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Claim To Reopen For Increase And Residuals Of

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Guest Jim S.


Since my first claim for SC I was rated for a fractured nasal bone at 0%. I now have an IMO that states that the deviated septum of both nostrils is due to my fractured nasal bone and causes breathing difficulties due to same.

I want to file for an increase in rating for SC Nasal Bone Fracture, residuals to include deviated septum to both nasal passages, Alergic Rhynitis, nocternal hypoxia and mild obstructuve sleep APNEA. For the use of a steroid medication at it's maximum dosage allowed by VAMC to help maintain an open nasal passage, requiring Oxygen use during sleep at 2 liters for the nocurnal hypoxia and for the mild obstructive sleep APNEA. Further shown by evidence of a hyperactive airway due to mouth breathing due to nasal obstruction.

All this information is a part of my VAMC records and the IMO will be at the time of this filing to show new and material evidence to re-open claim.

Should I seperate the different exams and hylight the evidence that pretains to each condition or will making

referance to the evidence sufficient? Also should I ask the IMO Dr to conform his report to the C&P exam requirements?

The first report didn't cost me a dime, but I have no doubt if he should have to go into the details as they are in the C&P exam, it will cost me at least a Dr's visit of an hour for a specialist consult.

I've been thinking of having an MRI done thru my family Dr. The MRI will run about $800 to $1000 for one done of my head, that way I can cover anything that might show for the Nasal fracture and posibly residual of the concusion as well, at least I hope it will.

Any recommedations or suggestions is always most appreciated.

Jim S. :(

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  • HadIt.com Elder
Since my first claim for SC I was rated for a fractured nasal bone at 0%. I now have an IMO that states that the deviated septum of both nostrils is due to my fractured nasal bone and causes breathing difficulties due to same.

I want to file for an increase in rating for SC Nasal Bone Fracture, residuals to include deviated septum to both nasal passages, Alergic Rhynitis, nocternal hypoxia and mild obstructuve sleep APNEA. For the use of a steroid medication at it's maximum dosage allowed by VAMC to help maintain an open nasal passage, requiring Oxygen use during sleep at 2 liters for the nocurnal hypoxia and for the mild obstructive sleep APNEA. Further shown by evidence of a hyperactive airway due to mouth breathing due to nasal obstruction.

All this information is a part of my VAMC records and the IMO will be at the time of this filing to show new and material evidence to re-open claim.

Should I seperate the different exams and hylight the evidence that pretains to each condition or will making

referance to the evidence sufficient? Also should I ask the IMO Dr to conform his report to the C&P exam requirements?

The first report didn't cost me a dime, but I have no doubt if he should have to go into the details as they are in the C&P exam, it will cost me at least a Dr's visit of an hour for a specialist consult.

I've been thinking of having an MRI done thru my family Dr. The MRI will run about $800 to $1000 for one done of my head, that way I can cover anything that might show for the Nasal fracture and posibly residual of the concusion as well, at least I hope it will.

Any recommedations or suggestions is always most appreciated.

Jim S. :(


How was the allergic rhinitis diagnosed. I would suspect non alllergic rhinitis due to frontal head injury. What is Hyperactive airway. I've been trying to tell doctors that I have hypersensitive airway for 30 years. I would lean on a perimary care doctor at the VA before spending the money for an MRI.


100% for Angioedema with secondary conditions.

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Hyperactive airway disease – a condition whereby a patient’s lungs are sensitive to a particular inhalant, or a combination of inhalants. When exposed, the smooth muscles that surround the bronchial tree tightens, restricting the patient’s lungs and subsequently, making it harder to breathe. Asthma is a common hyperactive airway disease.

One of the causes is from having to breath more than is normal through the mouth because of obstructed nasal passages. Such as in my case.

In your case it could be caused by your sensitivity to certain chemicals.

You would have to have a bronchoscopy to look for the tall tail cobbleston looking tissue in the airpassage of your broncial tree.

A mouth breather takes in more irratants than a normal person would since they do not have the use of the natural filtering capabilities of the nasal passages, nor the moisturizing of the air as you breath through the nose.

I'm not sure how they would differentiate a allergic Rhinitis vs. a non-allergic Rhinitis. My nose is either a runny nose, or a post nasal drip, to swollen tissue, or just full of snot. I suffer from all these through out the day and sometimes have a diffuclt time in getting to sleep because of the post nasal drip or I'm bothered by a weasing sound in my throat or I end up coughing tring to clear my throat.

The medication I have, helps to some degree, but I can only use it as perscribed or risk damage further to the tissue walls of my nose.

If my nose worked properly, irritants would be filter out to a certain degree, where as they now aren't. Plus the Canula that I use to deliver the oxygen causes further irritation and provide a location and souce for Virus and bacteria growth.

Jim S.

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AAARRRRRRHHHGGGGG!!!!! :( :( I was typing out my Statement in Support letter and had a whole page pointing out each residual and secondary affect of my Broken Nasal bone and was using an on line form to do it with, when my connection to the internet was dropped. I lost the whole first page, just as I was about to finish that page and then print it out. Now I have to start all over again and it late and I've already taken my sleep meds. I'm just green around the gills and upset at myself for not using my own word processer to formulate my support letter.

What did I do to deseve this, I fed and water my Cat and Dog, I even got some more treats, that my dog likes, to give him. My Cat seems content, sleepiing in his customary place on my bed, waiting for me to retire. I tipped the waitress quite well at the resteraunt I was at just two days ago. I was even polite when I checked in person, on my claim, at my DAV SO's office. I even paid the balance owing on my vehicle insurance, and of course I renewed all my meds I was getting low on so I wouldn't run out.

Is this some sort of test or is it some kind on joke, that I fell to see the humor in? Well I guess my meds are kicking in, cause at this point, I am carring less and less the why for of anything but pleasant dreams and an early wake up call, so I can start this fricken frack Statement in Support of Claim letter.

Sweet Dreams All. B) :( :)

Jim S. :(

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hit alpha: If you mean do I use a C-pap machine for sleep apnea, the answer is no. My sleep apnea is to mild to be considered for one, but however I do use a oxygen concentrater that delivers 2 leters of oxygen through a nasal canula while I sleep. My condition is called Nocturnal Hypoxia, which is a condition were by, during the rem state of sleep, my breathing slows down and the volume lessons to the point that my oxygen saturations drop below normal. This condition is more closely related to sudden infant death. But in the case of DID, the infants breathing is believed to slow down to the point that the brain is starved to long without oxygen and then sudden death occurs. unlike sleep apnea, where breathing stops altogether and then the brain wakes you up or tells you to start breathing again because you are not getting enough oxygen to it. In Nocturnal Hypoxia, the oxygen levels drop slowly and if it drops low enough and long enough, the brain is tricked in a way and has no time to react before it shuts down and death occurs.

My Nocturnal Hypoxia would be difficult to SC, since I also have a restrictive lung disease, I am severly obese at 335 lbs at last weigh in. Lost about 23 lbs since last summer. most of it just resently, hope I can keep it up. I've been told my breathing problems are partly due to my weight, but so far with 23 lbs lost, there is no change in my symptoms. This is my main reason besides the othe benefits of loosing weight, I want to show that the weight has nothing to do with my breathing problems. Besides I also show I have a diffuse lung disease of undetermined origin which more than likely is the cause of my restrictive lung disease and not so much as my weight problem as the Drs suggest.

Still can't sleep very well, took meds around 11:00pm yesterday. You would think after three and a half hours they would have me flat on my back, usually they do, but their are nights like now when they don't seem to have any effect.

Jim S. a.k.a. Rockhound Rider ;)

Are you a paranoid schizophrenic

if the ones you think are out to

get you, really are?

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