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Any Other Quad´s Or Para´s Here

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My name here is Josh and am a partial quad with spinal cord damage at muliple levels (100% with AA NSC at this point with 1151 claim active) . My arms, hands, legs, feet and rear (whats left of it) hurt every minute I am awake. DOes anybody else have this problem?

Ouch OMG is all I can think of at times.. I take nothing for it as I don´t even have access to the VA from where I am (another country right now) and want to get your advise. What to take? Please don´t suggest powdered rose petals or that sort of thing as although they may smell good, this pain is intense... Any ideas... And no I have not talked to the doctor yet. but I must now as this is killing me,



Edited by Josh


Joseph Hertrich (Josh)

Cartagena Colombia

Boulder Colorado

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My name here is Josh and am a partial quad with spinal cord damage at muliple levels (100% with AA NSC at this point with 1151 claim active) . My arms, hands, legs, feet and rear (whats left of it) hurt every minute I am awake. DOes anybody else have this problem?

Ouch OMG is all I can think of at times.. I take nothing for it as I don´t even have access to the VA from where I am (another country right now) and want to get your advise. What to take? Please don´t suggest powdered rose petals or that sort of thing as although they may smell good, this pain is intense... Any ideas... And no I have not talked to the doctor yet. but I must now as this is killing me,



Josh, Im not a quad or other paraplegic. I am a diabetic with many complications that seem to get worse overnite. I wonder if you have tried the Accupuncture route or a hypnotic state to nullify the pain?

As a diabetic I get peripheral neuropathy pains in the tips of my extremeties and crazy itching!! The diabetic nurse at the VA here prescribes Capzasin cream. It burns and the pain goes away. May the Great Spirit walk with you but not to far and too soon.

Arch Sgt. USAF

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Thanks Arch for your reply.

Looks like I have no choice but to live with it like I have been doing for years. VA Doc told me once ¨We can cut all the nerves to your legs..." Oh yes doc, what a great idea.


Joseph Hertrich (Josh)

Cartagena Colombia

Boulder Colorado

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Well, it really depends on where you're at and what access to medications you have. VA has different ways of dealing with vets in different areas and customs can be an issue in certain parts of the world.

Only thing I could suggest outside of normal receptor blocker type pain killers is, depending on if it's legal in the country you're in, marijuana. It can work wonders for pain and can help with your appetite if you're having issues maintaining weight.

There may also be surgeries to help minimize some of the pain you are experiencing, but, again, it depends on where you are and what services are available.

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Yep I do the MJ thing. It works well. Amazing that in order to get relief from this I have to do illegal transactions not to mention I had to come to Colombia just to get antibiotics when the VA Docs there refused them.. Incredible is all I can think of except for what will be the next surprise.

You are right regarind the weight issue, the brain abscess that the VA let go for 7 years should have killed me but instead it ate away all my appetite receptors. Great way to lose weight but a very bad thing when you are a stick man already.

Only thing I could suggest outside of normal receptor blocker type pain killers is, depending on if it's legal in the country you're in, marijuana. It can work wonders for pain and can help with your appetite if you're having issues maintaining weight.


Joseph Hertrich (Josh)

Cartagena Colombia

Boulder Colorado

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Don't let the fact that most americans are to ignorant and stubborn to legalize marijuana stop you from seeking relief (if only for medicinal use) . Actually, when you compare MJ to other pain medications you find it is FAR superior, in that it is much better for you.....would you rather swallow a pill that is made with horrible man-made chemicals in a lab or take an all natural pain killer created by god (or evolution...don't want to leave anyone out:-). If someone has the balls to question your right, as a severely disabled veteran, to seek relief then send them my way and I'll deal with them properly:-)

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