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Second Class Petty Officers
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  1. I won my appeal and got a large back pay. Now I have an attorney fee claim. I got the lawyer in 2017 and got rid of him in 2019 I think. Will they just pay him attorney fees for when he had power of attorney or from 2017-2021? Also I have 7 days to upload files the VA wants but I have no idea what it is they want. I'll try to include pictures. Thanks for any help.
  2. I'm 90% with IU P&T so I'm getting paid at 100%. I got my IU in Feb of this year retroactive to Feb 2021. I had an appeal going since Sept 2019. I had almost forgot the appeal. June 29 of this year the BVA granted my appeal and today the VARO implemented it. My effective date for IU went from Feb 2021 to March 2017. It's a pretty good retroactive check.
  3. The raters approved my granted appeals today. Everything showed up in VA.gov just a little bit ago. I got my decision letter and my retroactive pay is waiting to go in the bank. Everyone out there that reads this don't give up on your claims keep fighting. Good luck to everyone who is fighting!! God is good!!!!
  4. I have had a couple of good VSO's. My last one was great but he was quite arrogant but that's ok he was great as a VSO. Unfortunately he ran for county judge( basically road commissioner) and won. The new VSO just wants to cuss a lot, talk about how tough he was, and how the VSO job put him in a higher tax bracket. I can more info from VA.gov than him. But that's who I have to deal with so I will. I do all my claims I usually take them to him to fax them. But he even screwed that up once. He sent my wife's champva application to the wrong number. 4 months later I go back to have him refax it and all he could do was blame the VA because it wasn't his fault.
  5. I agree never give up. I even went to talk to a DAV representative and she just flat out said she wouldn't file for IU because there was no way for me to get it. I got extremely irritated but calmly asked for my paperwork back and stomped out of her office. So once again don't ever quit fighting even though it seems like the VA is trying to make you quit or they're waiting for you to die.
  6. My appeal was a legacy. NOD was filed in late 2016. Form 9 was filed September 2019. BVA remanded my appeal to the director of compensation in Feb 2020 which was granted. May 26 2023 (I think) it went to a judge is reviewing your appeal or something close to that wording. June 29 BVA granted my appeal. No hearing. I started out at 10% on left long finger, then in April of 2018 I got 10% for tinnitus, remand in Feb 2020 bumped my left long finger to 20% and left ring finger to 10%, in Feb 2021 I got 60% for loss of use of non dominant hand (left hand), in December 2022 I got 30% radiculopathy in my right arm and 20% radiculopathy in my left hand, and 20% for a cervical disc replacement. The two arms and loss of use of hand are all bilateral. In February 2023 I was granted IU. And that's how I got to this point. Its been a long journey to go from 10% to IU.
  7. Thanks it's been over 2 weeks since the appeal was granted but the VARO opened it a week ago so I guess I've got a while to go. Getting this close to paying everything off Is making me nervous! At least I know it's been opened and they're working on it.
  8. Thanks not sure how much it'll be but it's smc k from Feb 2021 back to Feb 2016. 40% to 60% from Feb 2021 to Apr 2018. 30%to 60% from mar 2018 to Feb 2016. And 60% to 100% from Feb 2021 to mar 2017. Or at least I'm guessing that's how they'll do it. This is my last claim and I'm done. Hoping to pay everything off for sure.
  9. Ok thanks. My vso isn't the sharpest tack in the box but even though he didn't know how to print off my code sheet he did pull it up on the computer and it had my IU dated at the earlier effective date. So hopefully it won't take too long.
  10. It goes back to the VARO. They opened my claim a week ago. It should be a significant retroactive pay. How long should it take the VARO to implement the granted appeal?
  11. It looks like the va is wanting a disability benefits questionnaire. The c&p examiner filled one out because it's in my c&p exam. I guess maybe he missed something or they want clarity on his answers. They requested it on June 15 so hopefully it won't take more than 6 months. Lol
  12. I just had a c&p exam March 16 but if they want another then I'll go. Every c&p exam I've had has been positive for my claim so even if they got a negative one it shouldn't matter.
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