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Third Class Petty Officers
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Everything posted by Mover1993

  1. Hello everyone, Hope your week is swell. I found out my claim was uploaded to VA.gov today. on the site it states that my supplemental claim was received and the issue on review is General Anxiety Disorder. I heard all mental health is rated the same so i'm not worried about GAD being on there as i have diagnosis for Adjustment disorder and sleep disorders. the site also says Status: We don’t know your status.
  2. It's okay. I would be happy if i eventually get a C&P exam for MH. That's what i've been striving for
  3. Hey Paul, I've called the hotline twice now and they said the same. They see it in there and thats it haha. No ETA or anything. Thanks for the continued responses everyone and i'm sorry for the delayed response from my end. Am going to keep everyone updated.
  4. Nope. The VA officially received my claim on May 17. Today is day 30. according to others on here, I may have a lot more waiting to do.
  5. @GBArmy @paulstrgn Hey Paul, and GB, I just called the 800 number and my documents are indeed in the intake box and no action has been made to turn it into a claim yet. Hopefully that's what will happen with mine, Paul.
  6. @GBArmy I received a letter from DAV last week that was a copy of the statement they sent to the Va asking to reopen my claim via supplemental lane. So i', assuming they actually followed through. What is Peggy? if you don't mind me asking.
  7. Hello all, hope your day is well. I sent my documents to DAV on May 15th to be submitted as a supplemental claim with new and relevant evidence. I periodically check Ebenefits and VA.gov for any status of it and nothing has shown up so far. I also haven't received anything via snail mail by VA. I'm just wondering if this is normal and just wait it out? Thanks everyone.
  8. Hey Doc, That medical treatise is going to be included in my evidence being submitted. Sending it all to DAV tomorrow
  9. Hello, below is a copy of my nexus letter. I was wondering if anyone here could look it over? I'm waiting to give my doctor the all clear to sign it but DAV just refuses to get back to me. This is for a depression/anxiety secondary to tinnitus claim. Thank you Re: Confidential Evaluation of (blank) Date of Birth: (blank) To Whom It May Concern: On May 7, 2019, I provided a clinical evaluation for (blank). Mr. (blank) has been suffering from Tinnitus since his service in the Marine Corps. His service in the infantry resulted in significant and persistent symptoms consistent with the Tinnitus diagnosis, Since his discharge in May of 20…, symptoms have persisted without hope of treatment by physicians. Incessant noise from the Tinnitus prevent him from obtaining adequate sleep and negatively affect his ability to concentrate or focus on his studies. The symptoms have also prevented him from retaining work. The constant noise and lack of hope for improvement have been extremely distressing for Mr. (blank). He often experiences severe panic attacks in areas including his classroom, to the extent that he needs to remove himself immediately to calm down. Mr. (blank) denies current suicidal thinking and no psychotic thinking was present. His sense of hopelessness, fear, and helplessness over the Tinnitus have contributed significantly to symptoms of both depression and extreme anxiety. According to his history, symptoms of depression and anxiety did not exist prior to his diagnosis of Tinnitus. Likewise, Mr. (blank) seemed receptive to any strategies proposed to him in the hope of managing the symptoms. All strategies attempted including meditation, supplements, sound machines, etc., have proved ineffective in managing the extreme Tinnitus symptoms. Given his current emotional state and the clear history of how and when his symptoms became apparent, it is in my strong clinical opinion that Mr. (blank) significant anxiety and depressive symptoms are more likely than not caused by his diagnosis of Tinnitus. With Mr. (blank)’s consent, please contact me with any further questions. Sincerely, Dr. (Blank)
  10. @GeekySquid Hello, Because i'm service connected for tinnitus and it also causes me the most problems. I don't think I belong to that demographoc of getting used to it. I feel as though its a vicious cycle for me. I can't sleep because of the ringing and when the ringing occurs I start getting really nervous and get panic attacks.
  11. The Ability to Work: This individual cannot work at all. Social Relationships: This individual cannot participate in any relationships. In other words, they cannot interact or build a relationship with another person. Family members may care for them, but it is only a one-way relationship. They cannot seek, invite, or encourage any relationships. 70% rating: This rating will have the majority of the following circumstances and symptoms: The Ability to Care for Yourself: This individual cannot take care of himself most of the time. He is in the hospital or a care facility or is being taken care of by family members all of the time, and requires one-on-one supervision 50% of the time. This person cannot take care of his own personal hygiene. Medications: This individual requires psychiatric medication at all times. Symptoms: Some or all of the following symptoms will be present. – There is the regular possibility of hurting self or others (including suicidal tendencies) – This individual often cannot communicate logically – This individual is actively psychotic, but may have intermittent contact with reality – Obssessive-compulsive behavior that causes repetitive physical actions that interfere completely with daily necessary activities – Severe, constant anxiety – Mood often changes radically, without warning. – Almost constant severe depression or panic, with the inability to function at all in stressful situations – This individual cannot control impulsive actions like anger, violence, etc. – Often disoriented to time and place The Ability to Work: This individual may not be able to work at all or may be severely under-employed (such as a former intelligence analyst now working part time as a custodian). Social Relationships: This individual cannot participate in any relationships most of the time. In other words, they cannot interact or build a relationship with another person. Family members may care for them, but it is normally only a one-way relationship. They cannot seek, invite, or encourage any relationships the majority of the time. 50% rating: This rating will have the majority of the following circumstances and symptoms: The Ability to Care for Yourself: This individual is occasionally hospitalized, but can mostly take care of the basic personal needs like bathing or going to the bathroom, although their personal hygiene may not be kept up regularly. They may also be able to function in areas like shopping, driving, cleaning, etc. Medications: This individual requires psychiatric medication at all times. Symptoms: Some or all of the following symptoms will be present. – Trouble expressing or showing emotions (This doesn’t mean that they are just reserved. It basically means that they are completely blank the majority of the time), or shows the wrong or inappropriate emotion for the situation – Always shows significant signs of anxiety – Regularly gives unnecessary or unrelated details when communicating – Two or more panic attacks a week – Trouble understanding complex directions – Trouble remembering things (forgetting to complete tasks, etc.) – Trouble thinking logically and often has poor judgment – A serious lack of, or a seriously increased, mood or motivation – Occasional delusions or hallucinations – Regular to nightly trouble sleeping (nightmares, insomnia, anxiety, etc.) – Complaints of physical symptoms, like pain, that do not have a physical cause – Suicidal thoughts, but no definite plan to hurt himself The Ability to Work: This individual may try to work, but will not be able to hold a job for more than 3 or 4 months because of their inability to remember or follow all directions or other similar reasons based on the symptoms or circumstances described under this rating. (In other words, they wouldn’t lose their job simply because they have anger issues and would regularly get in fights. A person like that could also not hold a job more than 3 or 4 months, but they would still be considered able to work). This individual would only be hired for jobs like cleaning, picking up trash, or other simple-task jobs. Social Relationships: Like his ability to work, this individual may try to build and engage in relationships, but these relationships would not last long in most situations. Divorce or other breaks in relationships and friendships could occur due to his inability to properly participate in a relationship. 30% rating: This rating will have the majority of the following circumstances and symptoms: The Ability to Care for Yourself: This individual may have occasional, short hospitalizations, but can entirely take care of himself most of the time. Medications: This individual usually requires medication to function normally. Symptoms: Some or all of the following symptoms will be present. – Spikes or drops in mood, like depression – Often anxious or becomes easily stressed – Panic attacks occur, but no more than once a week – Difficulty sleeping (nightmares, insomnia, anxiety, etc.) – Mild memory loss could include regularly forgetting names or directions – Often suspicious of other people, particularly ones he does not know The Ability to Work: This individual will be able to work and will usually function normally. There may, however, be occasional times where he is unable to properly fulfill all job requirements. This could result in occasionally losing his job. Social Relationships: Like his ability to work, this individual will normally have fairly stable relationships. These relationships, however, will not be great and will often be strained by the symptoms of his condition. Divorce or breakups could occur, but not in every case. 10% rating: This rating will have the majority of the following circumstances and symptoms: The Ability to Care for Yourself: This individual will always be able to take care of himself and will very rarely, if ever, be hospitalized. Medications: This individual may or may not be taking medication. Meds may be taken all the time, or only during stressful times. They satisfactorily keep all symptoms under control. Symptoms: Some or all of the following symptoms will be present, but only during times of significant stress. The majority of the time there are no symptoms. – Mild depression or other mood changes – Mild to moderate anxiety – Mild panic attacks may occur, but very rarely – Occasional difficulty sleeping (nightmares, insomnia, anxiety, etc.) – A range of other, very mild symptoms, which could include suspiciousness of strangers and hyperarousal The Ability to Work: This individual will be fully employable and will very rarely have any problems at work that are caused by the mental condition. Social Relationships: This individual will have full, functional relationships with only occasional, mild stresses that are caused by the condition. 0% rating: If a mental condition has been diagnosed but there are no symptoms that impair social or occupational functioning or require medication, then it is rated 0%. Okay thank you. Do you have to specifically claim PTSD to get a PTSD exam? Because I'm planning on stating "mental disorder secondary to tinnitus" as I have an adjustment disorder and sleep disorder diagnosis
  12. I was diagnosed recently with some sleep disorders and anxiety issues through a private psych. Because i'm a vet I was administered a PTSD questionnaire. Now, I'm in no way claiming PTSD but a subclinical "provisional" diagnosis is on my sheet. If I submit a claim for mental health disorders will they make me go to a VA PTSD exam? My issues are sleeping and anxiety/depression.
  13. Thanks for the feedback everyone. I just want a C&P exam scheduled and i would be happy.
  14. Thanks Doc, I'll check these over. My plan right now is to file a supplemental claim for anxiety/sleep disturbances secondary to Tinnitus. I will be submitting a second personal statement saying that i think that my anxiety
  15. Hey, Buck Yes, I am service connected for Tinnitus. The VA denied me for SC for anxiety/ sleep disturbances though. Best
  16. Thank you for the response. By paper trail do you mean a diagnosis and a medical opinion linking my anxiety to tinnitus?
  17. Good afternoon gents, I was denied for a direct service connection for anxiety. I now want to file a supplemental claim for Anxiety secondary to my service connected Tinnitus. Has anyone ever done this?
  18. Hi all, Recently I had a C&P for Tinittus. My other claims (anxiety, sleep disturbances) never recieved a C&P. I was advised by my DAV rep to submit a personal statement in the hopes of triggering a C&P. This statement was submitted two days ago on tuesday with my claim moving to pending decision approval today. Is it possible for someone at the VA to see my statement and move my claim back to evidence gathering to get a C&P? Thanks all
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