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Martin K.

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Posts posted by Martin K.

  1. A few years after I quit working as an RN in the VA Medical ICU I worked as an RN authorizing care at Tricare for the Navy (retired and active) in San Diego. Tricare does NOT require you to get an OK before calling 911. If somebody told you that he was a liar.

    The VA clinic gave me this lifealert gizmo for real emergencies like me waking up with chest pain.I used it like I was told because I had bad chest pain. So all this twaddle you people are spouting is just plain old ignorant noise from people who don't know what they are talking about. The bottom line remains that these clowns are interfering with timely care for sick vets out of their cheapskate greed. Maybe YOU don't see that, but it's clear enough when they pull that crap with me.

    I came here asking where to take my problem because these Virginia scumbags running AMR ambulance are imposing a barrier to care for California vets out of their own swinish, asinine greed. One reason I know that is they insist on only talking to customer no-service so they don't leave a document trail - shifty-eyed weasels that they are.


    Now I am turning off the switch to notify me of these useless, ignorant  GOMER replies. I came here expecting some helpful suggestions. Unfortunately that ain't happening lately. I reckon I need to go to the VFW service office, Senator Feinstein and Congressman Brown with this because these bozos are a danger to every disabled vet in California who isn't living off a lifer's pension.


    Have a nice day fellas.

  2. bleggett29


    This post illustrates EXACTLY what I'm talking about. This vet could just as easily have ended up in a damn "1-star medicare rated" nursing home like the one the VA stuck me in after my stroke. Instead of calling 911 at the first suspicion of a stroke - like VA care guidelines say - now he has to think about paying $240 bucks because the ambulance company is run by greedy schmucks.

    Get down on you peoples' knees and pray to God that neither you nor any other vet gets left in some 1-star dump or worse over a damn $240 bill.

    I hope you get that house you want, Hoss. No thanks to the jody bums running the ambulace bills.

  3. Speaking as a service-connected disabled vet AND a retired RN with two years service in a VA Medical ICU the replies in this thread are a load of hogwash that has and will cost VA patients their lives by delaying critical care to deserving vets.

    SOME day you people will be (a) too poor and (b) to sick to do that damned tap dance that you talk about so damned blithely. THEN I hope you don't get chest pain and have to wonder whether to call the damn ambulance or pay the rent....AS I DID.  AND AS OTHER VETS HAVE (AND WILL) BUT NOT GET TO THE E.R. IN TIME.

    Now I have to go find someone who will help  sick old vets in California deal with these Virginia asshats who don't actually give a fart about putting deserving vets at risk of delayed critical ambulance services because of their wretched, putrid sloth and greed.

    Thanks a bunch, G.I.

  4. The problem - which you don't address - is that the company refuses to submit the claim so that the VA billing office (not you ) can decide whether to pay it or not. IF they deny it, I will pay it. BUT NOT IF AMR AMBULANCE  COMPANY WON'T EVEN SUBMIT THE CLAIM IN THE FIRST PLACE.

    So thanks lots for your help.

    Now does anybody else have information about where I can get help in getting these Bozos to submit the claim in the first place...instead of their lazy, Virginia butts just sending it off to collections? On my fixed pension, $400 is a big hit to pay because lazy suits in some Virginia office are tinhorn chislers..

    I am a sick old honorably discharged and service connected veteran. I don't deserve to be treated like some delinquent bum by a bunch of lazy suits who don't give a rat's butt about me when they can make a fast buck siccing a damn collection agency on me instead of contacting the VA billing office..

  5. I am a 50% service connected disabled vet, The local ambulance company has taken me to the hospital twice and billed me $200 per trip.


    I have explained to them that they need to submit a claim to the local billing office. I checked with them and gave them the address and phone number. They ignored this and sicced a collections agency. I have emailed them to create a paper trail and they just blow me off amd tell me to call customer no service....again.

    I believe they are doing this as a general policy to shake down disabled vets because it's too much trouble to claim from the VA.


    Who can I contact about this for relief. This is some company in Virginia and I live in the SF Bay area. I think these people are shaking down vets nationwide with this garbage.

  6. Berta, I got quotes from three medical textbooks showing that this guy was talking applesauce when he stated that ischemic strokes aqren't caused by high blood pressure - which would quash my claim. I gave them a week to respond and they haven't.

    In addition to going up the chain of command, I was thinking of complaining to joint commission for obviously unprofessional conduct. Where can I find out where this guy from Bombay got his US licensyre so I canlodge a complaint. Do you know?


  7. I had a friend once who liked to mess with feminists. He would get into a discussion of equal rights and then claim that women only made up 27% of the population so it didn't matter anyway and then watch them just sputter trying to deal with such an outrageous gambit. This C&P result is like that - it's so bad it isn't even wrong, only ludicrous.

    I hope I haven't been too forceful with these people, but it seems to me nobody is going to publish such a totally lame heap of obvious baloney unless they mean to screw me over in the first place. If somebody throws a brick through my window, is it wisdom to wonder whether it was a mistake?

    I was an RN at this VA hospital for two years. I wish I could say this was the most disturbing misbehavior I've ever seen pulled off by a VA suit. It's down there but not even close to some of he chicanery I've seen them try to pull off.

    God help all of us and preserve us from the tender mercies of these people.

  8. Bertha, thanks for the great information and encouragement. You may use any of this information to help disabled veterans in any manner you wish.

    I wrote the director of the local VA this letter to see if he will want to avoid making a spectacle. If I can get the added language inserted without going for an IME - well I figured it was worth a shot. If I can get them to agree that my disability was 30-50 percent of the cause of my stroke - that's probably enough. Cross yer fingers


    Mr Allan Perry,


    VA Hospital, Fresno

    Dear Mr. Perry,

    One of the people over at the "hadit.com" veterans forums has asked me if she can bring the C&P report done by your Dr.Mehta on April 13th to the attention of the "Sub Committee on Disability and Memorial Affairs".

    It being the case that Dr. Mehta claims my recent stroke is not related to my previously documented service-connected disability for hypertension in his C&P evaluation, and because I can present massive documentation by highly qualified MD's such as..


    for starters - calling into question Dr. Mehta's curious assertion. And furthermore, since this report will cause me to go to the considerable time and expense of finding a vascular specialist to provide an IME opinion - well, I just wondered if you wanted such a curiously singular example of your medical staff's competence to become general knowledge ?

    Is it possible Dr. Mehta, upon reflection, might wish to provide an addendum to his report to bring it more in line with modern medical thinking? I understand from a recent issue of Neurology (46 (2): 301–7) that Hypertension is 30-50% of stroke risk. Is it possible that Dr. Mehta might want to include that kind of language and reconsider his claim that my stroke is not service connected on the basis of additional review of the relevant medical literature?

    I believe that might best be in accordance with the VA's mission and goals - to say nothing of the "Patient's Bill of Rights". I have no wish to embarass anyone, but as a former VA RN, I am still interested in seeing the VA fulfill its mission in accordance with modern standards of care.


  9. Naw, I volunteered when I was 17 for Viet-Nam and they sent me to Landstuhl to be an OR Tech. By the time they were making general invites, I wasn't 17 anymore, and knew enough about the Army to doubt the wisdom of volunteering anymore. I served my hitch and took my good conduct medal and went home.

    By a curious set of circumstances I had been worked up for "idiopathic hypertension" at Landstuhl and ten years later the college doc told me to go to the local VA and get another work-up. I was lying in my bed admiring the view of Fresno out the window when the DAV guy came in and asked me what kind of disability I wanted. 2 mmonths later I was a bona fide service-connected disabled veteran.

    Life's a crap shoot, eh? Now I've been under continuous treatment since 1974 (with 2 volumes of chart) after I got a stroke in November the Fresno VA started getting dubious about my benefits. I've got my good conduct medal, I'm 3 years out from Medicare, and my VA health benefits are the only coverage I have. They won't cover stroke rehab. The PT clinic is telling me to go join a gym.

    If I get enough increase in my compensation, I can afford to buy rehab out of pocket. It's a case of root-hog-or-die if I ever want to get rid of my cane. The VA rehab doc keeps trying to get me more rehab and the PT department blows him off.

    So thank you everybody for your help and advice. I got a copy of my C&P report and the VA doc is claiming that high blood pressure did not cause my stroke- So yes, it's time to go get a heavy caliber vascular specialist and seek an IME. I sent off a statement today asking the rating board to give me 60 days to set it up.

    So that's my story. Thanks again everybody.

  10. thanks fellas.

    To answer the question --I was made SC for "hyypertensive vascular disease" in 1974. I hads a stroke last November.

    I've been under continuous Rx for HTN. by the VA since 74. Now this guy claims I have familial hyperlipidemia (with no lipid eletrophresis study to make the Dx) and that was the cause of my stroke and not the hypertension. I am faxing a request today to the VSO in Oakland to defer the rating pending submission of an IME.

  11. I have a claim for increased disability pending. I was seen by the VA physician a week ago and I saw in his report that he is asserting that my increased disability is not related to my current 30% service-connected disability by the lamest, through-the-looking-glass story you could imagine.

    Can I ask the rating board to hold off on the decision until I can arrange for an IME (Independent Medical Examiner) to submit an evaluation of my chart?

    The VFW has my power of attorney should I work through them?

    Can I ask them what other decisions have been made in similar cases? If not, can I find that out somewhere?


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