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Second Class Petty Officers
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Everything posted by Barbamatt

  1. I am planning on moving to Tennessee soon for financial reasons...and to be near family. Right now I live in the Atlanta area. By comparison what are the two VAMC in TN like? I am more familiar with the Nashville area locally...but know that the VAMC in Murfreesboro is larger. I've never been to Murfreesboro before. But would it be worth it if the VAMC is nicer? When I used to live in Nashville it was before I joined the military so I wouldn't have had any reason to go to the VAMC then. What is a better area to live considering cost of living? Things to do? Less out in the sticks? More importantly which VAMC has more availability for appointments, better reputation, womens health, and mental health care. Which would you choose? For the first few months I will be closer to Nashville, because I will be near family...but later on I might want to move. What can I expect from the TN VAMC?
  2. As of today, I am done with QTC. Now all I have to do is wait. I will try to get a copy next week at my regional office, IDK if they will give it to me. I can at least ask for a copy of the exam. I think that I have regular appotiments next week at the VAMC and the RO is right next to it. I hate waiting...but there isn't much I can do about that. I hope the rest of the process goes faster than it has up to this point. I have already waited about a year from the original claim.
  3. I just had my C&P today...and I have another tomorrow for another condition. From what I understand is that you can request a copy of the exam at your regional office (RO) the RO will have the results and will send a letter when they make a decision. I hope it doesn't take too long. I don't know about if it is on E Benefits or not...but if it is I will be sure to check mine.
  4. It was done by QTC. What ever group that is. I know that that is the contract with the VA in Atlanta. Maybe they have other contracts elsewhere. Right now I'm so tired from it that I don't really know. It could go either way...maybe I will get a rate increase because of my psych history. I've had a few hospitalizations during the past year. She didn't really go into depth about it but she did ask. My depression got bad enough to be hospitalized. I still have issues. I tried to mention what I could about it. It is a good thing that I wrote things down because I could hardly think while I was there. Tomorrow I have to go back for a physical exam on my knee. I have arthritis and am claiming that too. It will be a lot easier to get the medical exam. I am sure that they will take xrays and look at the knee. That is easier than psych. I can request both reports at the same time. How long should I wait?
  5. There was another interview in the other office next to mine and it got really loud at times and it was distracting. I got really nervous during the exam and couldn't sit still. She had some standard questions that she asked me. She was literally reading a script from her computer. At least she won't rely on memory and fill it out later in the day. Over all I think that it went well, but there is no way to really tell. Once I get the final letter then I will know.
  6. I just got back. That was a long one. She asked a whole bunch of questions. I did my best and all I can do is wait for the results.
  7. It is nice to look at anyway. Kind of gives me a heads up to what I am up against. It's been about a year coming for this exam and I am nervous. Don't think that I will get much sleep tonight. I have to be there early. Actually the exam is at 0900 but I have to get up early to make it there in time...I have to use public transportation, because I don't drive in Atlanta. I am so afraid of interstate driving that I have to go out of my way to avoid it. Like getting up an hour or more earlier so I can use public transportation. I can drive around town, but am limited.
  8. Another question: How long should I wait to request a copy of my C&P exam after I get it and how do I go about it?
  9. My C&P exam is tomorrow, thanks for all the help. I feel ready, but nervous and have been keeping a journal of all of my worst days that I have reviewed. I also made myself a list of my current symptoms so I can keep focused. Since my first post I have been in the hospital again at least twice. The stress of waiting is hard to deal with on top of all my other issues. I haven't been able to work in over a year...and lost my food stamps due to a review I missed when I was in the hospital last time. I have to re-apply for benefits but I hate going to the office because I hate to get out and do stuff like that. I just want to stay home most days. I know that I need food stamps because I need food to survive, but I get this way. After my exam I will go to the food stamp office and talk to them and explain my situation...but I get embarrassed about it. Now I am facing possible foreclosure of my home. I don't have any energy to fight it. I have somewhere to go to in the worst case. I won't be on the street. At least that helps. With the thought of moving it makes me feel worried all of the time and a constant thought that I have failed and those feelings of guilt and worthlessness that I am not a good citizen/person. I know it is in my head, but that is what depression does. I guess what I am going to ask now is what now? I mean after the exam. The exam is going to go on the way it does, and I think that I am ready....but what should I do afterwards? What should my first step be? I really hate waiting and it increases my anxiety. Even if your suggestions don't have an answer about the VA, what relaxation do you use to settle your mind when you are in limbo and get anxious about the wait times? This is so important to me, I can even hardly type it because I am so nervous about it. I'm sorry for venting too much. Barb
  10. I just left inpatient care for my depression. My social worker spoke to my psychiatrist and she agreed to send me a CWT consult. What should I expect next? Has anyone been through the CWT program?
  11. I am a 40% sc veteran (30% for Severe Major Depression/Anxiety Disorder NOS). I have an education and work experience. However I have an extremely hard time finding and keeping a job. Most of my job experience is health care related. I was a Hospital Corpsman in the Navy. I get stressed out easily and get anxiety in work situations. I have had panic attacks and have had to miss work some. I have been fired for my poor work performance. I really want to do well at a job. I get along with my co-workers and I respect authority.(I don't mouth off at the boss and try to do what he/she assigns me) My problem is I get overwhelmed easy and make stupid mistakes or forget to do something when I am stressed out. I have had mental health treatment for the past 4 years or so since I've been out of the military. I have even been hospitalized for suicidal thinking/attempt. I don't want to die, but when I get in a bad state I sometimes think of it. My question is how can I get into a CWT program. I have been told that my mental illness is not sever enough, or that I have too much education. I tried Voc Rehab and it did not really help me get a job. I found one on my own, but lost it. What do they consider "sever enough". Do I have to wait until I lose my house and become homeless? Do I have to have delusions? or what. What is the instruction say about the program. I really do battle with a service connected mental illness. I may be high functioning at times, but not all of the time. I don't do well in a highly stressful job. Once I am out of the stressful situation I start to get better and they say that I am doing fine. But once the stress comes back I start having trouble again. I am out of work and am having trouble finding a job with my work history. Even if I found a job, it may not last. This is making me stressed and feel useless. I have a lot of guilt and frustration with not having a full time job. I don't think that I can fully recover from depression until I find a job that I can do...and I don't even know what type of job that I can qualify for that will help. I am thinking of contacting the CWT program office tomorrow even though it scares me to even try and be turned down yet again. I get told to get a job because I am not disabled enough to get a higher disability, but I have problems with work. I'm sorry if this is a rant, but I do have a question in here. It is just that I am so frustrated that I don't know where to turn.
  12. I easily found the web site. I tried to register and it would not let me. It said something to the affect that I had to verify at my VARO first...and it said to fill out a form, but did not have a link to print out that form. Then there was another screen that I got trapped in a endless loop asking me use my CAC card. I haven't had one of those since I got out of the Navy. Most veterans won't have one unless the work for DoD or VA. Maybe a retiree might? What is the form I need to verify with? Where do I get the form? Will I need a CAC card? or can't I use a password/pin? I want to check the status of my claim (for rate increase) and was prompted to the web site when I called the 1-800 number for the VA. I also want to know where to check and see how much of my separation pay was being off set and when it would be paid in full. I know that you don't get any money until the separation pay is recouped...but how can you check and see how much is left? Would I be able to look that up on E-Benefits? I hope my question is not too complicated. Sometimes when I explain things I make less since of myself. Thanks for being patient with me.
  13. I've recently submitted a rate increase for my depression and anxiety. I am already rated 30% for MDD. I have had a very hard time keeping a job. I get messed up thoughts in my head that makes it difficult to keep up the pace at work and having constant panic attacks. I've been hospitalized in the past few months. Once for severe chest pain which was found to be "stress related" and then I was hospitalized twice for suicidal ideation with a plan. My depression has gotten worse and I am on a lot of medication for it. I have looked over the rate scheduling tables and I feel that I am at least around 70% because I have a lot of those symptoms. My case is still being reviewed. I got a letter yesterday that said that they were still looking at it. I am wondering when and if I will get a new C&P exam or can they base my rating on my medical records. I have been treated an my VAMC. Proving the service connection wasn't hard for me because depression was documented in my military health record. I saw a Navy shrink and got treatment while I was still active duty. It is more about the hear and now...I am having horrible anxiety at times and hardly ever sleep. I am on 4 different psych meds and I don't know if they are working or if they are going against each other or what. I do know that I would feel like total crap if I just stopped taking them...When I get my next appointment I will discuss my meds with my dr.
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