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Second Class Petty Officers
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Posts posted by eagle-eye

  1. NJBB62,

    I imagine since I'm in San Antonio there will some interpreters as well.

    I'm going to ask what your disabilities are/were...I understand that's personal..

    the following is what I'm being treated for and the %'s the VA has awarded me. 1. PTSD/Major Depression 70%(bi-monthly pyschotherapy and monthly psychiatry appts; three anti-depessant meds 2. Fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue 40% monthly appts w/primary care; three pain meds. 3. Chronic Migraines 30%, semi-annual with Neurology; one medication. 4. hypertension 10%, two meds. I have moderate arthritis in my lower neck that I have not claimed ut receive monthly rehab for.

    Sorry, to bombard you with TMI, just anxious.

    thank you!

  2. congrats eagle...on orthodontics shop around if you can. maybe call the closest military hospital and ask them if they can refer a local orthodontist retired military type who has a civilian practice. call that guy and explain your a vet with small money and does he offer vet discounts?..

    Thanks TANK..I'm going to do that since I live right outside Lackland AFB. I imagine since there's a large Vet population here that I'll find a kind hearted Orthodontist.

  3. Thank you for sharing that great news. I kinda liked the misspellings. your post seemed very genuine. I took Ambien 2x and ended up flushing it. That stuff is wicked to me. I also hope you look into TDIU and what it means. If it applys to your situation, please consider pursuing it. Yes, it will take awhile to get a decision but it is really worth it if you win.

  4. Loose Cannon

    I had similiar experience with my former employer. It took them 14 months to respond to the Va's request. I too asked the VA to rate me without the letter BUT they still kept sending request to former employer. They goodness they finally complied. Their recollection of my job performance was far different from my recollection. After 23 months I was awarded TDIU. The emploer letter was listed in the evidence section of my award letter but it was my medical evidence that was the substantial material listed in this section and what I feel proved my claim.

    I hope you have the same outcome I did. It's a huge relief. I think it's sound advice that was given earlier about waiting to see the VA's decision.

  5. Eagle Eye

    I'm happy for you.

    I did my basic at Lackland in the summer so I know what you mean about the heat but I'm surprised that your TI wasn't making sure that you all drank enough, ours watched over us like a bunch of mother hens constantly reminding us to drink and take our salt tablets.


    Rick..this didn't happen in Basic..I was a CATM instructor and my job was working on the firing line. Your right, I was well hydrated in BMT..I just didn't maintain that habit afterwards. One reason is because I'm female and at the time we only had Port-a-Potties at the range and I'm not really a "princess", but I hated using those stinky, filthy things. So If I drank less, I peed less BUT I guess that didn't work out too well!:biggrin:

  6. Y I P E E

    Looks like the adventure is over for you now.

    BTW - I can't remember if P&T was granted, if yes then

    you will get Chapter 35 for kids and maybe spouses education.

    Check for eligibility of additional State and VA benefits for both 100% and/or P&T.

    This is all going to make you feel more secure which helps reduce stress.

    No P&T..one future appt in May 2015. I don't know whether to file a NOD on this or not. I've been receiving treatment for PTSD since 2003. But right now I feel very grateful the claim was awarded without going through the appeal process. I'm just going to concentrate on the SSD claim right now. Thanks Carlie for always responding to my posts. I wish I knew half of what you do. I love when people share their knowledge. By the way, I think an amendment needs to be made to the old saying "money doesn't buy happiness"..true, yes, BUT it sure makes daily life easier and less stressful.

  7. I won't go into a lot of details (unless someone replies w/specific questions) since I've told my story numerous times on here in different forums. I did want to say though that it took two weeks exactly from the day the decision was made at the rating stage for money to show in my account. My retro apparently required two signatures so it took a few days longer to deposit.

    My family has struggled financially since I haven't worked full-time since 2006. We were always a two-income family. So, I can say we will be very careful how we use this lump sum. So far, my young son is thrilled that we have an appointment w/a orthodontist for braces. He's only 10 and already self concious about his teeth. I'm happy we're able to do this for him. My parents did it for me when I was young.

    Funny story: when I first started my job in the Air Force I wasn't acclimated to the San Antonio heat and not drinking nearly enough water. Well, I worked outside on a shooting range and passed out and hit the concrete firing line platform without even putting my hands out to break my fall. I was fine after a few IV's, just embarrased and learned a big lesson. When I called home and told my dad about this the first thing he said was "God, i hope you didn't knock any teeth out, i invested a lot in those".

    I've said it before but I am truly grateful for this site and the people here. You have kept me sane and my anxiety in check while waiting the outcome of my claim. I've missed the friendships I had while I was active duty and being on here has filled that gap in my life.

  8. Congrats! always great to hear success stories. I was granted IU in late '09, and had an exam scheduled for aug '11. I waited a few months after the IU award and filed a NOD for the P/T and was granted it in Jun of '10, I believe you can do the same as long as your SC issues are going to be static in nature as they say. Great news again, spend wisely and don't forget to check your state benefits as well.


    Thank you for sharing that with me. I believe I'll do the same and NOD for the P/T. I'm seeing more specialist now and dealing with other sc issues that weren't even included in the initial claim. As long as I can stay focused and not procrastenate...i'm so bad about that.

  9. WOW_this s GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I can feel your relief over the hyperspace air waves! YES MA'AM, THANK YOU!

    "now have to gear up for the Judicial hearing for appealing my SSD." This award should help with that. Do you have a SSA lawyer helping you? YES, I HAVE A LAWYER FOR THIS.

    "during an assualt" was that an in service assault? YES, IN SERVICE, OFF-BASE. ATTACKER WAS A CIVILIAN (HATED WOMEN & MILITARY)

    If so did you claim the headaches as secondary?HEADACHES 30% sc (i FEEL MY MED REC. CLEARLY PLACE ME AT 50%. i DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING WAS CONSIDERED.

    Thanks for replying. How are you?

  10. treat yourself to a well earned vacation .You have earned it.

    My husband likes the way you think.:smile: .He's itching to take a small, relaxing break. He's had to carry a lot of the weight with raising our boys and all the domestic stuff that goes along with that. Also, he works a full-time job. I'm very fortunate in the "Spouse Department".

  11. That is going to be a nice junk of retro. You and Carlie should go on a shopping binge.

    Thanks John,

    I was just reading another of your(I believe it was you?) post about your pain meds not lasting until new ones get mailed. I am truly sorry you have to deal with that. I will mentally send you pain-free vibes...:biggrin:

    I went to the ER back in February because I could not get relief from a intense and unbearable headache. I was throwing up and couldn't move. I was placed in the VAMC MH ward and not given anything for 20 hours. When I started yelling & crying about how I just needed some pain relief the nurse said by the way I was behaving it was obvious why i was in her MH ward. After waiting another 2 hrs she brought me 2 Viacodin. Once the pain sudsided I walked out to her desk and told her that I believed she was in the wrong career field.

  12. j

    Yea I havn't met the guy yet as I just made an appt. the other day. Keeping my fingers crossed that he's veteran friendly.

    I wished I had seen that interview, I bet it was interesting. I did hear some parts and bits about it. He's working at Barrow Inst. in Phoenix. I figured that would be a good start with my claim.

    Cooter, I hope you end up liking your doctor. Just keep in mind that "most" Neuro Dr's are so intelligent and good at their jobs that they may lack proper "bed-side" manners or even a few come across as arrogant. But bottom line is; if I had to chose between (A) someone dry, but itelligent or (B) a funny , some-what knowledgable one...i vote for (A) the dry, intelligent Doctor

  13. Thank you for all the replys..I am going to move forward and claim what was discovered in my MRI. I'm scheduled for both the pain mgmnt clinic and Rheumatology so I will first see what i'm told about my condition. In a weird way I'm pleased the VA discovered the possability for my headaches. It was discouraging to always be told that I was bringing them on myself. Almost like I wasn't being believed. I'm scared though too. I wasn't really prepared to hear there was actually something wrong with my neck.

    The home invasion & attack I received was over 10 years ago. I had worked through most of the anger by now. No longer angry about losing my 12 year military career or the other great job I lost 18 months later. No longer angry that it caused huge issues between my husband and I.(financially, romantically, socially). No longer angry about how I hate being crowded and having my space invaded. No longer angry that my heart jumps when there's someone at the front door...BUT now im angry again that another part of my body is damaged because of one disturbed stranger that hated women and especially hated a woman in uniform.

    Posting on this site has done more for me emotionally than several months of therapy. I feel good here. I apologize though if I make any of you uncomfortable in my sharing personal issues. And just to note; the guy who tried to ruin me WAS NOT military.


    Eagle-Eye in Texas

  14. The way I understand it is the VA will send a letter first with an appointment for a re-eval of SC conditions. I'm uncertain whether it's an actual C&P exam. But obviously it's very important to attend this appointment. Also, very important that the VA always has your most current address. If you don't go to the appt than after so many days the VA will assume your condition improved and than will change your rating. There are ways to stall that, but I'm not sure how exactly.

    I have one more future exam so that's why I stated in my previous post that I will TRY to be organized with records of all my appointments, prescribed meds and any other issues to support my disability rating and hopefully prove that my condition(s) still warrant me my current rating. Also, I iwll have to make sure to reply annually to their employment questionare so I can continue receiving TDIU. This has me a bit nervous since my memory is faulty and I tend to procrastenate. Maybe that's what the VA is counting on !?:wacko:

  15. I have always advocated for a veteran to submit any claim that they feel is justified. However .. just a little insight.. your rated 90% now which means you may only needa seperate 20% more to get to 100% or you may need a se-perate 50% rating. Based on what you wrote there is no way for me to know. But my point is that it is almost impossible to go from a 90% rating to 100% raing unless the rating is for a single disability.

    Teac, I understand what you're saying. Getting to that 100% schedular is really not what I'm shooting for. I have legitimate conditions still arising and requiring treatment that I have not claimed but believe strongly that they're service connected. Wouldn't it be wise to still claim them and possibly be rated even if it doesn't increase my 90% schedular?

  16. I'm also gradually switching over to private care. Fortunate enough to have good insurance through my husband's employer. The first switch was to a private social worker. It's so nice now to go to her and wait in her private waiting room vs the MH waiting room at my VAMC. This person addresses my whole life, i.e. husband, health, kids, etc...the VA social worker just addressed my depression and spent our last 2 appts telling me that I was "imagining" that my husband wants to leave me...that's funny, she never even met him and DH has told me several times that "he's leaving me because I have brought down the quality of life in our family". it's hard enough to leave the house, let alone force myself to go see someone I don't want to talk to.

    I also went to my husband's healthcare provider. I have not been to a civilian Dr since I was a little kid. It was a breath of fresh air. I took them a current list of my meds and the Dr was surprised that I haven't been perscribed Lyrica or Cymbalta for the fibromyalga. Also, the headache medicine I'm taking is increasing my blood pressure...bottom line, I just feel better about this type of care.

    I'm just going to stay organized and keep copies of everything and when my ratings are questioned, I will have proof of still receiving care.

  17. My Primary care doc at the VA is thorough and was not comfortable in giving me pain meds just because I "say" that I have intense & frequent headaches(SC30% for them). She asked if I had ever had injury to my head or neck. I told her yes and than explained some of the details of when I was attacked. The phucker (sorry..it makes me be able to talk if I can use that word) got off on slamming my head against the kitchen counter or off the tiled floor and waiting for me to become conscious again. Doc sent me to x-ray for my neck and 2 days later i'm getting an MRI done as well. I have the MRI results in front of me..."multilevel degenerative disease of the cervical spine. most significantnat C6-C7 w/mild spinal canal stenosis & moderate right/mild left neural foraminal narrowing.

    All of my rated SC conditions stem from the attack.

    I guess my question is I believe my headache rating is low for the frequency and intensity of them. Can this medical report be used to either increase my headache rating or is there another way to use it? I'm 100% TDIU non-P&T. I am currently 90% scheduler and feel I could be 100% with a few conditions that are bubbling to the surface.

    I apologize about not being clear in what I'm asking. My head is swimming with mixed emotions. One hand I'm so happy to be awarded TDIU but other hand wondering if I keep going and claiming this neck issue. It already has caused me to be scheduled w/rhuematology and pain clinic. I understand the money wont increase but wouldn't it serve to protect me by having these possably rated?

  18. My local DAV rep is leaving and going to work for The Wounded Warrior Project. He said he wanted to leave knowing whether I was awarded or denied my IU since we already knew it had been rated. He called Houston and got a e-mail copy of my official notification letter. It states they are increasing from 80% to 90% service connected and awarding me TDIU. I am not P&T. I have one future exam. I am bing back paid for the additional 10% to Oct 09 and back paid for the TDIU to April 09...I was thrilled about that last part because they didn't go by the day I filed for TDIU but instead went back to the day I was awarded 70%.

    I'm also relieved to find out what's been possibly causing my intense headaches (besides stress). I had an X-Ray and an MRI done on my neck. This was requested because I finally disclosed to my Dr about how badly I was hurt in this area and the back of head during an assualt. The MRI shows that I have arthritis in the neck and upper back. Finally proof that i'm not causing my own pain psychologically. I can't count how many times my primary dr, psychiatrist, neurologist and a few others have theorized that I'm bringing on the pain because of my PTSD.

    Anyway, I won this battle and now have to gear up for the Judicial hearing for appealing my SSD.

    Thanks for all the great advice. I only wish I found this ite BEFORE filing my claim. I would have made less mistakes.

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