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About AFKY22

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  • Service Connected Disability
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    Air Force

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  1. What schools have you attended online with Voc Rehab that are Veteran Friendly? I was recently approved for Voc Rehab and am researching what online schools are best. I have attended university of phoenix and western governers university in the past with GI Bill, found both OK but am looking for some other input. Thank you
  2. Has anyone had success with Voc Rehab paying for flight school? i have read they will only pay for it if the degree requires it. Any personal experiences you have had are appreciated. thank you
  3. Thank you for the response, i really do appreciate it. So at the meeting do they notify you there if you are approved, or what is the process? It is my lumbar spine that is limiting my current work. Can you share what your disabilty/reason for needing re-training is? just curiour since this is all new to me. Will they let you attend class at night/via online, or only @ brick mortar type schooling.
  4. i just got the notice from the VA about my appointment, it said that i would need to show periods of unemployment due to my disability....but i have been employed until now by either the military or the local VAMC. I am unable to perform certain tasks now that i used to be able to do and need to be able to do to continue working though. i am missing more work over the past two years due to my disablity though. Any input is appreciated. What do they evaluate when they are seeing if you are approved/not?
  5. i just got the notice from the VA about my appointment, it said that i would need to show periods of unemployment due to my disability....but i have been employed until now by either the military or the local VAMC. I am unable to perform certain tasks now that i used to be able to do and need to be able to do to continue working though. i am missing more work over the past two years due to my disablity though. Any input is appreciated.
  6. I filed a claim for sciatic nerve and foot drop secondary to my L4/L5 herniated disc however an EMG did not support my claim the report said. I have had this pain/weakenss since my accident in service (documented in my military medical record) however am not rated for the leg/foot pain and weakenss. Is there anything i can do since the EMG does not support my claims? I have been receiving treatment and take lyrica for the pain several times daily. A friend who is in the medical field suggested it may be RSD and not sciatica, i just related it to sciatic since i have herniated discs and lumbar DJD (currently rated at 10% for the herniation and DJD) Otherwise i am a heatlhy (non-obese) 31 year old male, but feel like i am much older due to my disabliites.
  7. I just applied for Voc rehab, and want to know what to expect. I work for the local VAMC, as a patient care provider, and fabricate devices that are often quite heavy. On a daily basis i lift heavy loads, pull materials, push metal rods and move heavy boxes. I on a daily basis lift patients, help them dress and work often for longer periods sitting which is uncomfortable on my back. I am 10% sc for DDD-L spine. My back is limiting what i can do at work and i am 31. i am concerned about how much longer i can continue in the profession i work in (also what i did in the military), i have never had another job. What can i expect from the meeting, and could i continue working in my current job until i complete the new training? I would like to get into a field with less bending/lifting/pulling/ and manual activiites. I am considering teaching as an alternative. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
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