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Supposed To Be Re-evaluated This Month?

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B) I'm going nuts waiting to see if they are sending me in for another C&P. I kept being told over the last couple of years that I would be re-evaluated in September 2005. Now I might have complicated things because I submitted a claim for something else over the summer which is now with the "rating board" (yes that is what I was told).

So what does that mean? Will this push back my evaluation? I don't think that the new claim will be given any additional percentage (it's complicated and I'm not really upset about it though).

Do they have the option of going through all my records at once (since the newer claim sort of corresponded with the two older medical issues that I am already rated at 100% for? I mean could they just look through my C-file and re-evaluate it since it's already in their office and basically has up to date info - personal statements and treatment notes regarding migraines and mental health - on me (minus newer C&P's for neurology and mental health)?

I called the Regional VA office and all they keep telling me is that if I'm to have a re-evaluation I with receive a letter from the VA hospital telling me when the C&P is scheduled.

My anxiety levels are rising every day. Sorry if I was rambling a bit.

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Well, I received a response from the claim that they were working on "DENIED" - which is no surprise - they claim that the symptoms that I have been stating are from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are really from Depression. (I know that they are not but I really don't have the energy to fight them and since I'm at 100% already there is really no sense. I was hoping to have this as a NSC secondary condition but just having everything, symptoms and medical statements from my private specialists in my C-file is good enough at this point).

Anyway, their denial supports my SC condition of Depression - not that I need any additional support because my psychiatry records are proof enough.

But, I want to get P&T status on my current SC conditions, Depression and Migraines, for various reasons. Most of all because these conditions have not stabilized in the past 4 1/2 years even with trying various medications and therapies. And they continue to affect my life and stop me from being able to work and do many other things that regular people without these ailments do.


Should I write a written request for P&T status?

Should I request a re-evaluation? (I can't believe I'm saying that)

Should I call and find out where my C-file actually is located at now?

Should I wait and see if they are going to re-evaluate me like they were supposed to this month? (I hate waiting - Soc Security should have re-evaluated me last year and never did and my daughter will be going into college next year so I would need to know rather than wait in case she can get the benefits)

I'm not quite sure what to do? Any advice?

Oh, I know that I have a year to send in a NOD if I choose to do so.


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  • HadIt.com Elder

I would think that you should request P&T which will trigger a review of your claim and also get a Doctor to write that they don't think that you will be able to return to work.

A letter to your RO would be adequate to start the ball rolling.

Good Luck and Social Security will get around to checking but it can be as simple as seeing one of their Doc's or just answering some questions. I have had SS since 1991 and I have been checked on 2 times.

Veterans deserve real choice for their health care.

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  • In Memoriam

The key for being declared permanent and total is to get a letter from a private physician that your disability is permanent in nature and not likely to improve during your lifetime. They hate to give these letters, since most doctors believe that, if given enough time and patience, they can cure anything short of an amputation.


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The key for being declared permanent and total is to get a letter from a private physician that your disability is permanent in nature and not likely to improve during your lifetime. They hate to give these letters, since most doctors believe that, if given enough time and patience, they can cure anything short of an amputation.


Wll, ya can't blame them really....admitting that you can't make a patient better is like admitting that you can't succeed at your job. Has a lot to do with pride IMO.

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