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Gone Fishing

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About Gone Fishing

  • Birthday 10/06/1947

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  • Military Rank
    Spec 4
  • Location
    11Bravo 101stABN Camp Evans, TDY to 630th MP's Convoy Escort, Cam Rahn Bay

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  • Service Connected Disability
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  1. Thanks to all who provided answers and documentation. Much appreciated. By the way, not sure why I am noted as Seaman. I am Army, 11Bravo.
  2. Thanks for the video. Very informative & I saved it.
  3. Many thanks for the speedy reply, but I guess I did not make myself clear. My question is, is there an age limit when they stop asking you to take a C&P exam? I understand that I can file an additional PD claim, but is there a time when you age out and disability is deemed permanent?
  4. I have an agent orange disability. Is there an age cut-off for C&P exams? I recently turned 76 and just had chemo induced peripheral neuropathy diagnosis confirmed. Unsure if I should file further claims, or just let the current 100% disability ride for now.
  5. I just listened to this broadcast. Very interesting and informative. I have a phone meeting with Dr. Bash next week. If I understand what I heard correctly, it is going to make big, positive effect on my future. Thank you for sharing.
  6. So sorry for the delay, very much appreciate your response. My lymphoma is NHL. I have read the Regs, and since posting my initial question, I received notice that my100% rating would continue, and it has. My question is, if the VA has made an error in extending this rating, am I in any way liable?
  7. Thank you for this reply. Sorry to be so late in saying "thanks", but life got complicated. Had a C&P exam in December, and still waiting to hear back. Appreciate your help.
  8. My Agent Orange Lymphoma claim sailed right through. I used my company insurance plan instead of the VA. 2 1/2 years of treatments. ended in August. VA finally contacted me about a C&P exam which took place in December. Still have not heard back from them, but the checks continue. Am I in trouble now financially, and expected to pay back anything, or does the C&P ruling determine when the clock stops? With the VA so backlogged, I would bet there are a lot of people in this position.
  9. I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in July of 2018, and started a combination of Chemo treatments & Biologics (Rituximab) later that month. The claims process was started in August. My last chemo treatment was December. Scans in Jan showed the cancer was in remission, but I will continue to be treated with the Rituximab drip every 2 months for 2 years. I am not using the VA for treatments, but instead going through Medicare and supplement policies provided by my employer. I received a letter from the VA for an evaluation. My question is, what are the regulations regarding the disability ratings and length of time? I read somewhere that compensation continues for 12 months after treatments, but the definition of treatments was not spelled out. Really would appreciate some clarity on this.
  10. I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in July of 2018, and started a combination of Chemo treatments & Biologics (Rituximab) later that month. The claims process was started in August. My last chemo treatment was December. Scans in Jan showed the cancer was in remission, but I will continue to be treated with the Rituximab drip every 2 months for 2 years. I am not using the VA for treatments, but instead going through Medicare and supplement policies provided by my employer. I received a letter from the VA for an evaluation. My question is, what are the regulations regarding the disability ratings and length of time? I read somewhere that compensation continues for 12 months after treatments, but the definition of treatments was not spelled out. Really would appreciate some clarity on this.
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