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Update From Taura King-

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Guest Berta


It was difficult for me to assess who this came from-

just signed Taura-

I got it from an ALLVETS member:

From: themamabear47@yahoo.com

Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2005 5:07 PM

Congratulations is in Order Attention: Naval Veterans, Thailand and Korean Cold War Veterans

I have wonderful news for our Veterans and would like to update you on the three projects Sue and I have

been working on for some time. As you know we have been working on:

• Naval Veterans Exposures to -Dioxins-Occupational Chemicals- the law omitting them from the Agent Orange Act and M21.

• Thailand Veterans Exposures and a resolution clarifying that Veteran having served in direct support of the in direct support of the Vietnam conflict where herbicide agents were used be provided the same benefits that are provide to those having served in country.

• Korean Cold War Veterans Exposures and the law limiting the years of exposure when the agents were

present in Korea at least from 61-78 and possibly as late as 82—am developing this info at this time.

• In Early 2006 Sue and I have been asked to appear in front of Committee #1 to present the Thailand and

Naval Veterans Projects.

• All three presentations will be formally submitted to Committee #2-- Congressional members by August 1st

2006 with a request for an immediate review of the Facts.

• We are in communication with Committee # 3 and hope to shore up a presentation with them in DC also. When this is confirmed I will release the name of this committee—I do not want to present false hope so best to leave this out of the conversation until we do confirm that a presentation has been ranged.

Since 1998 I have researched many subjects relating to Veterans issues. I along with many others have shared a deep concern regarding our Veterans exposure not only to Herbicide Agents but also Occupational Exposures. About two years ago I developed a relationship with a Naval Veterans wife, Sue, who appeared to have the passions I had. I have introduced her to you on several occasions and have long deemed her the Naval Veterans “Hound Dog.” This gal can dig up documents that have been embedded so deep in web sites, she like a darn ground hog that digs to China, relentless. She is something and I can’t thank her enough for the concern, love and devotion she has so freely shown our Veterans and myself. Your diligence and ours combine has finally gotten the attention of the powers that be. We are so very proud and we Thank All Of You for having participated in our projects over the years. There would be no project had you not come to our aid. We continue to need your support and supporting evidence. We continue to need your guidance. You are the Veteran that has the expertise to help us understand the full scope of certain issues relating to all branches of the Armed Forces, how they function and how equipment operates.

Congratulations Guys the projects have been accepted for a formal review. Until the presentations have been made we have been asked not to release the identity of Committee #1. The committees have asked that if a Veteran has evidence he would like introduced then he should submit it to Sue or myself for consideration. They are asking for very specific documents and want us to review the documents to ensure they will meet the criteria they have set forth.

What criteria must documents meet?

Committee # 1 Will ONLY accept PUBLISHED documents, official documents such as declassified documents, military records, orders, Medical Journals and or items that have undergone a Peer Review.

Committee #2:

Will accept military records, veterans sworn statements and the noted documents above.

Naval Veterans Issues Goes Under Review By Committee #1 in early 2006 when the board reconvenes but a

presentation is being presented to Congress in August Of 2005:

We have been invited to Washington DC in early 2006 to present both of these projects to a board of

individuals that will be placing the research under review. Our 5000-page collection of official evidence is based on:

• How Naval Veteran were exposed to Herbicide Agents of the coast of Vietnam.

• Why they have a higher rate of multi system illnesses.

• Why they appear to have a 58% higher rate of Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma than those having served in country.

• The engineering of Distillation Plants on board ships.

• The water purification process.

• Co-Distillation of multi chemical cross contamination of ocean water used for potable water on board ships.

• The deposition (travel) of dioxin and dioxin like compounds averaging, 1250 miles.

• What Vessels were deemed most toxic and why.

• Illnesses not currently on the presumptive list that have proven to be related to Herbicide Exposures.

• The “In Country” issue.

Committee #2 will be looking at: All of the above but to include:

• Occupational Exposure issues. (Background on DOD approved chemicals known to be hazardous to ones health)

• Occupational Related illnesses

• Meliodosis

• Silicosis

• Contaminated Military Base locations to include shipyards

• Distillation and water purification

Thailand Veterans Issues: This will be a bit of a different issue. Committee #1 will not be looking at unit information only Committee #2 has this ability. The purpose for this review will be to provide evidence proving:

• Herbicide Agents were present in Thailand, where, when, and as much info about unit locations and operations/missions conducted in support of the Vietnam conflict as we can provide.

• We will also show Herbicide Agents were used and or stored or destroyed in other countries that participated in support of the Vietnam conflict.

• Provide Operational information regarding missions being conducted out of Thailand into Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.

• Contamination of planes having returned from missions in Vietnam causing contamination to Thailand Bases and service members.

• The use of Agents Pink and Green from 1953-1964.

• The use of Agent Orange and other herbicides through 1967 and locations.

• Proof that the Military Working Dogs serving in Thailand suffered dioxin exposures.

• The use of Sarin in Laos.

• A request to address the law has been prepared and has already been submitted.

I am looking for any and all official documents showing operational names proving our Veterans flew mission in and out Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia from Thailand not just spray missions but all missions—units located at each base during the Vietnam conflict. Veterans’ statements indicating units they witnessed at their bases, spraying of herbicides, type of spray equipment used, 55 gallon drums open and in use at the base or loaded and sent to Nam on planes from Thailand. Your testimony and or orders showing other veterans names proving they served along side you, with any unit info. Units list all known unit to have been located at your base. These statement must be completed on a VA form titled—Statement of Claim—or they will not be considered legal

Korean Cold War Veterans:

Your issues will be submitted to Congressional members by August 1st 2005. I am told that because Korea was a war in and of it's self and had nothing to do with the Vietnam conflict Committee #1 can not accept this research. So we are in communication with another committee that we believe will look at this project—nonetheless we have had allot of support from

Congressional members and they are awaiting the presentation.

We will be requesting an immediate review of the evidence and or a Congressional Hearing. Issues being presented:

• Agents Present from at least as early as 61-78 possibly as late as 82.

• 1978 5th Preventative Medicine Units finds environmental studies prove high levels of dioxin in Korea. I need to talk to these veteran’s please put them in touch with me.

• Water contamination—agents were disposed of into major waterways daily. We need to locate others having served with the Chemical Unit

• Water Purification Plants in ability to remove the dioxin from the water. We need to talk to those of you that maintained these systems.

• Remote locations affected by agents such as Nike Sites—we need to talk to you.

There is much more to all this but this is a very short explanation of what we have been asked to address in our presentations at the hearing in DC and in our presentation to Congressional members. I am also reflecting info I would like to further document

for these testimonies.

We have until August 1st to shore up any weakness in all three projects. Understand that the Thailand and Naval Veterans project has been accepted by TWO review committees and Korea by ONE. But we have been asked to discuss our information with another committee that appears to be interested in the subjects we have researched.

Our first presentation of all three projects will be August of this year. The DC presentation must be completed by January of 2006 and involves only the Navy and Thailand projects.

There are a few weaknesses in the projects we need to shore up some of which I have note above but know there will be more as we draw the research to a conclusion.

Thanks again to all of you, you made this possible. Taura

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