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Missed Appt

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I really need some help. I am part of the BDD (filing VA claim while processing for retirement from military). I had my 1st C/p which was phase 2 of my retirement physical and then my Nurse Pratictioner scheduled me for a Psyc eval for depression. She called and sccheduld the appointment and as she said it I wrote it down. 10:00 today- when I showed up for appointment they said it was scheduled for 10:00 yesterday and I no showed it. Now they say they can not reschedule it until I officially retire and get my initial claim. Some how this does not seem fair. My actual retirement date is not until Aug, which is when the claim will be adjudicated. I know without the C/P exam for depression they will not rate me, So I will have to refile. After what I read that could take forever. You would think that VA would want to get it right the first time. Also it looks like I didn't show up when in fact there was a misunderstanding on what date it was. The NP never gave me anything with the date and time but I am very careful about writing down everything because of my other illnesses.

Anyone have any ideas what I can or should do, now?

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I would say to make a call every ten minutes until you get someone to listen to you, but as most have said already, the VA is going to take a "too bad" attitude.

When I was told that I somehow missed my C&P, I told the VA that I never was scheduled for one cause I never got a letter or anything. They replied that I denied wanting a C&P by phone. I asked who it was that called and they gave me the number. THe woman got real snotty and said that she specifically remembered talking to me and I said I didnt want any physical. I asked her what number she called and she gave me my phone number from Los Angeles in 1994 (I live in Rochester NY)! I left there (LA) at XMas of 94. I asked her is she ever specifically asked whom it was she was speaking to and she said she didn't but that the person was SO adamant that he didn't want an exam that she didnt bother sending the letter out about the exam.

All of this was documented by me and sent in........ guess what? My claim was denied for failure to report for the C&P. I had to file a whole new claim.

Stay on them and see if you can get it changed, but don't get your hopes up too high.

Sorry for your situation and thank you for your service!

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  • HadIt.com Elder

LOA, some questions or thoughts to help. No need to answer here though, :unsure: .

First regards your supposed 'missed' appointment, how about writing a letter outlining the 'misunderstanding' of the date&time the appointment was for. Is it possible the clinic receptionist transposed the date and the time as you understood it? Also, if the visit was regards depression, is it possible your telephone call triggered a response such as a miscue date, or forgetfullness, inattention, stress, scattered processing, distractibility, etc?

Did you recieve a letter for the initial VA C&P? VA appointment letters are very official, originally I recieved a letter at my home address scheduling both C&Ps. Maybe they forgot to send you the official letter. Note, any answered tele calls are documented in Cfiles with "who talked to who".

Additionally, thinking about your upcoming retirement....

Do you have a copy of your SMRs? If you see civilian dr. before the retirement physical, you could check out smrs.

Do you carry a specific list of your medical conditons? (back-lumbar, neck-cervical, stress-mental health, etc)

Did you request buddy letters? Email a freind event(s) description for comment, the return is Gold, signed email or letter in a envelope w name & mail address!

Best to ya, cg

I really need some help. I am part of the BDD (filing VA claim while processing for retirement from military). I had my 1st C/p which was phase 2 of my retirement physical and then my Nurse Pratictioner scheduled me for a Psyc eval for depression. She called and sccheduld the appointment and as she said it I wrote it down. 10:00 today- when I showed up for appointment they said it was scheduled for 10:00 yesterday and I no showed it. Now they say they can not reschedule it until I officially retire and get my initial claim. Some how this does not seem fair. My actual retirement date is not until Aug, which is when the claim will be adjudicated. I know without the C/P exam for depression they will not rate me, So I will have to refile. After what I read that could take forever. You would think that VA would want to get it right the first time. Also it looks like I didn't show up when in fact there was a misunderstanding on what date it was. The NP never gave me anything with the date and time but I am very careful about writing down everything because of my other illnesses.

Anyone have any ideas what I can or should do, now?

Edited by cowgirl

For my children, my God sent husband and my Hadit family of veterans, I carry on.

God Bless A m e r i c a, Her Veterans and their Families!

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yes I am still on active duty this C/P was part of my retirement physical. The military has a new program where you can have VA do your retirement physical and file your claim at the same time (prior to seperation) but I will not get my rating until after I retire. If is suppose to speed up the process. This is the only VA appoints I will have prior to them awarding a disability rating.

My PCM diagnosed me with depression due to medical/physcial condition, but I have never seen a physciatrist. It is documented in my medical record. I do take prozac.

I will try to find the patient advocate number to the VAMC in Columbia Mo. Also should I just go see the military physciatrist and ask them for a complete diagnosis with a GAF number just as if I had done the VA physical. My fear is VA will say I didn't go to my appoint just as Quint had said and deny my claim. If I can not get them to reschedule it and I do see the military physciatrist will VA use this. Im thinking, like cowgirl said ,if I explain to the military physciatrist what happened and link it to my other medical conditions CFS/hypersomnia which cause forgetfulness, memory loss, confusion and alot of other issues while VA have to except this.

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LOA: I don't believe they can denie your claim because you missed an appointment...you are still on active duty...what you can do is if you are close enough to Warrensburg Mo. you can go to the VA Clinic there and there is a Missouri Veteran rep. there that you can talk to...also I believe there is also a Veterans advocate there at Whiteman AFB that you can also talk to...

As long as you are still active duty you need to get all your ducks in a roll before your seperation...also within the one year time frame of seperation to have things documented...

With how the miliary is today they do have you get an occupational physical every year...and you will have a seperation physical as well to fill out...this would be a good time to go to medical records and request to see your medical records and start making a list of things that may be a concern...

You can also go to the base clinic and talk to the Patient Avocate regarding the mishap at the VA they can go and help you if not themselves make you a new appointment...so please take a breath and stand back...

and if that is not enough...GO down to Sedalia Mo. and go to Ike Skeltons office and talk to his assistant there and they will contact the VA as well and things do happen...

esp. since Ike has close ties to the base.

The VA regional office in St. Louis are good people..but I know you have concerns...but you are at a good point right now to get things fixed.


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  • HadIt.com Elder


Hope you take Mountains advice, sounds like he knows your area! You havent filed for your entire claim yet if I am guessing right. So do take your time and get valid diagnosis's as possible from your active duty PCM and/or specialists as needed. Namely, if you see the military psych that can only 'bolster' your SMR diagnosis and claim for the VA. Read up on IMO, basically it means diagnosis and valid medical opinion describing such. You then provide the VA the nexus to active service; my recommendation is use proper medical terms, a good VSO can advise.

Pardon my comments about possibly overlooking the appointment date/time or misunderstanding the VA clerk, no insult intended. I have missed appointments, not meaning to, and have shown up on wrong days. I do apologize often and very sincerely. Myself, I have to write it down, short term memory, is uh, rather, really short. Just another issue my psychologist/psychiatrist is trying to help me with.

Best to Ya, Cg

Warrensburg Clinic

1300 Veterans Drive

Warrensburg, MO 64093

Phone: (816) 922-2500 ext. 54281

Harry S. Truman Memorial Veterans' Hospital

800 Hospital Drive

Columbia, Missouri 65201

Phone: (573)814-6000

Information for Patients

Your local eligibilty and enrollment representative, Enrollment Coordinator at (573) 814-6433.

To make, change or cancel an appointment

Eligible veterans are to call their clinic to make, change or cancel an appointment. Clinic operating hours are 8:00am to 4:30pm, Monday thru Friday. Clinics are closed on Federal Holidays.

[Nearby VBA Regional Office St. Louis Regional Office

VISN 15 Heartland Network serving Veterans in Illinois, Kansas and Missouri.

Edited by cowgirl

For my children, my God sent husband and my Hadit family of veterans, I carry on.

God Bless A m e r i c a, Her Veterans and their Families!

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I believe if you can find out who made the C&P appts for you, you should be able to get them to reschedule the one that they say you "No Showed" for. Since you say you will retire in Aug that seems like plenty of time to get it done. You may also have some luck by calling the Director's office at the VAMC where they did your other C&P. I have had alot of success in getting issues resolved by calling the director's office. If you have no luck here definately get an appt to see a Physciatrist before you retire. I wonder how they gave you prozac without seeing a Physciatrist? Here in NC my PC doc can not write any scripts for the Physc. stuff. It has to be done by a Physc. Dr. I have been navigating the VA system since 2003. I was discharged it 1997 after 13 years. I should have gotten out on a medical disch but I got railroaded. I then mistakenly waited until 2003 to file a claim since I got seps pay and I thought a certain amount of time had to go by for it to considered to be spent. What a mistake. After I got awarded 30% I had to payback every dime of the seps pay before VA would pay me. If I can help with anything further jusr send me a message. Best of luck and thank you for your service DJ 8 USMC :unsure:

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