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What Is The White House Policy On Gulf War Illness And Exposures?

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What is the White House Policy on Gulf War illness and exposures?

Posted on February 11, 2009 by gm http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.phpvar addthis_pub = \'peapolzmedia\';


by Denise Nichols

This is delay and denial set up by Former President Bush ie Policy to former VA Sec Peake. This hurts hundreds of thousands of veterans in US and UK. What will President Obama's White House Policy be on Gulf War illness and exposures?

Delay and Denial places veterans at risk! Time for this issue to hit President Obama at a press conference!!!!

The VA follows policy set at the White House by the President, isnt it appropriate that we address the President on this issue?

The RAC report reviewed Peer Review Research already published in peer review journals.

The RAC is advisory to the VA Secretary maybe it should have been a Presidential level Advisory Committee?

Why did former SEC of VA Peake send it off to NAS/IOM except to wait for more gulf war veterans to die without compensation and health care?

Is this how this nation treats its veterans and deny those veterans their rights as human beings?

What level of proof is needed to say these veterans of the Gulf War in 1990-91 have suffered physical damage as a result of their service to this country?

We cannot sue because of Feres Doctrine...a true catch 22---that makes veterans even less citizen? Citizens have right to sue in case of law....Veterans can not.

So how do we get out of the rat trap?

Click on debate in the British House of Lords to see how over there the government is using the referral of the RAC report to the IOM as an excuse to keep on delaying recognizing the problem.

A CALL TO ACTION:Okay, all believe it is time for coordinated action---letter writing to the White House and CC to SEC of VA. Get everyone you know. I am recruiting Civilians to do this too! Simple: Points to cover in a short letter;

  1. The VA's Research Advisory on Gulf War Illness Report needs to be reviewed by the President and he should state his policy to accept gulf war illness as real and physical damage to the veterans of the Gulf War and direct that the Sec of the VA grant presumption of service connection! That the Sec of the VA within 30 days revise the regulations and set up a method to fast track the hundreds of thousands of claims for gulf war veterans be resolved and granted. This would certainly help the backlog of claims at the VA.
  2. That congress immediately set up a seperate Special joint House and Senate committee to investigate the conduct of VA and NAS/IOM in regards to corruption of science in regards to gulf war illness.
  3. Both the Senate and House should follow up and initiate standing committee to deal with Hazardous Exposures past and present.

DENISE NICHOLS is a U.S. Gulf War Veteran. She can be reached at


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