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Marc D

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About Marc D

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  1. I’m service connected for my left knee and had ACL/meniscus repair before I got out on 2005. In 2009 I got 10% for the surgery and 10% for scars. I filed for an increase and for the right knee pain as well. Had my C&P on the 23rd and had some limited ROM and x-rays done. Today my examiner called me and said I have arthritis in both knees. And a bone spur on my left foot. My question is does the fact that I have a service connected left knee, and now have pain/arthritis with limited ROM, get me the service connection? Just trying to see what hurdles I have to overcome to get it as a bilateral issue for knees.
  2. So I just had an appointment for some orthopedic stuff (shoulders/Knee/back) and had mailed in the MRI/X-ray imagine disk prior to this sometime last month. I confirmed with VA they received it and it was uploaded. During the exam I was told my x-rays/MRIs were not uploaded in their system. Sooooo….what happens now? They still did the exam, but only had paper records that I uploaded when I stated the claim.
  3. So I’m new here after being kinda little fed up with Reddit. I have a back claim question….. I got out in ‘05 and had service connection for, “ Postoperative residuals, left knee anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and medial meniscus debridement Service-connected disability? Yes. Effective date: 11/19/2005 “ So over time my knees got worse and my back did too. In 2014, I had terrible back pain with sciatica on right side. I went to my primary care and after a x-ray I was diagnosed with “ degenerative narrowing of the l4-5 and l5-s1 discs, with early osteoarthritis” and right side Sciatica. I went a few more times for sciatica over the years. With that pain I also have radiculopothy on back of both legs. Soooo….im claiming this secondary to my knee pain. So DDD set in 9 years after I get out, thought that took decades? Has anyone filed a claim like this and what were the issues? I have my C&P this Friday and been doing some research on the CFR and everything…i just feel the VA always gonna shoot it down first go around.
  4. Thanks man, Im gonna try and set one up....at this point time is on my side.
  5. Thanks. Yeah guess we will have to see. I put in the claim in January and I have my C&P Friday. I was reading a lot of Veterans Benifets post on Reddit and I see a lot of denials. I have an MRI for my left….was thinking they may say not to my right cause I have nothing.
  6. Im filing a claim for bilateral shoulder pain. I tore my left shoulder labrum doing PT in the gym in Kuwait, but never got seen because it was the week right before the invasion in 2003. Never had it fixed before I got out cause I had to extend for ACL/Meniscus repair in 2005. 2014 I had a primary care visit for left shoulder pain and a lidocaine injection. A few months later an MRI that diagnosed a complex left shoulder torn labrum, old fracture and osteoarthritis. The pain is now over on my right shoulder and I think there may be some issues on that side. I also keep having left side trap muscle pain with tingling in the upper back and arms/hands. So with the bilateral stuff I’m throwing in the trap muscle issue, which I was seen by a dr for but never x-rayed. **My question is, I have an MRI/Diagnosis for my left….but nothing for the right. Do I need to try and get an MRI for my right through the VA or community care? Or am I good? I feel like when this gets to the rater or VA they will deny because I don’t have one.**** Just FYI- Never filed claim because I was under the impression it needed to be documented while in. I did get a buddy letter from guy in my squad I was lifting with and counciling statements from my Sgt saying use the gym for PT on our own
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