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Senior Chief Petty Officer
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Posts posted by jessie0054

  1. Jessie0054,

    Personally, I honestly think that most of the employees at the VA, do not do, half of what they say that they are going to do.

    I understand your frusteration completely.

    I wish that I knew what to tell you to do, but I am not sure that there is an answer.



    Hello Josephine:

    Think i just needed to do a little venting myself.

    The screaming in the bathroom and tearing up the paper used to work when the kids were little. But find little comfort in it now and the neighbors and my dog think i'm crazy anyway.

    Having someone on the other end who knows the flustations of dealing with the VA helps.



  2. Jessie, I have sent two messages in the past two weeks to the iris email with NO response! The system SSSSSSUCKS! I wish you luck with your son.



    Your right the system does suck!! I don't understand why you haven't gotten some kind of reply from Iris with your questions!! I had my reply within 30 mins.

    Keep trying, Maybe cause them as much flustation as they cause!!

    Good luck with your claim.

    Jessie :huh:

  3. Thanks Pete53;

    Gee, Didn't figure it to be that simple!!! Could have blown me over :huh:



    Hey Pete53,

    Just wanted to say thank you again for the advice. I called my mother this morning and had her go to my brother's SO and ask for the form. The Service Officer then called the VA and made my brother an appointment for tomorrow.

    Oh, Sorry Bound4Heaven, I didn't mean to hijack your post.


  4. What is up with this reply anyway.

    2 weeks ago [i think,] I had sent a query to Iris for a status report on my sons claim and was told that they were trying to determine if another C&P exam was needed to help determine the claim.

    WE then talked to my son's SO who went upstairs and pulled my son's file and showed these people that there is UNREFUTABLE MEDICAL EVIDENCE in the file that he continues to have phlebotomy treatments monthly for his already service connected blood cancer and doing this exam is frivolous and a waste of time.

    They agreed to take the file to a rating specialist to see if it was ready to rate.

    Today Iris is still saying the same thing about another C&P exam.

    What the h-----. What more could they need, More Blood??


  5. Jessie I had my Doc at the VA fill out the form and I mailed it in and asked for it. Before I knew it I had a C&P Exam and in under 4 months the money was in the bank I only got 3 months retro.

    It was as simple as that. I got the form from my SO at the VA Hospital dropped it off and the Doc mailed it to me a week later.

    Thanks Pete53;

    Gee, Didn't figure it to be that simple!!! Could have blown me over :huh:



  6. Greetings,

    I have been helping a veteran with his claim for A&A. He received his award letter today stating that he had been granted A&A, however there was no award amount or any regards to the retro date. I have never seen anything like this.

    He has a call in to the VARO, however but he could not get a decent answer. I contacted our RO and ask a simmuliar question, and I got that he will be receiveing his award amount in another letter that might take 30 days to receive. He informed me that is how the VA are doing things now.

    This vet has 7 dependents and currently gets around $3,800.00 per month. He is rated at 100% Loss of use of both feet plus SMC for other issues. This veteran is having panic attacks over this issue. Can anyone help me figure his amount so his mind can be put to ease? Thank you all so much. God bless you.


    Hello Bound4Heaven:

    I am trying to get my brother to start a claim for aid & attendence.

    He is receiving NSC pension.

    What do i need to do to get this started??

    Do i make an appointment for him at the VA and tell the Dr that we need a statement from him as to his current conditions and being unable to care for himself or take care of his own needs?

    Thanks for any suggestions.


  7. tssnave

    Thanks for your suggestions!!

    I agree with Joesphine that the archives reps are friendly - when you get them on the phone. I had to wait forever to talk to one of them years ago when I was looking for my records. Use a speakerphone and have a magazine handy and be patient.

    I'll give this to my brother in law. Might help since i know he is not a patient man!!

    The other thing you can do, and this is a long shot, is to contact the post he was at when he was treated. Their med records will do a records search for you as well (didn't help me but at least, again, I knew somebody had looked for them on the post I'd been treated at).

    Thanks again!! I wouldn't have thought of that!!

    Hang in there, good luck, and keep us posted,




  8. Jessie:

    I am trying to help my brother and I thank you for all the work that you do for Veterans. Working with family really ups the anti in my opinion.


    Thank you for the kind words!! I really don't know what i'm doing but somebody has to watch out for the ones who can't help themselves.

    I really appreciate Hadit.com and all you Veterans who help to answer the questions. Sometimes over and over for some of us!! It's great we have this fourm to come to for quidence and yes sometimes to vent our flustations with the system.

    If it wasn't for you guys and gals here i wouldn't have known where to start with my son's claims. He has 2 out of the 3 conditions in his claim now service connected. Last i heard last week his claim for the increase for the Blood Cancer/Polycythemia Vera was at the rating board again. Hopefully we will be hearing soon that they gave him the 40% he is surposed to be getting in the first place for having to have the phlebotomies . They first gave him a 0%.

    So Thanks to you and all the Veterans giving your time to help out us who don't know where to Start!!

    Thanks for your Service!!!

    I Appreciate you all.


  9. Berta

    Thank You very much.

    Jessie -I helped vets get their records that were "lost" in the St louis fire by sending the SF 180 themselves.

    I have the Form 180 ready for him to sign and mail out to the National Personal Records Center. I will give it to him tomorrow whhen i see him.

    It doesnt always happen but it still gets me when I see these records have no char marks or water marks so they were not even in the St. Louis fire at all-

    the rater probably saw USAF and the dates and assumed that they were lost and told the vets this without even checking.

    I'm hoping that is what happened!! They just didn't check!!

    I guess them trying to save time they don't really pay close attention!! He served in the Army from 1965-1967 and the records that were burnt were said to be from Army discharges between 1912-1960. And the Air Force records between 1947 to 1964.

    It pays to keep trying to get SMRs.Other then that perhaps he could obtain a buddy statement as to his inservice problems and/or treatment.

    His unit might have a web site and even a Reunion roster and there might be names there that ring a bell with him.

    I was able to find a couple of the guys that served with him through his unit page on Military.Com so maybe when he contacts them they will provide him with the Buddy Statments. I'm hoping anyway.

    I'm curious, What health screening did the Army do on enlistment and discharges??

    Did they check these men and women for conditions like TB?? Or because the Vietnam War was heating up it was get the them through the physical as fast as possible.

    He said that he contacted the TB while in Boot Camp but wasn't diagnosed until after discharge. But had to go to " sick call" many times during boot camp because he was having problems breathing.

    Well anyway!!

    I appreciate all your advice!!


  10. What is the registry?


    I talked to the supervisor of the technicians at the St. Louis Archives and was told that if I ever wished another copy of my ( Lost ) Personnel records, just tell the technician to be sure to look also in the registry.



    Thanks, I'm writing a letter for him and will give it to him on Monday and i'll be sure to tell them to also look in the Registry for his lost records.

    Thanks Jessie

  11. Jessie,

    He should submit a letter, by internet or hand write a letter to the St. Louis Archives and ask for his records himself. If he does this by internet, he must fax to them a signature.

    If his S.O sent in a request for this records then their should be a letter from the Archives stating such.

    He can always call the Archives himself and ask to speak to a technician. I have found them to be very nice and most helpful.

    It may be possible that his records are in what they call the Registry.

    I know that my records were no where to be found, but a technician located them for me " Psychiatric Records and My Personnel Records with that " Request for Transfer.

    Mine could not be located by the R.O either, but I got them for them.

    My records were from May 1963- June 1964. U.S. Navy.

    Hope this helps.



    Thanks for the suggestions. I will print out all answers and give to him on Monday.

    What is the registry?

    He was started treatment at the VAMC for TB in 1972. He said he had been sick since Boot Camp and the 2 other old doc's who treated him before the VA are now dead and have been for a number of years, So the SMR are badly needed to show he started having problems with his lungs in the service.

    Again thank you


  12. Hello:

    My brother in law served in the Army 65-67.

    He filed a claim eariler this year and just recieved a denial because the VA claimed " No evidence, Your records were burned in the St. Louis Fire"

    I thought the fire involved records for the Army up to 1960. So what gives??

    They also told him that they were unable to locate Medical records from the VAMC for treatment from 1972-1974.

    His problems with his lungs started in Boot Camp and he had several "Sick Calls" for breathing problems. But he can't prove this without his SMR's that were ??? Burned.

    He said that he didn't get any of the records himself, But left that to his SO.

    He said he has an appointment at the VAMC on Monday next week. I told him to go to the Medical Records and request any records starting in 1972 forward to see what they tell him.

    How else can he locate his missing SMR's.??

    Any suggestions for him??

    Thanks, Jessie

  13. :angry: Free Thank you for your advice i really appreciate it.

    Maybe the Aid and Attendence/Housebound might be the better way to go about getting a increase in his NSC Pension??

    Is there a form that need to be filed??

    Thanks again


    He doesn't qualify for SSI as he wasn't able to hold a job after he came out of the Service

  14. Thanks Free:

    Has he been getting continuing treatment for his lower back through the years?

    He continued seeking treatment for a few years through several Chiro Dr's and he still continues to complain, but over the years it has been in the cervical area that has given him the most trouble requiring 2 different surgeries to fuse areas in his neck.

    Did his injury lifting the barrels affect his cervical spine?

    I really don't know, But i guess it could. It really hard to get an answer from him. You know when you ask and he sits there and just stares ahead it hard to figure out what he's thinking, You might be 3-4 questions ahead before he finally answers the first question.It drives me nuts but i try to be patient with him. It's sorta been this way all his life. I remember as a kid i would fight his battles for him, or jump in to defend him when other kids would pick on him. I really don't know how he ever got into the Military to start with.

    Has he been in treatment for the nervous condition?

    He has been in and out of VA's hospital since he came out of the Military. I proable have the full 30 yeras of records and they are all the same. he seeks out help from them for his " Nerves"

    And if he had that before he went in - you would have to be able to show that his military service worsened the condition.

    I'm wondering if any of this might show up in his Military Personnel records? I know that he has always had a mental problem and i'm thinking it took him a very long time to make it through boot camp [ from April 69-December 69] Isn't that a long time for anyone in boot camp??.

    i looked at his entry and discharge physical exam forms and he answered no to all the questions!! Even the questions for the female enlisted. Now I'm thinking someone should have thought something was wrong. But i guess being in a time of war they were pushing theses guys thought as fast as possible.

    You've got over 30 intervening years to cover though --so it could be quite a challenge to create the nexus. I know but i've got a lot of time on my hands!

    I think that it is great that you are so supportive of your brother! :angry:

    Like i said i have been fighting his battles all my life. [ Yea, he came to my defence a few time too as kids.]

    As to the lung cancer. Was he in Vietnam?

    No he was sent to Germany where he worked as a cook from Dec 69-March71.

    On the other conditions -you might want to talk to his doctors and see if they think they could be related to the service. Yes, I plan to do that now. I have been waiting for months to get his C-File.

    Have you considered seeing about increasing his pension -- if he is housebound or needs aid and attendence?

    I had thought about it, But didn't know if he could, I've read other's here, My Mother does everything for him except dressing and bathing. But she has to tell him to do theses things. He rarely drives the car, because as my mother said ' i can't trust him with the car, It seems like his mind wonders]The last time she let him drive the car nearly a year ago and he pulled out to far at an intersection and way hit by a semi. She then got him an old beat up car that she will let him drive to the corner fast lane for a pop or the couple blocks to my sister's house. But that as far as he go's.

    Do you think it would be worth it to see if i can get his Personnel folder??

    I know that he had problems before he went into the Military and those problems didn't get any better while he was there!!




  15. :angry: Hello all:

    You might remember that i had writen several months ago about my brother. He has been receiving a NSC Pension for many years, But didn't know why.

    Today i received a copy of his C-File to see if he had filed a claim with the Va or what.

    He had filed a claim for a back condition and nerves back in 1973. [ he was discharged in 1971]

    In the C&P exam the examiner said that his c-file wasn't available at the time, But my brother had reported a fall with injury to his low back and recurrent back pain since then 2 months before discharge in 1971.

    It was reported that an Lumbar Spine X-Ray had been requested. [ no x-ray report in the c-file]

    From his service medical records i see he reported to "sick call" on May 2nd 1969 for low back pain, On July 8th and again on July 22 of 1969 he was treated for Lumbar Strain. And on Jan 28th 1970 he was treated for a back injury while lifting barrels. These were all during his Military Service.

    As for the " Nerves" the rating decision states [ Special Neuropsychiatric examination revealed complaints from the veteran that his nerves get bad and he shakes all over and he worries continually. [[[[ Had this before he went to service]]]]

    It also said [ Service Medical records are entirely negative with regard to complaints of a nervious condition or diagnosis of a nervious condition of any kind. A report of VA outpation treatment dated july 30 1973 refers to periods of depression, treatened sucide and irritability which were decribed as a budding tendency toward schizophrenis.]

    My brother had mental problems before he ever went into the service. He didn't have pass an 8th grade education and that had been is special education. I'm not even sure how he got into the Army to start with. Out of 8 children my brother seemed to be the one who was abused most by our father.

    In my opinon the many 'Sick Calls] for a number of various aliments were indeed due to his nerves and he didn't know how to say really what was the real problem.

    I remember it took a realy long time for him to ever make through boot camp.

    Now that i have this information how can i make it work for him today??

    His condition hasn't improved!! His back condition has only worsen and has had 2 fusions on his cervical area. Had lung cancer, Colon Cancer. There were several sick calls for lungs hurting coughinhg. " Stomach problem" He now lives with our mother since his wife died and he is unable to stay alone and unable to care for himself. She's 78 years old.


  16. Jessie,

    You would think if a veteran is already service connected the process would be a lot simpler. But not so. I'm sc at 0% also. Medical evidence is there. Nevertheless, I have already had two rating examinations since I filed my claim in 2003 without a break in the process. You have to remember that VARO is not trying to pay out benefits. The purpose of a rating exam is there last ditch effort to keep a vet at 0% or not sc him/her at all.

    The following is a link to the disability worksheet the examiner will use, if your son should be scheduled for a rating exam. Hope it helps in showing you what the VARO is looking for to award or not award the 40%.


    :D Thanks luvhim

    I downloaded the worksheet just incase he has to have another exam. I just don't know what they want MORE BLOOD :blink:

    Thanks, Jessie

  17. That C & P should give him another good shot for a ratable percentage.

    what gets me is they said a 'possible' exam.

    Maybe they are getting a VA medical opinion that would not require a physical exam to be done.

    Again- as I assume he already had one C & P prior to the "0" rating ?

    Thanks Berta:

    I just don't understand what more they could want to make the decision to give him the 40% rate or leave him at the 0%. They have 3 Dr's giving him a Diagnosis, One being the VA C&P examiner. They have phlebotomy records for the last 5 years and now finally a standing order for a phlebotomy every 4-6 weeks.

    I came across an interesting decision on the Board of Veterans Affairs Appeals on a case very near my son's case.

    Citation # 0703559

    Decision date 02/05/07 Archive date 02/14/07

    Docket # 00-06 476

    This case was on appeal from the Department of Veterans Affairs office in Hartford Connecticut.

    If i'm reading this right this Veteran was given a 40% rate, raised from 10% because he had had a CBC not a phlebotomy. But due to the defination of a CBC by the US National Institute of Health, A CBC is defined as a phlebotomy.

    Would this case be good to submit in my son's case?

    Thanks, Jessie :D

  18. Hello:

    Just got this reply from IRIS this evening.

    My son was serviced connected at 0% for Polycythemia Vera [ a Bone Marrow disease] and we sent a Letter for reconsideration in the rate which they recieved on May 9th.

    For this disease and recieving Phlebotomies he should be rated at 40%.

    I have since sent 2 recent Phlebotomy records.

    Last week my sons SO said that someone in the St. Louis RO had his file working on it and he expected a decision fairly soon.

    Today the IRIS reply said that his claim had been sent for a possible Exam and he would be contacted by the closest VA if an Exam is needed.and gave the 1-800 number.

    What more could they need? They did the C&P and i have filed all his Phlebotomy records showing his disease is active. :D :blink:

    He was already service connected for the disease, Was just asking for them to give the proper rate!!


  19. B)

    after the divorce take the divorce decree to the nearest tri-care office. that'll do it.

    B) Thanks again!!

    That's all he has to do to see that she stays on the TRICARE after the divorce??

    He said that she didn't qualify due to not being married long enough during his active service [ they were married 13 years and 9 months of the 20 year active service]

    Tricare is telling him they weren't married long enough during active service?????

    Thanks Jessie

  20. remarry her is the simplest. the gov't has to honor a divorce decree and if it is not so staed in the decree, they won't do it.

    be careful of amending the divorce decree

    Thanks Recruiterrick:

    They haven't divorced yet!! But it's in the making from what i understand. [ the veteran is my sons employer].

    He said they have been married for 35 years with 13 years and 9 months of it during his Active Military Service.

    A part of the divorce is that he maintain Medical insurance on the wife for the rest of her life.

    Thanks Jessie

  21. Hello:

    I had a veteran ask if i could help fine a way to get his wife on Tri-Care as she can not get medical coverage.

    He is a Retired Veteran of the Airforce [ Served 20 years and 9 months]

    He and his wife were married 13 years and 9 months of his active service.

    What does he have to do to get her covered for the rest of her life?

    Is there a way?

    Thanks, Jessie

  22. I have recently been in contact with the wife of a Vietnam era veteran who served in the Air Force and was in Vietnam 2 times. Was exposed to AO being sprayed around and on the base in Vietnam. He worked on the flight line refuleing and a mechanic.

    He has Colon Cancer and Kidney Cancer.

    He filed a claim on April 4th i think for Exposure to AO being the cause of his cancers as he was told to do by his service officer.

    I worry if this was the right thing for him [ the service officer] to do since Colon Cancer is not one of the Cancers the Va say are from AO. is Kidney Cancer??

    Kidney Cancer may be [ if i remember right] a condition that is caused by exposure to the jet fuel.

    This is a nice couple and i hate to see them get a denial for his Cancers as claimed to AO. He is curently taking Chemo and as i can understand the Colon Cancer spread to his lungs and lymp nodes in his chest.

    Any advice for them??

    Thanks Jessie

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