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Va Medical Care.

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I had a call from my hepatoligist this morning, seems like Im 7 points (207) from being comatose? The Doc called me to see if I was still thinking clearly, or for a IDDM diabetic in liver failure doing the best I can...

Had he Blood draw yesterday right before the Nuclear scan of my heart, the Lab got the resullts to the Doctor this AM and he called me at home and gave instructions to restart the "Damm Lactulose" this will shoot my Blood sugar control? out the window however..

Try and get this from the usual doctors, it might take a week or more just to get the results from the lab,add several days for the Civ doc to interpret the results via "nurse Janice" and I would have been taking a "dirt nap"

There are good things the VA does!! B)

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  • HadIt.com Elder


I hope that you are getting better and it is always nice to hear something good about our treatment at VA.

Veterans deserve real choice for their health care.

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Guest VetWife Advocate
I had a call from my hepatoligist this morning, seems like Im 7 points (207) from being comatose? The Doc called me to see if I was still thinking clearly, or for a IDDM diabetic in liver failure doing the best I can...

Had he Blood draw yesterday right before the Nuclear scan of my heart, the Lab got the resullts to the Doctor this AM and he called me at home and gave instructions to restart the "Damm Lactulose" this will shoot my Blood sugar control? out the window however..

Try and get this from the usual doctors, it might take a week or more just to get the results from the lab,add several days for the Civ doc to interpret the results via "nurse Janice" and I would have been taking a "dirt nap"

There are good things the VA does!! :rolleyes:


So glad to hear your Doc was on the ball. I am hoping you wil beat this thing. Hang in and we are here to support you, so just let us know when you want to vent or whatever.


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So glad to hear your Doc was on the ball. I am hoping you wil beat this thing. Hang in and we are here to support you, so just let us know when you want to vent or whatever.


Beating is out of the question, its how long I can last now! Got taken for a "ride at the University" here in seattle. Money talks evrything else is Bullxxxx. I have a Psycholigist who immediatly wants to label me with PTSD. I dont want that as a label, Hepatologist is trying to schedule me at Seattle VA hospital with someone he trusts for meds.

The Psych people keep sending the referral to American Lake outside of Ft.Lewis. That place is a disgrace to America the Psychs there have a country club with "experimental" pharmaceuticals...Not for me , And "rude" Nasty and hardly speak english. Medicare says not to pay the bill till I see itemized billing that has properly gone thru the claims process? Never Heard of a "demand letter for $917 Dols" Keep them posted!! ;)


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