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Posts posted by autumn

  1. ya, ret, I bailed Cali in '78 and don't even like visiting now.

    Portland, Oregon has a nice VA (although parking up on The Hill can be a beast) but they've also opened clinics in the burbs.

    Hillsboro, Oregon and area is like Little California to me as far as stores and transplants.

    Weather is mild and people are chill.

    Hope you do something to enjoy your years! :smile:

    mild weather and chilled folks, hmmm, not bad for ms people. do you like grants pass & that area?

    in your opinion, you prefer oregon or washington in regards to va and general living?

  2. I want to move so damned bad, I am not happy here in my home of So, California. the nuts destroyed the place. I like the doctors at San Diego,, but they are overcrowded. I am just so sick and need to live ina peaceful place. I need peace. I want to be happy, or just feel better for my last few years. I worry about if I move, that I may not receive the great care I get here. The VA hospital knows me. Mostly because I lived in their for 6 months ina bed. But It is like extended family. if i move to another city/state, etc... I hope they give the care I need. The overcrwding and worn out hospital rooms in San Diego are hard on inpatients who need constant care for the bad diseases, the worst of the worst. 4 to a room is really bad... and I expect to be admitted several times for long periods of time due to the nature of my very bad health. So, wherever I do move to I hope to choose a hospital that is not as overcrowed as San Diego. Now, I just need to win my appeals so I can move and actually live in peace, the stress, high cost of living and a state that is totally out of control is making my last few years miserable..

    i can empathize buddy, i truly can.

    i was happy to get out of california for the same reasons you mention. though this varo here is, well, i think worse than most, imho. i too liked the san diego hospital i visited a few times though it was sooo crowded and busy and the traffic reminded me of many reasons why i left california. years ago long beach had 4 to a room also. not something i would want to repeat.

    i do wish your appeals to win soon, so you can grab some peace and beauty where ever you go

  3. There are more than a few VARO's that are bad news.

    business as usual i take it. when they start ignoring the likes of pva and such, almost zero avenues of help for the veteran pinned down by the va -- imho

    well guys, thats where i'm at today, fwiw,

    so much for that 120days thing mr shinseki put in place.

  4. autum,

    They know what to schedule.

    If you are having a difficult time getting what is needed

    my suggestion is to get an IMO - I know they usually cost but

    it is an investment.


    i recently contacted a few congressmen due to the varo never scheduling the appts for secondary issues, though they were requested once last year and again the first of this year. right after that the varo sends me a request to provide evidence i had limitations regarding any of those secondary issues while on active duty. and they wrote back to the congress people they were going to schedule the secondary issues exams, though they never mentioned this was already asked of them twice by pva. nor did they cc that note to pva, who are my claims reps.

    not sure i understand requesting me to provide evidence for secondary issues while on active duty. i would have thought they could see that since they granted SC due to supportive evidence of ms. plus they were given imo which i guess they agreed with. and they were evaluate "current" secondary issues as requested by pva twice already, though never done.

    i'm afraid i feel they never would have moved on the pva requests if i had not written DC. it's going on 6 months since pva requested the appts and close to a year since c&p confirmation of sc'd ms.

    is all this just the same ol standard procedure?

  5. curious as to why the records dept at our VA doesn't scan info into the system when i take it to them - non-VA medical reports.

    they say they'll get it into the system but i have yet to see them do so. they say if the doctor wants to see them he can request them. problem is, none of my doctors here request it so they never see it.

    just curious if the veteran has the right to get the medical info into the system or is it VA policy they don't have to?

    i'm wanting to know before i send a note to the local VA chief of staff about this


  6. I filed a CUE claim that goes back to 1971. If I win my original rating will be changed. My rating will probably be staged over a number of years. How can a VSO or lawyer (which I have) make a judgement about what my rating should be if they don't have my complete file. That is what I am talking about. I think Pete does not mean you should depend on a VSO or reject all VSO's. I can see that if you file a claim your VSO may not need your complete file. In my case the VA did go over my whole file to find a reason to reject my CUE. Not legal I know, but they did it anyway, and my lawyer will need my whole file to make sense of my ratings over the last 4 decades. If you have an old claim your file is probably huge. Unless you are filing a CUE or a claim that challanges an effective date from the way back your file can probably sleep in peace. The first thing my lawyer asked for was my entire C-File. Autumn, I see where you are coming from with your frustration and distrust of the VA. I don't trust them either and not wild about the VSO's I have had dealings with in the past.

    mine too is "supposed to go forward with cue" after the ms secondary med issues get rated -- so i'm told. you can what's hanging in the balance.

    for the local VA saying they don't really know what to do with the rater's request for ms secondary issues exam, and my current VSO not mentioning that or advises me on it, you can see my uneasiness.

    that office does have a very wonderful efficient compassionate secretary and she informs me what the VSO says, but it's usually "you just got to wait..."

    i've read many notes on this board from elders and i know if they were in my shoes (and many have been or are) would feel/relate to my concerns.

    i'm glad someone understands where i'm coming from. if ya want to farm out your lawyer, i can shoot you a priv email. i may need him

  7. IMO - yes, certainly a private lawyer would need and request a copy of the

    complete C-file.

    A VSO doesn't need to keep copies of C-files - they can go to RO's and view them any time they want

    as long as you have appointed them.

    VSO do not keep copies of claimants C-files - what they keep is bare bone.

    i can only assume then, since my NSO is in another state, he must be using the regional pva for access to view records when needed. i certainly agree about the space limitations.

  8. As a VSO, and new to this only been working at it for a little over a year, I will say the way I run my office is that I will forward everything that the claimant gives me to the VA. I also make copies of everything so that the claimant retains a copy. I will make a summary of notes, and write down a plan of attack, with contingencies. I WILL NOT KEEP DIRECT DEPOSIT, MEDICAL RECORDS, OR PTSD STRESSOR REPORTS in my office, yes it is behind 3 locks, but I am still wary that if my office gets broken into, that there is not enough there for anyone to commit identity theft or hurt my veterans. jmo.

    Right now, I am of the opinion that the veteran is their own best advocate, but with mail and correspondence going through me, I provide a fresh set of eyes. I may not know everything about the VA system, but I try.and have had some success with the veterans I work with. If you get a VSO that just forwards things without reviewing them, it is time to find a new VSO. Personally, I think that all VSO's should know their claimants claims, and be able to recite the most minute detail of them, but as a realist, I know I cannot do that and don't expect anyone else to be able to. I try to keep somewhat detailed notes about the individual claim in the files that I maintain. I would say that if the VSO is in a rush and tries to push you out the door, they are not the right person.

    I see or talk to veterans at least 500 times a month, and some are repeats and some are just to let me know the latest paperwork that they have gotten from the VA. I do get copies of everything that is sent from VA when my organization is POA, and this has helped me to make sure that we (I take my client's claims personally) do not miss a deadline. Only on a rare occasion will I act unilaterally without input from my veteran, and that is normally if I cannot get a hold of them and receive correspondence that a deadline is about to be missed.

    Getting down off my soapbox...

    Autumn if the VSO's you have spoken with just want to forward paperwork and slap a transmittal(cover letter) on it, you really don't need them, as they probably won't be maintaining detailed files that will assist in your claim when VA says that they didn't receive something. Most of the VSO's I have spoke with or work with maintain detailed files that given 5 minutes of perusal will be back up to speed with. So as a VSO, I apologize for the rest of us, but I assure you that there are many of us out here that are passionate about what we do, and aren't in it just for the money. I work with several hundred veterans a month at work, and in my off time, I try to do outreach to the local VFW, as their Post SO doesn't have the training that I have been blessed to have been given, and I am local. My advice is shop around and find a service officer that is passionate about their work, and will actually assist and counsel you as to what they think you should do. At the same time, they need to realize that you are the boss, and that they need to act only on your behalf and to the extent that you want.

    For example, I have a veteran that had been trying to get TDIU for approximately 40 years, I had him bring in all of his records, and I started going over them while assisting him in applying for an increase for his s/c conditions and TDIU. While searching his records, I found evidence that in my opinion shows that he should get an EED in the early 1980's when the decision came back on the increase, but as he was so happy with the decision, he told me not to mess with it. I may not like the decision, but it is his decision to make. VSO's need to realize that they work for the veteran, and they need to explain all the options, if the veteran feels compelled to go in a direction that I don't feel is the correct one, I will advise against it, but I will support them every step of the way.

    This is just my 2 cents, and take it for what it's worth.

    i appreciate and respect your soapbox, and would do the same in your position. i know all too well the good in many mil, VA, & SO folks.

    my intuition is telling me to be wary of this, "we're giving the VA the benefit of the doubt to do the right thing, you just have to sit back and wait", "not to file any other claims even if unrelated to the MS claim", and why SO didn't speak with me about the strange "ms secondary exam" that seemed more a time buffer than actual exam, why the VA didn't order the tests requested by the SO. whats wrong with a casual explanation of all that. versus when i ask about it, it's like i'm the one interfering and holding up the VA rating process.

    i've been wrong before but that's my perception

    thank you for your input, appreciate it

  9. To the best of my knowledge, there is no reason why you can't move it. Remember that moving it may cause you the need to travel to that RO for more C&P's or hearings, should the need arise, and they won't pay travel to the new RO.


    is there an online list of these tiger teams and what states they are in? or any recommendations for where to move?

  10. In the VA world what does make sense. All I know I was shocked to learn that letters, IMO's and other paperwork was not kept by the VSO. In fact anything you give them they forward to the VARO

    as an elder here, to still recommend VSO's? if all they do is forward stuff without really reviewing it and type a few request notes to VA, what's the difference than veterans just doing it themselves and roll the dice. i don't see any difference anymore.

  11. In the VA world what does make sense. All I know I was shocked to learn that letters, IMO's and other paperwork was not kept by the VSO. In fact anything you give them they forward to the VARO

    i recently found that out too, which is why my most recent writings here on hadit.com

    i really don't understand how a SO can even speak to me about my claim(s) if SO doesn't have that c-file. have the veteran org's sided with the VA for political reasons? i guess that covers the SO's rear when he says, "can't discuss it, as i don't have vets c-file here".

    so SO's no longer view med records or anything? they just write a couple paragraph note to VA on a letter head and say we're doing all we can? makes no sense to me. but as you say, the VA bizzaro world is too much for me to comprehend.

    i know SO's don't have the space to store this stuff, but i don't see how they can fairly represent a client without that info.

  12. To the best of my knowledge, there is no reason why you can't move it. Remember that moving it may cause you the need to travel to that RO for more C&P's or hearings, should the need arise, and they won't pay travel to the new RO.


    i don't mind if it presents more accurate and honest rating. i've already spent most of my savings on IMO's just to get accurate med evidence vs the VA's absolute minimum or off the wall diagnosis.


  13. I think that Pete is right. I know complicated cases are sometimes referred to the "Tiger Team" located in Cleveland.

    This is part of the reason why Cleveland RO is so bad. You see, there was a "brain drain", where all the top talented rating specialists were recruited to the Cleveland Tiger team, leaving only the least experienced and least talented rating specialists to rate claims in Ohio.

    It would kind of be like a new expansion football team who only could pick from ONE team and pick out all the best players for the new team, and leave all the bad or marginal players to play at the old team. The NFL was smart enough not to do that..it would take decades for the "victim team" to recover, so when a new expansion team comes in, the expansion team picks one or two players from each NFL team...its the only fair way. The new expansion team needs experience also...to become competitive...and not just all rookies.

    Cleveland has never recovered from taking the best for the Tiger Team, IMHO. You see, they did not even have any experienced people to train the others..they were gone and newbies took over Cleveland....always a prescription for disaster. The pressure got to the manager, and she started shredding Vets evidence because "single issue " claims are much faster to work than "multiple issue" claims.

    Here is how the VA dealt with it:


    But, we have come to expect nothing less from the VA.

    in my experience, that is true more often than not

  14. My claim started w/the Manchester, NH, VARO and they were dragging their feet so bad that I got a mailbox, in VT, so I could have them do my claim. I found out later I didn't need to do that, I coulda just requested the VT VARO do my claim. I eventually won steady increases, that were moot when I won 100% thru the BVA, retro to day one.


    with what you say, then if the RVO is draggin there feet, i could request it be moved to say NM or AZ or somewhere?

  15. Most VSO's do not keep Veterans records. They usually help Veteran fill out forms and forward info to the VA. I know that they can certify marriage licenses and other valuable originals and send to VARO so Vet does not have to let the VA have originals.

    There is no reason that a SO would have C file

    with all due respect, i don't see how a SO can know if the VA raters are getting the picture if the SO doesn't know what is in the c-file backing up the claim. how can the SO verify the raters do the right thing?

    honestly, that makes no sense to me

  16. Your VSO should request a copy. He should get the full copy and not the one the VA sends you. My lawyer has my true copy of my C-File and your VSO is your lawyer. I bet he/she is too lazy to read your file.

    that was what i was thinking. can you see why i write here as i do?

    they tell me to just sit back and wait, give the VA the benefit of the doubt, don't file any other claims, even not related to MS, no comment on why the secondary exams haven't been ordered, and insinuate i'm the one holding up things.

    something just feels amiss here to me,

    thanks -- at least i know i'm not imagining things -- you think the same

  17. The "Why" is easy. If your claim is stuck someplace like Cleveland, St. Pete, Buffalo, etc...its easy to know why: The bottom line is that Veterans in some states are more likely to get awarded benefits than those in other states.

    >>This explains WHY Vets would want to change Regional Offices:


    exactly (see my reply to ms berta)

    >>It would almost certainly mean a higher benefit level.

    >>if/how Vets can switch, especially if they have not gotten a fair shake in their first RO.

    if the rater /and/or RO doesn't quite understand the nature of the medical issue(s) even to the point of not being able to schedule adequate exams for secondary issues, what is a vet to do?

    is there a website that lists the results for all RO's in order to compare states?

  18. I believe you can change RO's, however, if you need hearings or C&P's, you'll need to travel to that RO for exams & hearings. jmo


    i'm not one to toss a wrench in the gears of this claim process but its a serious future life and health issue for many of us.

    if this va and their vro has inadequate raters or raters that are..., heck i can't think of a correct description here,... why wouldn't a vet want to have such claims moved to more professional VRO?

    not making a general blanket statement about VA raters. but that article from ohio here expresses the issue much better than i can. and most of the choir here understands that issue even better than i.

  19. Autumn

    Your preaching to the choir...I know well how I would love to change RO's. I think I recall reading somewhere that the RO location is determined where you live...and, except by moving cant be changed.

    It reminds me of the "bad school" thing. I know I would love my kids to attend a different school district...but it was not allowed...probably because the "bad schools" would essentially be abandoned and all the teachers would lose their jobs. Ditto for the RO's.

    I do think "inserting capitalism" into the RO's and schools would be good and raise the level several notches. RO's would "compete" for Veterans instead of "complaining" about them. ...getting paid by how many Vets go to their RO...just like car companies or insurance companies or food companies do now. They "compete" for the consumer.

    Just think if love were governmentalized:

    "Unit 407896? Yes, you have been assigned to me for the purpose of procreation. Have you completely filled out your 21-478 form, in triplicate so we can begin the procreation process? It looks like your item line #13 has been checked "NO". A no in this box prohibits procreation. Next applicant please."

    well, when you go to a ms secondary exam requested by the rater a VRO and the doctor states he doesn't really know what they want, and that they don't know much about handling ms secondary issues it doesn't give a veteran much confidence in the outcome of the rating!! if they were going to do the right thing i doubt such an exam would have taken place.

  20. autum,

    They know what to schedule.

    If you are having a difficult time getting what is needed

    my suggestion is to get an IMO - I know they usually cost but

    it is an investment.


    i thought so. that last exam was more of a time buyer for the VA, not me.

    some time ago i did take ms berta's adivce and got IMO's for ms, spine and shrink. my savings almost gone. that is the only reason i got dx'd and SC'd for ms was the IMO. up to that point the VA still would not dx me.

    so, i guess i wait, as usual. i'm just so skeptical that without actual secondary exams they'll just prolong this. you understand. i know you understand because you confirmed what i thought, "they know what to schedule", even though they mentioned they don't exactly know what to do with MS ratings. supposedly the pva has my back

  21. The "Why" is easy. If your claim is stuck someplace like Cleveland, St. Pete, Buffalo, etc...its easy to know why: The bottom line is that Veterans in some states are more likely to get awarded benefits than those in other states.

    >>This explains WHY Vets would want to change Regional Offices:


    exactly (see my reply to ms berta)

    >>It would almost certainly mean a higher benefit level.

    >>if/how Vets can switch, especially if they have not gotten a fair shake in their first RO.

    if the rater /and/or RO doesn't quite understand the nature of the medical issue(s) even to the point of not being able to schedule adequate exams for secondary issues, what is a vet to do?

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