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Dont Take This Wrong Way Friend

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Guest Berta


"Have you ever worked in a VA regional office? Also, since every case is unique, is it really necessary to tell everyone I am wrong when I tell only the rule of thumb and not the exceptions to the rule? Telling veterans the exception to the rule without details of the case can be harmful to their case. I work daily as a veterans advocate in a regional office. I see this as an awesome website, and I tell veterans about it all the time. But I see a lot of information which, in addition to the right , is wrong, half wrong, misleading, or an exception to the rule. Everyone needs to follow this site's advice to search till you find a sharp advocate. "

This individual thinks I told everyone he was wrong-

I recall I probably inferred strongly that if the VA says they cant get SMRs the VA is often wrong-I dont recall telling you that you were wrong-

and your email to me-- I still cannot understand why you sent that-

"Have you ever worked in a VA regional office"

if I did things would CHANGE at that VARO- as it is -I can only attempt to change the way these ROs do business by griping to my Congressman, Senators, the VDC and also the VA IG."

My New Year's Resolution is to get Buffalo VARO at the top of the list for some real oversight.

You say you work daily ias a veteran's advocate in a regional office.

Well I work daily as a veterans advocate with no pay from the VA or anyone else.

When I started at hadit long ago one vet emailed me that I was some wannabee claims counselor and put me down to other vets here-however-

my record is solid-I have helped hundreds of vets-many locally -that the Buffalo VARO screwed up-and thru my vet orgs-

I am widow of two vets, 2 Honorables each and the mother of a veteran.

In 1994 the VA killed my husband- I filed FTCA and won-

My 100% SC husband went through a lot- so did we after he died.

I promised I would do all I could to help other disabled vets.

Oh yes- I did work for the VA - in the 1990s-

as a volunteer and also more recently than that. But unpaid. (I got a VA free boat trip once however)

The unconscionable errors and delays in the VA benefits system and the fact that men and women in Harms way are paying taxes right this minute to fund the system you work for -which is in need of serious oversight, is in my mind, a National Disgrace.

If you have a comment about me- dont send me email or personal messages-

state it here-

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This individual has also rubbed me the wrong way. But if we let them continue we can show just how VA's miscommunication causes so much delay in the claims process. I'd almost swear this is one of Timmy's (PTSDKids) made up characters. If it is wow, Timmy, you're getting really good.

The person is only listening to their on thoughts, not interpreting the written words of others. Very poor written communication skills.

As far as I have ever noticed you do a good job. Your experience both personal and with others regarding the VA systems is vast. You know the law and have used it.

Maybe the person will dump the "I'm a Vet Advocate and know it all role" and become an ally.


I am concerned too that R.F. used this type of MOS years ago-in email to me-

I sure will check his old emails-many of us at the old hadit sure found out a lot about RF-and he had told other electronic vet orgs he was VA employee or vet advocate too---

Dont think it is the case here though-

I sure hope not-I think this new member vet is truly sincere and trying to help-

But if not--- I know his boss's name.

Edited by Berta
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Guest Morgan

AMEN, Berta!

Like we don't get misinformation from service organizations...or so-called veterans advocates...or the VA! I have gotten ten times as much wrong information, including in writing in the decision papers, from such "official" sources (especially the VA) than from anyone here on hadit. Hadit has far greater checks and balances than any service organization or the VA. If someone says something wrong here, you can bet 10 others are going to swoop in and correct it. And if we don't reach a firm decision of right or wrong, at least we know the correct answer is up for grabs and the Internet is wide open for research!

Berta, I wish I knew just half of what you know so I could help veterans a lot more. I like how you are so quick, as are others on this forum, to say, "I was wrong," or "I'm not sure about this..." or the like...


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Thanks Carrie- I always try to use legal references too-

It took me a long time to begin to comprehend SMC-so I am never sure on that- none of this stuff is easy to understand-

and Terry- your brilliance is like a blazing star in a vast Constellation-

I would be in the crapper without your wealth of knowledge-and contributions to this board .

Thank you again for taking on that situation years ago where vets were being hurt-

I believe this vet means well but I had a flashback to the days of the good old boys that used to run the VARO show in NY-

Men -dont get me wrong but I found that the VA not only discriminated against widows but have good cause to feel that they also have discriminated against female veterans-

I even mentioned this in my law suit against the NSO I had from the DAV-

He treated me like crap because I was not a veteran.

Then again he didnt understand DIC claims anyhow-

This vet who I assume is a man ,by emailing me, and sending that PM, in my mind is echoing the same way I was treated in the past by the VARO-and the DAV.

The DAV guy would send a few supporting statements in my behalf to the VA but on the phone he would continually put down my claims and tell me ,in a very condescending way, that I could never succeed.

It was wonderful to see the look on his face in the DAV lawyers office when I whipped out my award letters and my settlement papers from the US of A for wrongful death of my husband.

Another lawyer told me he was sick in the men's room.

I think this belongs in claims research- better say that before the topic cop says something-

We put up with a lot at the VARO level and here is a VARO employee (getting 10% SC)

who might well learn something from our side.

And he certainly might have a lot to offer us too.

But I feel that advise should come with some respect too.

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This individual has also rubbed me the wrong way. But if we let them continue we can show just how VA's miscommunication causes so much delay in the claims process. I'd almost swear this is one of Timmy's (PTSDKids) made up characters. If it is wow, Timmy, you're getting really good.

The person is only listening to their on thoughts, not interpreting the written words of others. Very poor written communication skills.

As far as I have ever noticed you do a good job. Your experience both personal and with others regarding the VA systems is vast. You know the law and have used it.

Maybe the person will dump the "I'm a Vet Advocate and know it all role" and become an ally.

I work in the VA trenches everyday and know the inner workings of the VA. I am like your spy in the VA. I respect your knowledge of the regulations, but I know how difficult it is to become fluent in all aspect of this law......I still don't know everything; I will never know everything...neither will you. The best SO's who do this job for 30 years do not know everything, and still learn everyday. And they still know they do not know everything.

I just ask we keep in mind all cases are not the same, and all vet's do not have the same knowledge as we do. Giving them all of the exceptions to the rule is confusing and misleading. If you deny all of these things, then you may not know as much as you think.

I am not a VA employee. I work for a service organization. I talk to veterans everyday. I see SO's who are harmful to veterans. I see the director of the VARO as the most harmful to veterans. They encourage higher output at the expense of quality. This pressure VA employees, and forces them to take shortcuts to make thier daily quota; again at the expense of the veteran.

Never have I claimed perfection, but it seems you do not like the thought you may be imperfect. It is fanatics like you who contribute to the overall VA problem to include Service Organizations and the Government. It is people like you who are unable to be objective and see the real issue here, or anywhere else on this site.

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Guest jstacy

Working at a regional office has to be one tough job. As a veterans representative, There must be allot of politicing going on. I know for a fact that many of the rating officers are on personal power trips and they constantly bend the laws of the Title 38 by continuously denying veterans claims even though the evidence is there. They tap dance around the issues, issue mindless SOC's that are not pertanient to any case.

The Good people of HAdit include allot of people that have successfully won their claims agaqinst the VA. There are a some very intelligent people who use this site and the Job they do helping Veterans is enormous. A VSO in my opinion who works at a regional office has his or her hands tied daily by the beauracy of the Office and it appears to be more poloitiical than just. They just take the claims and submit them to the Regional office. Do they get personally involved?? I have dealt with several service organizations and im my personal opinion, These people know how to copy a claim and submit to the RO. A hadit vet gets involved knows the regulations and actually helps. It all boils down to the Following. People who actually care enough to help and experience of winning claims. Not just being a middle man in a regional office.

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