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Chief Petty Officers
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Posts posted by rthomass

  1. Did the VARO send you an award letter for AO NHL dated September 7,2010? NO the date to be specifivc was September 27, 2010.

    Was there a statement in the VA Award letter they sent that said "what we will pay you" and then a statement as to the EED and the rating? NO to all three "what is EED?"

    Was there a rating sheet with their award letter? NO

    I posted internal VA contact numbers for the director and a VSM at Lexington the other day here. Okay and congradulations.

    GRADUATE ! Nov 2nd 2007 American Military University !

    I am still lost here Randall-

    Did the VARO send you an award letter for AO NHL dated September 7,2010?

    Was there a statement in the VA Award letter they sent that said "what we will pay you" and then a statement as to the EED and the rating?

    Was there a rating sheet with their award letter?

    I posted internal VA contact numbers for the director and a VSM at Lexington the other day here.

  2. Berta to me it appears thay lost the award claim folder. My wife and I went to the C& P Office on 20 January 2011 to check on where the award claim folder is and we received a rather covulated answer that they were going to send something to the VARO on 21 January 2011; assume it is ths Doctor's review of Award CLaim Folder? Bear in mind that I that the C&P Doctor for Non-Hodgskins Lymphoma conducted his exam prior to his dated C&P finding of November 2010. The original Award date is September 27, 2010.

    To date they have delayed working the award by almost four months. Berta they have given me exactly zero comp. Wife and I though we would go to the Louisville, Ky RO and try to get more confused. As I read their regulations they have to pay me 100 % until the cessation of tratment plus six months afterwards. I have had regular Oncology Doctor appointments since I gave them my claim January 10, 2005. NHL found by VA June 2003 and due to ignorance I delayed my own claim.


    Thank You for all the help you render us


    I don't understand this:

    "They appear to have no idea where my for Award For Agent Orange Exposure received September 27, 2010 was. I have a copy of my C&P conducted two month ago on this award.....Yep right! They have lost, misplaced, shredded, vaporized or wh".....

    Do you mean they lost the AO claim? Or an award letter they prepared Prior to the C & P ?????

    They 'lost' mine already and found it.Because many AO claims are being sent to Nehmer coordinators at 6 different VAROs.

    If you have a lawyer for another VA issue, maybe best to ask him what to do.

    If they awarded have you received any comp yet?

  3. I made one of my periodic tours to my AO to let them know that I was stillone of the Viernam War Veterans that ply the hall of the hospital and The Regional Office. The real reason was that I had received Blank forms ; you know the ones they send you after you have submitted a claim.

    Now I want to let you guys I am close to the Louisville, Regional Office (9 miles) so that is the one I use. Now you say so what they want the Vet to fill out the forms and return them to them so they can proceed to process the vet's claim. Now these blank forms have the Louisville Regional Office Ltterhead. Now you know i've gone off the deep end..............not so quick guys the envelop was dated 22 January 2011. I had already taken these form to the Louisville Regional Office ,October 2010, all nicely fille out and duly stamped by the Louisville Regional Office. The counsellor was totally befuddled.....aren't they always.

    On top of all this a thorough search of the office failed to find my claim. Now mind you I have lost 60 days to date. I gave the RO guy a complete new copyfilled out all duly stamped and dated in October 2010. Now it only gets better. They appear to have no idea where my for Award For Agent Orange Exposure received September 27, 2010 was. I have a copy of my C&P conducted two month ago on this award.....Yep right! They have lost, misplaced, shredded, vaporized or what ever. This Organization is beyond help! A read of Hadit would really be an eye opener to them. Perhaps it should be mandantory.

    I can tell you I feel like hell, I'm confused, Depressed and fell like this will never end. Guys as you know seven years of VA is enough for any soul. May the bird of Paradis fly up their nose and an elephant caress their toes! Well now I lay my head down to sleep hoping to wake up to a new bright world where the VA takes care of their Veterans because of th service to their county!

    I can only think to get with my lawyer and prepare a letter and send it to their Inspector General. 7 years of litigations and now this !

  4. There was once a United States Senator from the state of Wisconsin. While in open session of Congress another Senator inquired of Senator McCarthy; Senator have you no shame ?

    Perhaps that statement should also be asked of the Veterans Administration and especially WACO VARO. WACO have you no shame ?

  5. Our hadit member Kurt Priessman was the first AO Thailand veteran. He used CHECO and many ther dopcuments to prove his claim.

    In our training letter forum is the VA's new C & P Bulletin as to how Thailand vet claims must be handled.

    His extensive research on AO in Thailand prompted this VA bulletin to be issued and the BVA has referred direct to Kurt in 2 recent BVA decision.

    All of his info is here and googable on the net.

    At least 2 dozen or more Thailand vets have succeeded in their AO claims so far by utilizing his research.

    If your MOS definitely put you on or Very near the perimeter of any Thailand base during the war, detail this information in yor claim.

    Berta I attempted to use a 1999 award based on a Thailand Veteran's exposure to Agent Orange.......He Worked at the base Gym near the perimeter. Perimeter awards for security guards only is again sad and ridiculas. I even found one AO Thailand Award was based solely on receipt of the Vietnam Service and Campaighn Medals!

  6. Excellent advise Berta! I believe the VA wants to limit awards to those who walked the perimeter.....Air Force Security and Military Police Army. To allow this limitation is sad. Personally I am in posession of a document that Vetean Brian Leif sent me stating the need for Ranch Hand Peronnel in Vietnam to aerial spray the bomb dump due to the high foilage hiding land mines, cobra etc......... This particular base was Nakhon Phanom Air Force located in Northern Thailand across the Mehkong River from Laos. Any one needing this document should contact me. Certainly disproves VA's perimeter propoganda. How many lies, how many lies ................ Stationed there August 1969 until August 1970.

    P.S. My AFSC (MOS) was 65190 Procurement supervisor for Purchasinf and Contracting. Certaininly never walked the perimeter but was at the perimeter on Construction projects....and when or how did the DOD of VA for that matter determine where the AO migrated from , Took forty years for Government to admit AO Thailand...PERHAPS It MIGRATED BY SURFACE OR GROUND WATER....that it was a secret plot perpetrated by the Viet Cong and they caught the AO droplets and carried it to the perimeter just to piss us off.

    Truth is they got caught with their hand in Priessman's Checo Cookie Jar!


  7. Hadit Brothers and Sisters, I have found out about a Vietnam era Vet who is dying from cancer in a VA hospital in Oklahoma. He is my wife's cousin and from what I know, he applied for compensation a long time ago and was denied. Not sure how hard he fought, but he eventually gave up. His family believes his cancer has something to do with his exposure to Agent Orange. I asked his brother in an email if he was actually in Vietnam and this was his reply:

    That is one of the problems.His dd214 shows he was released from Thailand. That is where he was stationed but he worked in Vietnam building roads and runways. crossing the river in between the two. On his way over there were several port stops to let troops off. But since his orders showed Thailand they have denied his claim. What he can't remember after all these years is the name of the troop carrier nor any of the guys that he was with. So there has to be a way of finding that out and where they stopped. Seems like no one cares or wants to take the time to help him find out. There are several people in the hosp. that Rodney is going to talk to about it but so far since he is not Ronnie they won't talk to him. So he is going to go see a att. This morning to see that they can do or will do., its just a matter of a piece of paper but getting that might be hard.

    Can anyone provide assistance. I am not a Vietnam era Vet so I don't have any experience with this. I have told his brother to look for a VSO in the area. Any assistance is appreciated.

    I was stationed at Nakon Phanom Royal Thai Air Force Base, Thailand, August 1969 thru August 1970. Diagnosed eith Non-Hodgkin'a lymphoma by VA in June 2003. September 27, 2010 (yep) years I recived an award for posure to AO. A classified report "CHECO report" was prepared1in 1973 by two USAF Officers on the defense assessment of all Thailand bases). The report bluntly stated that the usage of AO was utilized at every thaiand base. I went the Direct Service Connection route but if you were on a Thai Base at The perimeter you might have a good chance.

    Randall D. Thomas Sr. 66190, MSGT,, USAF, RETRED

  8. May God be with you in your time of need. No I am not religious as they say but I do believe in the healing powers of my God and Jesus Chist. McAfee I too was very scared when I was diagnosed in 2003 with Non-hogskins Lymphoma. After a slew of sicknesses I am still here! Why? Because God So deemed it. I will pray for you and Mac I surely ask for your prayers. Veterans are all brothers.

    If I can help let me know.

    Randall D. Thomas Sr.

  9. JBASSER : If this firm is present in your area set up an appointment. AVADA , Audiology & Hearing Care.

    Telephone number in the Louisville , Kentucky vicinity is 502-245-5101 or 1-800-525-0414. www.avada.com

    This a fantastic firm, very professional, and very thorough. They do not use drugs but the problem will be gone in one to two treatments. I am proof that it works; I had the same experiences as you. Please help yourself and contact them.

    rthomass rthomass@insightbb.com

  10. I thank my Lord and Saviour for making it possible for me to be here for this award........the award is wonderful...I feel wonderful and vindicate!

    Veterans I wish to inform you that with one VS0, and four lawyers plus seven years equals an award for a Thailand Veteran for exposure to Agent Orange . No I never walked the perimeter because I was a purchasing and contracting type 65190. VA forgot that they also have air force specialty codes (MOS) To you Army types that were often on the perimeter due different construction projects.

    The AO , sorry, the Herbicide that I was exposed to caused cancer called NHL. It took almost two years to put it in remission. I still have to have a CAT Scan every six months. Have had two medi-ports for administering IV's. CAT scan dye and so forth. The Chemotherapy I has has absolutely destroyed my veins. Well anyway I had to have the first medi-port removed because VA Radiology had a new Phillips Cat Scan unit installed ,necessitating the removal and installation of a high speed port that was required by the Phillips CAT machine. This second port caused a clot to form end of the probe into my heart and a clot the size of an man's thumb in the right atrium of my heart. Had to have a major heart operation to remove the thumb size clot. Private heart surgeon did the operation.

    Just wanted someone there to explain to me how compensation and rating will be done. I assume It will involve a C&P; they diagnosed and treated my HHL then I put a claim in. My contention to VA was thet the claim date of 10 January 2005should be June 2003 (the date of actual diagnosis) I state this that personnel doing the diagnosis were well aware that this was an AO exposure condition.

    I sincerely thank you all at HADIT;.......YOU GUYS WERE MY ROCK MY COMPASS. Who would have thunk an award for herbicide exposure....and in Thailand too!! One can do a direct exposure claim. I too wondered if this day would ever come......but after destoring my immune system, reprductive system; here I stand in direct disdain for something that should never have happened. you guys in Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos never give up ; I feel for the sick, the suffering, the despondent.....There is hope!!!!!!

  11. It would be fantastic if all Agent Orange Veterans "in Country" as well as Laos, Cambodia and Thailand received a check on October 31, 2010

    I am happy for my fellow veterans that received AO checks but darn it I am sick from AO and have been so for over since January 10, 2005. Forgive me

    for being self centered .

    I am sick , i am bitter, I am ................scared!

    Regards, sorry for the rant

  12. For countless generations mankind held to the false belief that war had no lasting effect on the human spirit of those that truly bore the battle. Up until the recent past, war related stress disorders were considered just a manifestation of poor personal self discipline, or fearful cowardice. Sometimes, perhaps, labeled low-life self-medicated alcohol or drug abusers...

    JMHO. This will linger until the noncombatants who judge us, realize that war is hell.

    James being of very low intelligence, after all I was in the Air Force (our side I think), and a non combat flunky stationed on the Mekong river the VBA and the BVA decided long ago hat I was too stupid to realize i was dying. I was diagnosed with NHL June 2003 by the VA but did not file a claim until 10 January 2005 since as I said am not he brightest bulb in the chnadelier; and "God" forbid anyone gives a Vietnam Era Veteran a heads up. Coming up on six years of hell I am no closer to a favorable decision than I was in 2005. Let me say that the VAMC Has PROVIDED ME EXCELLENT CARE. Perhaps (l'm whispering this now) you or some one on HADIT how the VAMC treats me for cancer (NHL) and other follow on conditions to same. I have as I said never received an award for exposure to AO. I was treated over a year and a half before ever filed a claim for AO. The VA Judge even had my VSO file an advancement on the docket

    which due to the seriousness of the diagnosis was granted by the BVA. This same Judge has denied me twice and I up at bat before the BVA once again. \\

    May I add I now have six serious conditions attributable to AO exposure. Even open heart surgery......too far out to explain as I am tired and need to get some sleep.

    Well oiled maachine, organized, gooda t what they do, award monies to their own pockets, YES YES YES the VA are pros they are brilliant people. Their marching orders are to deny until they die.

    Rant ? No ! Just a tired sick Veteran they gave twenty years of service to their country. Perhaps the Hippies were right!!!

    Too the VHA VAMC I sincerely thank you........to the Compensation and Pensions personnel...you mark your own grade!!!!!

    Randall and thanks to all, I do feel better.

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