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Should Follow My Own Advise To You All

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Guest Berta


Men and women just this AM I mentioned again here how the c files and med recs can reveal so much we might have not considered-

well- I recently asked the VA for decisions on 2 claims I filed in 2004 that they seem to be ignoring-

they stemmed from my husband's Sec 1151 claim and then my reopen of it-

His claim was based on such lousy PTSD therapy that he feared his PTSD would excalate and cause his death with HBP and heart attack- 6 months later he died. Hs HBP was not controlled well at all and VA agreed this contributed to his death- and the heart disease- I proved he had it but VA never rated it-but in 1997 they agreed it had been misdiagnosed and contributed to his death.

well- I just found an ECG that proves one of my claims- still open issue from 1994 that Rod's PTSD contributed to his heart disease.

My main claim is for DMII contributing to death- however the VA must consider all claims for direct sc.

The veteran was in the 21 day PTSD program until the month before his death.

One of the vets called me from the lock down whatever late one night- I had not heard from Rod all day and thought it was his call-

The vet said he had become unbalanced , was shaking a lot and was talking but not making any sense at all-

they had called the doctor on the PTSD ward to help.

I spoke to her the next day- without taking any reading whatsoever she said "his Bp was OK yesterday"-

That is exactly what the medical entry she made stated-"BP OK yesterday"- real professional-

(HBP very poorly controlled and lending to the veterans death-FTCA Report)

Well here I found that an abnormal ECG had been done too at this PTSD hosp-

All these years I thought it was part of another 1992 ECG but it wasn't.It was done in Aug 1994.

I felt pretty stupid when I realised that

during treatment program for the veteran's SC PTSD-the VA gave him inappropriate medical care resulting in his death 56 days later(the same substandard care as found in othr documents VACO considered)

by failing to react to this third abnormal ECG. I had thought there were only two of them occuring one as he was an employee and the other as a PT for stroke.

I am sending this to VARO Tuesday- to support not only the direct SC death claim but also the still open for 11 years 1151 claim as to his PTSD.

Does this make sense to anyone?

If you are in a PTSD program and the VA causes you additional disability-is that not Sec 1151 and also secondary to the direct SC disability?

Because if you didnt have the SC disability (that put Rod into the 21 day in house in the first place)

prompting this treatment, you would not be there, thus a secondary condition by direct SC also ??? (I am beginning to wonder what I am talking about)-

In any event-

I am surrounding the enemy with evidence and also writing a letter to the director to make sure that-after 3 years, the VA starts to read it all.

I have seen this situation too that I need to mention here again-

I know of some vets with claims that dont seem to get anywhere- yet they have other conditions that they do not associate with service but MIGHT well be related to their service-

The SSA vet I met at K Mart 2 years ago- I couldnt believe it- he was fighting over a back injury claim and told me he got SSA for an anxiety disorder.

I said what gave you the anxiety disorder-

He was in Munich during the Olympic catatrophe and had direct service duty involved with that-it was horrible-

I think this is what the movie Munich is based on.

It gave him an anxiety disorder that totally has disabled him per SSA.

He was shocked that here he was fighting over this back claim and had never even thought to claim the anxiety disorder (PTSD) due to his service.(His SSA -he never even thought of as evidence)

PTSD as I often say- alters our ability to think-

we aren't dumb just unable due to stress- to see things clearly sometimes-

The VA is supposed to consider you for any potential disability you have as possibly service connected. But they dont do that.

I say put every single disability you have in your claims-and say it is due to your service-put the strongest ones first-

you never know and even by just stating them in your claim , something could come to you to reveal a possible nexus.

And certainly pour over those med recs- dont be like me- finding stuff after years and years that I didnt click on for a long time---

Edited by Berta
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Berta, I am sorry to see the that the VA is still after all this time ,constantly giving you the runaround with your claims. I know the frustration of hoping someone will do the right thing and rate your claim the way it should be rated. It is true that that they are supposed to consider any complications that you have that may be service connected, but like you stated they think that we are either to uninformed, too sick, or just plain not smart enough to see that they are not following their own rules. I hope your claims are resolved soon.

Hang in there!


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Pearl- where have you been? you certainly were a major contributor to us in the past with your own VA rigamorale and your support to others here- I sure have missed you!!!!!

Every single claim or a story about how the claim is handled helps someone out there-

And the uniqueness of each claim is what makes us all finally get so smart- Berta

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Good point Terry- oh yes how well you know them!

In 1996 they tried to blame the dead veteran for contributing to their medical screw ups-

I knocked that SOC statement down in a heart beat-

They forgot- Rod almost always had a witness- me- and I took notes of what the doctors said-

When a veteran goes to the VA ER numerous times over a five day period, unable to balance himself, with nausea, blurred vision, headaches and stromatomia candidia-

(the veteran -I proved had actually suffered a series of strokes-transcient ischemia) which an MRI years later revealed as well as diabetic involvement during this period

and the doctor gets so mad at an audiology report because the audiologist went against his opinion ( said hole in ear drum causing these problems)- that he calls the vet crazy and kicks him out of the ER-

then tells VA he refused medical help-

this is what I knocked down with the actual med entries and audio ENT.

I was there-the veteran couldnt drive and needed help getting to the ER.He even begged a VA doctor in the bathroom to help him. Finally a ER doc (they never did any blood work) gave him some pills for HBP-and he began to feel a little better and we went home. We then went to a real ear doctor many miles away and he immediately could see the vet did not have any hole in his eardrum.

They will do all they can in many cases to attempt to deny a claim.

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Pearl- where have you been? you certainly were a major contributor to us in the past with your own VA rigamorale and your support to others here- I sure have missed you!!!!!

Every single claim or a story about how the claim is handled helps someone out there-

And the uniqueness of each claim is what makes us all finally get so smart- Berta

Berta, I check the site often, and read the many posts. I still have a pending claim for the conditions that they either ignored, or rated me very low on. (DDD,carpal tunnel,LVH) I am hoping to hear something soon, I sent my NOD in last March. I had a meeting the other day with an independent living counselor. I think it went well. It is good to see that you guys are still working so hard, and getting out the info that others need to be successful with their claims. Even with your own claims being stymied you all keep pushing on. It is so unfortunate that the VA tries to make it a fight to the death. Keep up the good work. You are in my thoughts and prayers.


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