Psych, other is for Hearing, don’t know what the other one is for. Now for the IMO I am in the process of getting an IMO. In the past when I submitted a claim, all or part was denied and when I submitted a NOD, I had better luck. I also hear this happens often. QUESTION: If the IMO is good, should I submit it now, or should I hold on to it and wait to see what the results are and if needed submit it with the NOD? Thanks Joe
  8. This has most likely been covered, however can someone please explain / confirm so that I understand. I am 20 year retired Navy in 1991. I am VA 60%. Have been married for almost 18 years. If upon my death, if it has anything to do with my service conected disabilities will my wife be entitled to received anything? Example... I am service connnected for High Blood Pressure, so if my death has anything to do with that, is my wife entitled to anything. IF so will it be automatic or will she have to apply. Thanks Joe
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