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Third Class Petty Officers
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  1. My parents took me to the hospital but by the time I got there I was waking up and couldnt afford medical treatment..
  2. So would My parents following that format be sufficent to show that the event happened or was witnessed? I hit my head and went unconscience. I was unconscience for almost an hour. My parents drove me to the hospital and by the time i got there I was already awake. We couldn't afford for a doctor to see me and run tests and I was already conscience. I had a massive headache later that night and had trouble remembering the incident for awhile. I had symptoms in the military with trouble retaining learned information depression mental disorders and was eventually released early for personality disorder which they found was more than that and gave me 100 disability but i believe I rate SMC T
  3. When I was on Leave I went unconscience during a sports related incident "undocumented on leave" I am suffering TBI from Multiple head tramas in the military. When I file for a claim. Would my mother and fathers lay statement be sufficient and strong opinion from my doctor have a good case or would it be denied? Thank you, God Bless
  4. Is it okay a Electronic copy sent to me by email or would they need a real signature. I think it would be a big burden to them to send it by mail and go through all the drama if they just don't do everything by email. I can put thier contact number. Does the VA give them a call or go to the house or interview them in person? They would like to know all of this. Also after bootcamp I had a accident at home while on leave. My parents can write a lay statements it since they witnessed it. Would this be any value or something that happened during leaving that my parents saw? Thank you so much for your time and energy typing on the keyboard your mental energy just to give me support and that advice.
  5. SMC T and coverage for growth hormone treatment Thank you. Would two buddy statements saying that I was unconscience for over 30 minutes be good?
  6. Thank you. The only issue is I have a poorly documented TBI but all of my private doctors are saying that it is because of a tbi that happened in service. They never documented that I hit my head and loss conscience but put my broken leg. I fell down a flight of stairs for god sakes with a mattress slamming me in concrete
  7. Hello, I am suffering severe memory loss and hormonal problems due to a Moderate TBI that wasn't documented properly in my SMR. I have 4 doctors that state it is more than likely due to the fall but my medical records said I broke my leg but didn't include the loss of conscience. 1.Is it unnecessary I track down a witness and have him write a statement? 2.Would whats in my medical records be enough even though it doesn't state direct head trauma I fell down second story stairs? 3. Is having four doctors say that it is because of my Head injury that it is more than likely the problem for my memory loss and hormonal problems enough even though my accident was poorly documented
  8. Hello, I am suffering severe memory loss and hormonal problems due to a Moderate TBI that wasn't documented properly in my SMR. I have 4 doctors that state it is more than likely due to the fall but my medical records said I broke my leg but didn't include the loss of conscience. 1.Is it unnecessary I track down a witness and have him write a statement? 2.Would whats in my medical records be enough even though it doesn't state direct head trauma I fell down second story stairs? 3. Is having four doctors say that it is because of my Head injury that it is more than likely the problem for my memory loss and hormonal problems enough even though my accident was poorly documented
  9. I was diagnosed with hypogonadism "low testosterone in the military but it is actually secondary to a pituitary issue. Is this doctors statement enough to prove it? This was the final paragraph by the private doctor " Current endocrine diagnosis is partial hypopituitarism (with hypogonadism, hypothyroidism and low IGF-1), etiology could be related to prior multiple head trauma that he sustained. This condition is often diagnosed long after the initial presentation. It is possible that his history of hypogonadism could be a part of the pituitary problem. The condition may be insidiously progressive or stable for several years. Management is directed towards replacement of deficient hormones. " Would I need to get additional doctor statements or anything else to prove that is it service connected? This was diagnosed a few months after I fell down the stairs "SC hypogonadism "
  10. How long is the Loss of Conscience to be a Moderate or Severe TBI? Is there anything else that distiguishes between the two? Thank you so much fellow brothers.
  11. Hello Fellow Veterans, I am filing for TBI. I had a accident in the military where I fell down a stairwell with a mattress and the mattress landed on top of me broke my leg and sandwiched me in the ground. It was documented but they didn't document Loss Of conscience and neither did I since I was more concerned with my Broken Leg that was in intense pain. I do have two buddies that were there that saw but might be a little hard to track them down. I believe I have at least a Moderate TBI especially since I have a Growth Hormone defienciency. Do I need there statements or can I prove it with my MSR and A couple of private doctor opinions? I am also PTSD 100% P&T Thank you
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