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  1. Hi Everyone Just did an up date on my Dad in Social Chat and the lost of my mother. I have been also trying to help my Father-in-law who has Mulitple Myeloma. Dad 2 was dianosed with the myeloma in June 2006. Dad 2 served 3 tours in Viet Nam on air craft carriers stationed at Yankee Station. Ships were the USS Dale and USS Hornet (CVSG-57). I wrote the claim using the Haas case, request 100% SC for AO exposure. Dad 2 is currently in Chemotherapy for the myeloma is showing a level 80% in the bone marrow. Dad 2 is still trying to work at the age of 75 selling real estate. Dad is a retired Officer from the Navy Lt Commandor. The last I saw on the Haas case was the VA was putting all new claims on hold till the VA could appeal the Haas ruling. Dad 2 never step foot on land in Viet Nam and was not in the DMZ as was Dad 1 was. Many of the rulings I used for my Dad (1) to get the AO on the blue water SC does not apply with my Father-in-law (Dad 2). Any help with this new claim would be of help and any new updated information of where the VA is on dealing with new claims resulting from the Haas rulings. Thank you in advance - Laurie
  2. Hi everyone Dad did get an award for his prostate cancer he applied for back in 1995. The VA awarded the 60% rectro to 1995. Went from NSC to SC with 0% rating last year. Won appeal and granted 60% for prostate cancer on Oct 3, 2005. No retro payment has been made as of yet. In 1995 Dad was 50% SC for skin cancers the other retro he recieved was retro to May 2001 to present. According to my math Dad should have a new combine rating of 80% (60% + 50%) from 1995 to May 2001. This should of been a retro of 30% pay difference that Dad did not get and should be due. In the past the retro payments were in the bank before Dad ever got the letter from the VA. Not sure why he has not gotten the retro payment yet- Called the VA and they said Dad's file is back at the rating team (I believe they are still working on the hypertension or scaring from the skin cancers claims) The VA said that the retro payment has not been worked for the prostate cancer as of yet but it takes time because they are backed logged. Not sure if the prostate cancer retro is slowed down by the VA still working on other parts of the claim, did the handicapped auto for Dad and the VA is also working on the Special Adaptive Housing. Not sure to put something in writing to find out about the retro for the prostate cancer or not. Just hate to slow down what ever the VA is working on at the rating board. I know the VA is at least working Dad claims again and have been making good progress. I just don't want the VA to lose the fact that there should of been retro with the prostate cancer sixty days ago. For those that do not know about Dad claims- Dad retired from the Navy in 1970 getting 50% SC for skin cancer - Started prostate cancer back in 1995 due to Agent Orange - 1998 had major stroke due to DM II and Agent Orange won appeal in June 2005 retro to 2001. Still trying to get the VA to retro to 1998 when Dad had the stroke and was in the VA hospital for 3-1/2 months under the informal claims. Still have several issuse the VA is now trying to finish up on for Dad. Without the help of the people on Hadit Dad would of never won any thing for the Service Officers were tell him he was blue water navy and did not qualify for any benefits and would not help to even file an appeal. A fellow Vet met at a coffee shop said the SO were wrong and to file ourself. Got under the wire by 10 days to save the filing dates for Dad - Dad was awarded 100% SC PT in June. This just shows never, never give up and not to believe any SO. ONLY YOU AS A VET KNOWS YOUR CLAIM AND CAN WIN BY LEARNING AND UNDERSTANDING YOUR RIGHTS AND DIGGING FOR VA REGULATIONS AND LAWS. USE THE VA REGULATIONS AND LAWS TO WRITE YOUR CLAIMS. Thanks in advance Laurie
  3. Sorry that it has been so long that I have posted. Just have had my hands full all summer with everything going on. First the great news! After seven years Dad got his Auto grant approved for a wheel chair auto! We found a place in Portland that works really great with the Veterans called Preformance Mobility - Mike did a wonderful job and handled everything from the VA beautifully and so smothly! If only our claims could be handled as smoth as the VA did on the Auto grant would save us years of appeals! We found a used Van that was taken care of since new. It is a E-150 ford with a drop down floor for the lift. It is a conversion Van that is blue and has the TV and VCR for Dad and Mom. Dad really loves the fact that he just gets wheeled into the Van and tied down. In the last 7 years we have used a Mercy Mountainer and had to prezzel Dad into the car and had to have a curb to load him into the car. We have been taking Mom and Dad out weekly to either breakfest or dinner. It is so great to be able to take them places again and not have to worry about hurting Dad getting into the car and out or if there would be a curb to get him back into the car. From the time that Dad got the approval letter for the grant on the auto till the time that he had the Van took about 6 weeks. Had a time trying to find someone that knew what they were doing and would work with the VA on the grant. Once we found the Preformance Mobility who explained how everything worked it went though within 3 - 1/2 weeks. For those that know about the grant but do not really relize what the grant really does here is the break down. The VA approves you for the auto grant stating it is worth $11,000 toward the purchase of a handicapped auto. (We tried to find a auto where we did not have to put out over 15,000 out of pocket-) The part that we did not know was the $11,000 was ment for just the auto without the equipment! The VA pays on top of the $11,000 to outfit the Van or car for what the Vetern needs are. Dad special needs being totally dependent on the wheel chair and needs someone to ride beside him because he chokes on his own sylaiva easliy, plus he does not drive at all because of his stroke and medical problems. The VA paid the $11,000 for the Van than paid for the equipment that was installed in the Van as used. The VA paid the total of around $22,000 for the Van. What a God send the Van is for Dad and us and our backs! Once you have the auto grant you can have 2 autos outfitted every 4 years. This means that if you get a second auto or want to buy another auto you can than the VA will put in the equipment for you. The VA has also approved the Special Adaptive housing for Dad after 5 years of fighting. We had the addition put onto our home to move up Mom and Dad 5 years ago. (the SO told us to go ahead and build the addition and the VA will just put the grant money down on the extra mortages- Dad was denied after we did the addition and moved him up to the farm. We were stuipied back than and trusted the SO and knew nothing about the VA) I would do it all over again but I would of not put the 2nd and 3 mortage on the farm the way that I did. I would of refinance differently and had a better load that was ment for a longer perild. We did build the home to the VA regulations. It cost us $135,000 for the addition but it was the way that Dad and Mom wanted it. The addition was designed according to what they were use to and the type of habits they had. Dad likes the computer and Mom likes her sewing. They have the extra room just for that plus their bedrooms, a nice livingroom and dinning room. (1300 square feet total). They really love being on the farm and having the farm animals here. We have already got the home inspecition done and just have a couple of minor things to do that were added to the regulations in the last 5 years. We have to expand the pourch roof where Dad's Auto lift will lower down and he will be under cover from the weather. (6x8 total area to build) Add a second ramp on the back patio where there will be 2 exits from their part of the house and put a rubber trap on the bath room sink. So we are working on getting those three things done. Than it is just getting the copies of paper work on the mortage and how everything is filled on the home. Sould have everything done by Christmas. What a wonderful christmas gift. Our mortage will be back down to where it was when we started the addition on the home. (We use part of Dad's retro to pay off the 2 & 3nd -high instest rates leaving the 50 k on the 1st mortage if the VA did do the SMH grant) With the problems that we have had in the past trying to get the other adaptive grant for a ramp (The $4100 one) we will be doing the improvements our selfs with our contractor. Will be easier without all the problems and hassels from the VA) We tried to use the grant to have the VA put in the toliet and a ramp for Dad when he first had the stroke and never was able to get through the red tape in 3 months just to bring Dad home from the hospital after his stroke. Sorry that this is so long but just wanted to let everyone know that things are moving along with the VA for Dad in a posstive way. Plus wanted to add some extras so others might benefit and understand better what is out there to help them also. Dad is still holding in there and enjoying getting out more. He just got done with a bad cancerous lump on his neck. The VA took out the lump putting 60 staples down the back side of his neck. Than the VA had to go back in because they did not get all the cancer. (invassive basel cell) Went back in for a MOSS type of surgery where they can make sure they got all of the cancer. Dad had over 100 staples in the back of the neck the second time. We just got the staples out this week and he is doing just fine now. He is in the progress of teating the 19 year old grandson how to play poker. Dad still wins all the time. Good thing that they don't play for real money or the kid would be broke all the time! Have a great day and thank you all for your help and support with Dads claim- Laurie
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