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About chemdogg

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  1. Well, I had the retired local VSO help me file paperwork and I did the leg work to get all my paperwork filed and sent in. The VSO that is here isnt worth crap. I sat in his office telling him what the retired VSO had told me to do, he had to call the retired VSO while i sat there getting info. The guy has been doing this job for 3 years, and cant buy a clue. Not trying to sound disrespectful, but I prefer to ask people who know and have been where I am at. I do appreciate the Veterans on this site for the help. What and or who is the PSA, I have never heard that term. Thank you for all the help , it is appreciated.
  2. Ok two more questions, My regional Varo is in St. Paul, Mn thats where I should call? Also, Who should I talk to at the Varo? Thanks to everyone on this site that helps veterans in need of answers!!!
  3. I would appreciate any help in this matter I have. I received my P&T 100% status in october of 2011, for Depressive and anxiety disorders, not otherwise specified . However, they scheduled me for an exam in 2017, im curious as to what thats about. I know I need to keep seeing my Psychiatrist and the Mental health counselor/social worker I see. However, I talked to the VSO and he said he never heard of a person that gets 100% p&T getting scheduled for an exam after being awarded the decison for 100% P&T. Sorry if I am rambling my concentration is so bad. Anyway, does anyone knwo why I would get scheduled for an exam in 2017?
  4. I am writing because, i changed from local VSO rep to a state VSO rep. The local one didnt inform me about issues that could happen. So anohter veteran i know told me about the state VSO guy, who i talked to he is handling my case. He told me something I am curious if anyone can verify please. The state VSO told me that he believes after 10 years my temp and total would change to permanent and total for Depressive and anxiety disorders, not otherwise specified. Does anyone know if thats true? I have been seeing VA for this since 2006. Just curious about this, my next C&P is in Nov or Dec 2012. Thank you for any help.
  5. I am sorry Berta , I was just stating I wasnt trying to get 100% on 2 diff MH conditions. My psychiatrist gave me the P&T written statement for Ptsd because when i was evaluated in a Va hospital by a psychiatrist his diagnosis was Ptsd, and my psychaitrist for last 2 years agreed. However I have no idea how the VA came to the conclusion of social phobia with severe anxiety and severe depression. I am greatful for all the help the va has given me. The new VSO I hope to meet with on monday sound svery knowledgeable, I will bring wife with me since her memory is so much better than mine. One more Question if I may, How do i get a VA psychiatrist to write a statement saying that my social phobia and severe anxiety and depression is permanent when he says I have Ptsd? I dont have any idea how the VA system or the rules and regulations work. My memory is so bad, and when i read things i forget them just as quick. My wife gets mad at me sometimes, I have so many things written down because of bad memory. Thank You so much for all the Help.
  6. My psychiatrist has stated many times, I have ptsd, and I am not getting better and will not get better. I applied for Ptsd because the VSO said we could do it, he said they pretty much group all of the MH conditions together, and I had a note from va psychiatrist i have seen for over 2 years. I only applied for permanent status s my wife could get ChampVA. I wasnt trying to get 100% on 2 MH conditions. I found a VSO from a different town that comes to a college here, He seems pretty knowledgeable. I hope to chat with him on Monday. Is it possible for me to stop pursuing the Ptsd and just stay with the social phobia with sevee anxiety and depression? Like just drop the the Ptsd or is it to late? its been like 3 weeks since I submitted paperwork. Thank you for your help.
  7. I will try and make this is as short as I can. I need help because I am confused. I was seen by a VA doctor about 4 years ago he came to the conclusion I had ptsd, and a psychiatrist I ahve been seeing for over 2 years regularly has stated PTSD, and I wont get better. So I was under impression I had PTSD. My wife goes to meetings with veterans group, someone at meeting told her i should request an evalualtion sooner, so I could get permanent status so she could get ChampVA. Anyway, I got a note from my psychaitrist stating I will never get better, and I took it to the VSO, he said I have not been diagnosed with PTSD I have social Phobia with severe anxiety and depression. He also said, that they pretty much interchange alot of illnesses to fall under PTSD, and I could actually lose my 100% temp. He said I could get permanent but might be less than a 100%, I wish I knew that before I applied for PTSD. Did I make a mistake by applying for PTSD? I am asking because there is another veteran telling me that since i have social phobia and I am unemployable, and cant be around people at all pretty much, that falls under something called UI or IU, I cant remember. Please someone help me,i think i messed up. Can someone shed some light on my situation in what might happen?
  8. I recieved my VA assessment decision today. Does anyone know what GAf score represents in esy terms to understand. I was trying to look it up scale goes from 1-100. My score is 50, is there any place can look up GAF scores and see what that means, just curious is all. Thank you for all your help. Have A Merry Christmas to you all.
  9. Thank you Mobie, I appreciate the info you and others have given me. Its so helpful. I do see a va psychiatrist every 2 weeks, he told my wife and I that (in his words) I am permanetly damaged. The medicines are pretty much keepint the ptsd axiety and depression down. I also see a counselor/therapist every 2weeks at va also, she makes notes and they go in my record also. She also, says the psychiatrist is who the va listens to. So I guess I will have faith annd see what happens. God Bless All of you for teh help.
  10. I will talk to wife she put letter away. I dont think I am P&T, Thats why I had to go back to C&P exam on the 30th of nov 2009. I am just curious what that exam was about, nothing was really explained to me. I am going to call them tomorrow. Thank you for your help.
  11. Not sure, Back in november 2006 they put me on temporary 100% disability. My Ptsd is bad, I dont like to be around people at all, I hate going to My VA appts, because I hate seeing people. My wife calls me a hermit, becasue I stay in my room alone because its where I find most peace. I have no idea about anythign really, I just do what VA tells me about appts. So I dont know if and when I am permanent 100%, from what I am guessing I am temporary. Thats why I am curious how many C&P appts I have to do over how many years or what? I am totally confused. I feel like a first grader in high school, I am that lost about The C&P exams, and about P&T. I have no idea, I cant buy a clue. so I am just looking for any help at all. I think I will get more information from all the wonderful people on this site, than any other way. I was lucky to find this site. Thank you all for any and all help. You all are wonderful people.
  12. I had a C&P exam on November 30 2009, os a few days ago. My first one was done in Novemeber 2006. How often do they do C&P exams? Also, the mental health counselor I see asked if it was a P&T ( I hope thats sounds right), how do I know if it was a P&T? Do I have to request P&T or do they automatically do one? Sorry so many questions, I am so confused about this. I do appreciate all information I get form this web site. You guys are very helpful, Thank you very much.
  13. I went to VA Clinic today and had my 2nd C&P exam, first one was in 2006. I have been reciving 100% for ptsd, aniety, depression. My question is does a person ever get permanent 100% disability or what? How many C&P exams do I have to do?Ever year or what? Also, while I was in with the doctor for exam, my wife was in waiting area. She over heard 2 people talking about disabilty percent ratings. She told me a guy said somethign about a 200% rating and 300% rating. I thought the rating only went as high as 100%, am I confused or what. whats the highest rating, if there is a 200% rating and 300% rating, where does one research that at? I cannot find anything at all. The guy also said he had his inital exam anfd then 1 more C&P exam and was put on permanent disability, is that how it works or how many exams does a person until get permanent? I appreciate all help, Thank you very much.
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