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Peb Re-evaluation

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I just started thinking last night...

Ontop of all my VA problems, I started thinking about my medical retirement from the Navy..

Now I was retired the end of august 07. There supposed to re-evaluate you within 18 months from your retirement date. It's comming up on 18 months and I haven't recieved any orders or anything. I don't know if I should be contacting someone, or if this is a good thing. I was lowballed by the DOD on my retirement also. I'm wondering if their just going to try and put me on the PDRL at my current rating of 30%, and not re-evaluate me. It was to my understanding that if they didn't re-evaluate then they automatically put a person the PDRL from the TDRL.

Hopefully someone can help me. I can't get a hold of my VSO at this point, and I'm not sure who else to contact. I have about a week until the 18month point. I'm kind of stressing about this!

Edited by livingrock21
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I've been doing more research.

By law their(DOD, in my case the Navy) is required to do an evaluation while I'm on the TDRL every 18 months. I can't fint anything that states what happens if I'm not evaluated within those 18 months. If it's like anything else, the DOD is not held accountable. Funny thing is, if a member doesn't show up to one of those Re-Evaluations benifits are terminated on the spot. This isn't right. I'm willing to bet that if the PEB would try to find me as either 20% disabled or find me fit(don't see that happening, but possible), I could use this in my favor(if I got a lawyer and tried to beat it). I'm just wondering if anyone out there has any information on this?

I've calmed down a little bit, but this is still unbelievable to me.

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Sounds like you are on top of things. I would continue to keep my ducks in a row, copies of the newest medical evidence at short-stay, so that if you do get any sort of notice about a reduction in %, you can be ready to have an immediate response.

I'm not in your situation, but I would check into the timelines Navy has to comply with (if any) as far as giving you notice of any changes to your %. You might be able to google it and find an answer.

Also, the senior people on here have a plethora of experience and knowledge about the system. I would post on here before responding to anything the Navy might send your way, and see what they recommend as your best course of action.

Good luck and hang in there!


Life is good! <_<

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I am not sure about the differences in this case between the ARMY and the NAVY. I was in the same boat. In my case because of he war they were backlogged. I did not get my re evaluation until almost 24 months. Just contact the people at the PEB or MEB offices. It should not be a big deal. I kind of drove them nuts but I checked in every 2 weeks. They would just tell me to check back or they would call. Finally I went there one day and they told me that 3 cases were had delivered to the proper places and one of mine was one of them. I got my appointment and was taken care of. So just keep staying on top of it. They cannot and will not cut off any benefits becasue it is their fault. You sound like I did as far as being kind of worried about it. I am still waiting on the results myself. Fortunately I had the same doctor on the same base do my re evaluation, so things went, or will go, in my favor I believe. I hope you have the same luck.

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