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Meeting With Va Medical Center Director(falty C&p Exams, Medication Side Effects, Incompendent N.p)

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My wife and I met with our local VA Medical Center Director yesterday. I would encourage anyone not to give up stand up for yourselves (majority of the time your so will not). The meeting started off well until I pulled out my audio tape recorder, and their moods changed.

My first question was why does the VA have N.P to perform C&P exams?They gave me the text book answer, however I was point blank with them (because of the nightmare I went through with a N.P at a C&P exam. Asking personal questions that were innaporiate, and making up exams that did not take place)

I asked them if a N.P was qualified to perform such exams on sererely disabled veterans (like myself)? no answer was given I continued to hammer aaway at this issue. Then we got into 7 issues why I was there.

I asked them prior to our meeting for a copy of the disclipine report in reguards to this N.P. they informed me that they had sent my request (FOIA) to their VA attorney. I asked them if there had been a disclipned generated like I was told 4 months ago. The Medical Director informed me that is why we are meeting today. I informed him no it was not that the letter he sent to me was indeed a lie, because of what he just told me. There was silence. I hammered away at this issue with my wife who went through pre-med could not believe they lies to us and how the VA would let the N.P in question (which they agreed had issues) would allow this N.P to continue to give Disabled Veterans exams. I asked them who side are you all on anyway?

I got into the over medications I have been given (I took 19 meds for 5 years) and I now expirence 15 severe side effects. It wasn't until my wife begged me to see a doctor outside the VA medical system. This doctor was in disbelief I was alive due to all these meds, and he wrote a blistering letter to the RO and med center on my behalf hammering the VA for not monotoring my medications.

I had 2 other doctors including a complete eval from my foot doctor at the VA blasting the Primary care for the lack of care in reguards tp meds.

At this point the Director would not say a word. He didn't for the rest of the meeting even though I asked him point blank questions I would then say let the record show that the Medical Center director will not answer the question. O I felt like Perry Mason(Ha-HA).

I had 2 other doctors opinions that my health care was unacceptable and third word countries were treated better and that we as Disabled America Veterans deserved better.

We covered many other issues. I cited reg 1151 that the VA had violated every point of it. Still the Medical Director would not respond. I ended with which I get very emmotional about as I did yesterday I broke down and wept that it wan't all about me, it is about my fellow brother & sister veterans that prayfully would not have to endure such foolishness and the value or should I say lack of value that is placed upon us as Disabled Veterans. I filed a 1151 claim today. I do pray it is successful. God bless you all.

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You have a definite claim under 1151 and FTCA- posted something under another topic today on that.

This is what I am so ticked about-

even though I settled with VA for wrongful death-

in 1997-----

I thought that this horrific incident would cause the local VA to change- the doctors all disappeared but probably went to other VAROs-

I found evidence recently that seems to indicate Rod's death was hushed up at every level and the normal SOP procedure for incidents and deaths like he went through- that should be documented in a very specific way by VA (so hopefully they dont happen again)

it looks like I was paid off and they never followed through on what they were supposed to do-per their own legal criteria-to properly account for the medication errors and the misdiagnoses that caused his death- I am just livid-

but have written to the people in our gov who would know what was done about this- or worse yet-

what the VA failed to do-

The director that I initially confronted -as you did- actually agreed with my charges in a peer assessment report that I wasn't supposed to get -but I got it-

This director met you with silence and that sure 'says' a lot-

He might have to do a peer assessment on this for your 1151 claim-

I believe you certainly did the right thing by confronting him with this-

in my case the director could have written a much different per assessment report but I shoved the medical records right in his face and-as a layperson- I had absolutely diagnosed the veteran properly-

and he could not overlook (although the med recs seem to support another condition)

that the veteran suffered brain damage even while at the VA begging them for help in 4 -5 ER visits-

You did great! This is what these people need- veterans unwilling to take their crap and to stick up for what is right!

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Dear Berta,

First I want to thank you. I would have never known what to say or how to say it if it wasn't for you and your knowledge and expirence. The medical Director did exactly what you told me he would do. My wife was in aw after the meeting and asked me,"Where did you come up with all those regs and what to say?" I informed her I met a Disabled Veterans Advocate on hadit.com that help me more then all my so combined.

I know you have had a hard time with the vA in reguards to your husband's death and I am sure you miss him greatly. I just wanted to encourge you to continue to help us to try to make since of all the foolishness and deception that is out there in the VA system, both Medical and RO.

I have another question for you on my 1151 & Tort claim topic below. I ask you there. THank you Betra and God bless you!

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Wow, I wish I had you to go with me about my husband. I haven't done that yet but I did call a doctor in Washington with the VA geriatrics management program and he made some calls. I am not good at confrontation, I get flustered and always think of a thousand things I wish I had said after it's over. My husband is very focused and can handle confrontation, but he is too sick to do it now.

All I can say is he is getting much closer monitoring now. But I am so concerned about other veterans. I have definitely found my passion in life and it's an emotional issue for me too. VETERANS are the greatest people on earth and they certainly do deserve better. I will spend my last day on this earth trying to help a veteran--as long as I have my right mind.

God bless you. I wish you the best.


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Wow, I wish I had you to go with me about my husband. I haven't done that yet but I did call a doctor in Washington with the VA geriatrics management program and he made some calls. I am not good at confrontation, I get flustered and always think of a thousand things I wish I had said after it's over. My husband is very focused and can handle confrontation, but he is too sick to do it now.

All I can say is he is getting much closer monitoring now. But I am so concerned about other veterans. I have definitely found my passion in life and it's an emotional issue for me too. VETERANS are the greatest people on earth and they certainly do deserve better. I will spend my last day on this earth trying to help a veteran--as long as I have my right mind.

God bless you. I wish you the best.


Dear Carrie,

It sounds you like you are doing a good job. I would encourage you to not to give up. I know and we all know who have delt with the VA systems it is designed for failure. They hope that if enough roadblocks are placed in our way we will give up and accept what they give us. Don't get caught it that cycle. I have found over the past 10 years dealing with the VA (9 of which was with out a SO) you are your best advociate or your husbands best adovacate (I think thats how you spell it). There are people out there will will help(Like Hadit.com) I have gotten some real good advice that has worked. At my meeting with the Medical Director yesterday. I blew him out of the water with truth. It appears he was used to the same old dog and pony show and the same text booked responses) however they didn't work on my issues I spent a great deal of time getting ready. I would enourage you to look over the federal regs that pertain to your husbands issues. Asked Berta who is an elder to hadit.com she is a wealth of sound information that could be of great benefit to you and your husband's issues.

I pray this is some use to you. Put it all in God's hands. Thank you for responding. God bless you!

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