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Vamc Dr. Double Talk

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Guest Jim S.


I've been try to get a report of my MMPI for a little over a week and finally thought I was going to get the requested report. What I got was a sit down with a psychologist who verbaly discussed the results with me. when I asked for a written report, he told me that their isn't one per say, their is a short brief added to the records as having taken it and a code is given, because of the sensitive nature of the information related to the test, so that it could be review by qualified persons.

So I guess they are not going to give me the actual report and the test results as they apply to a score sheet. I would like to know how I am going to get this report and score sheet for my records. Will a FOIA request be sufficient to get these type of records or are these records to be kept confidential and only to be dicussed and or evaluated by other psychologists or qualified persons?

Am I going to have this same problem in getting a copy of the first MMPI I took while hospitalized in the service?

Jim S. B)

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I can't imagine why he would lie to you. A test is a test. It has to have results. As humans have the ability to comunicate using written language, these results can be put to paper. You have the legal right to the results. It does not matter if you can interpret them. You may choose to carry these results to someone that can. When a Doc sends me for testing of any kind, I request a copy of the results go to the requesting physician, another copy be sent to me.


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  • In Memoriam

Go to the FOIA records office, and sign for a FOIA request of the exam. They will ask you for the date of the exam. I requested a copy of my C&P from the Regional Office, and the Regional Office did not send it. I went to the records office and they gave me a copy. Needless to say I was not happy witht he report. I am going to request another C&P.


Just readin the mail


Excerpt from the 'Declaration of Independence'


We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity

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The RO does not normally send you a copy of your medical records, including the C & P exam reports. These must be retreived from the Release of Infomation Department at the VAMC where the exams were done.

I got a copy of my husbands C & P exam results from the VAMC and while a couple of them were in his favor, a couple of them were horrible. One of them was documenting an opinion on an illness he never has or currently does not have. Had nothing to do with what the C & P exam request from the RO was for. The other results from the other exam was never even written up and sent to the RO. Needless to say, when I got these copies, I wrote a letter, along with sendiing them a copy of these inadequate C & P exams, and rebutted line for line all of the errors in the report. I also stated that while he had the other C & P exam, no results were ever written up. We hand carried these to the RO. When we spoke to a representative there about these, the first thing he wanted to know was how we were able to get a copy of the C & P results before they had made a decision on his claims. I politely told them that we went to the VAMC and requested the information. Furthermore, it would have been impossible for them to make an adequate decision based on these reports that they would have gotten. I only wanted to try and intervene before we got an instant denial based on inadequate information and this would have at least saved us from having to file a NOD on this.

What really made me even madder was that when the examiner examined my husband for his skin condition, we really got a warm feeling about the results. He told my husband after looking at his entire body that he really did have the crud all over his body. He even documented on his scratch pad that my husband had the skin condition on more than 60% of his body. The regulations on skin conditions changed in 2002 that stated that if the veteran had the skin problem on more than 40% of his body them he could be eligible for 60% SC. Well, this warm fuzzy feeling didn't last long. The examiner never even bothered to write anything up. At the time that he was given this exam, the examiner was getting ready to go on vacation, so I guess this was not high on his list of things to do.

I am still waiting to hear back from the RO on how they intend to handle these C & P exams. I doumented in my letter that if another exam was to be requested that my husband did not want this examiner or his associate performing the exams. Since they are the only two that do these type of C & P exams, I don't know how they will handle them. I have a feeling that they will send the information I sent to them to the examiner and tell him to redo the first report and create the second report for his skin and return these to them. If it has been this long, I don't see how the examiner will be able to do this, but I know it has happened before and it was not in the veterans favor when it happened. How can the examiner recreate his notes from the exam he was to use for his report when they probably no longer exist. Basing the reports strictly on his medical file is not correct either, but this is what I look to happen in this case.

Any comments from anyone would be appreciated.


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Guest allanopie

Hello Strech,

Some of these VARO's have real fun watching us get twisted over the games they play.

Don't let them play you Stretch. I wouldn't count on the VARO's to ever send C&P exams or service records. Especially if it's favorable. Always request copies of C&P's through the facility that examined you & through the C&P clinic if they have one. Some VAMC's may have it set up, that you need to request it through the "Release of Information or Records office, there at the VAMC.

I had a completely favorable followup C&P I requested through the C&P clinic, SO & regional office, & was assured I would receive from the Service Center Manager, show up in a separate packet, stuck in the middle of my medical records at the VAMC. For 2 yrs I requested this C&P & was totally ignored, even laughed at when I brought it up. The packet was marked, "For Administrative Purposes Only".

So, for 2 yrs, whenever I saw a doctor or asked to view my VAMC records for anything to provide an answer to the "undiagnosed Neuromuscular disorder, the VA doctors where perfectly happy labeling me with, it was there the whole time & always taken out & set asside. I was told it wasn't for me to view, Just administration records.

My SO, (during a hearing at the VARO), said he nearly called me before I made the 300 mile trip to congratulate me on the win, but decided to wait to tell me in person. Said he had the favorable evidence in his hands earlier that day. Said he was sure to win the case with it. I asked if he bothered to get a copy of it for me. He said no, but would get me a copy. H had me fill out a TDIU form & submit it also.

The only thing I received, was pure BS.

About a yr later, & another denial from the DRO with the same rubber stamped, "reasons & basis" the VARO handed down, I called the VARO & asked what I needed to complete my claim? I was told my claim wasn't well grounded & I needed a favorable medical opinion. The guy laughed & said he just happens to have some good evidence & if my SO gave him a call at a number he gave me, He would give it to him. I gave it to my SO & told him what the guy said & like the worlds biggest moron, I told my wife & family about it. The SO dodged me for several months before I finally pinned him down. He said it turned out to be nothing. About six months later, I found the favorable C&P medical opinion from the VA examiner, after "making" the opportunity to look in this "secretive", brown packet.

I've had the nicest VA personnel, do nothing but feed me a sack of road apples. WHY? I think it's because it's business. It's the way it's done.

You can fax this form to the VAMC & save some time & the excuse that the VARO or SO didn't get it..... its probably still in the mail room, The US mail must have lost it.........etc....etc....etc




"Satan may be the father of all lies, but the US DVA is his road map."

Edited by allanopie
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