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Exposure To Lsd Or Other Psychogenic Drugs,

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Guest Jim S.


On reading a Senate Report on the Use of Veterans in secret drug tests with out their informed consent or records of such events being recorded in their medical charts, it came to mind in my case, don't ask me how, but it did.

While a Navy Corpsman, I was stationed at a Drug Rehab Center for returning Marines and Naval personel, mostly from Vietnam. Most were their under a Drug Amnesty program that would allow them an Honorable discharge from the Service.

It has come to my mind, that my duty post was inherently dangerous to a possiblity that I or some other duty personal could have been exposed to a non intentional drug injestion by accident or on purpose by one of the patients. This was not a locked ward and liberty was generally given once an intake and evaluation was done with at least one visit to a psychiatrist and group session with other pathients.

I claimed at one point in my enlistment that I had been exposed to some type of hallucinogenic, only making note of this exposure soon after reporting to a new duty station that I had made a request for.

Is it possible to show service connection for such an exposure, with only having the duty station at this Drug Rehab Center, as your only proof that the likelyhood of the event happened, in light of no other evidence to prove the fact?

Jim S. B)

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That it didn't happen is just the tack the psychiatrist I told my story to insenuated. My mistake was being fearfull of being discharge from the Navy along with other drug users, when I hadn't even so much as even been around someone smoking pot and the only people tripping out, were the patients themselves. It wasn't until I had another episode of the same trip like symptoms that I felt I should tell someone about it.

It seems like one of those catch 22 things, your dammed if you do and damed if you don't. The fallout from this could have very well been what triggered my acute schizophrenic episode and subsequate problems with depression and anxiety with more panic attacks than I care to think about.

If you consider everything that has happened since that day and the order in which they happened, it is the only logical explanation for it all.

Jim S.

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I would not be surprised if someone did give you an "improper drug"

as part of research project. Look up my previous post under Wildcat

and my episode with Thorazine. I will never know what happened as

it was so far back ( Japan, 1967).

I suspect - really - that I was given a dose of LSD in Japan just prior

to going for recreation period. Once on the basketball court...the sky started

swirling, all sorts of colors. massive disoreintation,etc. Scared to death.

Had to be assisted back to the small hospital. I read, on the net, that

Thorazine is oftern used to bring people "down" and "level out" from

an "acid trip". Problem was they did not know I was a bipolar II and

over medicated me with Thorazine for 4-6 monts. I was a zombie.

My case is being finalized at the regional office...and I suspect I will

be "low balled " or denied. IF I get a good %...a precedent is established

and therefore more claims come in for this THORAZINE ABUSE.

This was back in 1967..when the Army was critically understaffed in medical

units, hospitals, etc. So when you don't have enough staff to properly

supervise , counsel, group counseling, periodic assessments - you DOPE

em up and "ware house em" cuz it's cost effective. Many military shrinks

were "semi war protestors" and didn't do their job! They came on the ward

and gave the patients a smile and a "wave!" then walked out.

This really happened to me.

I hope you have good military records with good notations - not chicken

scratching writing - so you can write a good stressor letter and tie into

"aggravation of mental disorder",etc. Be specific tie in pertinent CFRs

to your situation.

You have to write like a lawyer! And many vets. will tell you to "high light"

specific evidence to INSURE the examiner reads it. The examiners have huge

case loads...and if they have a bad day and your claim file hits their desk...

...well - - - -???

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  • HadIt.com Elder

good luck, I have it in my records I was given LSD by the Army, they told me that since I am already being paid for PTSD forget being compensated again for the flashbacks. I have the records to prove I was at Edgewood High, that the doctors classified me as a level a test subject for use in pyscho chemical tests. The VARO has never once mentioned in the tests at Edgewood Arsenal Maryland in 1974 in the 3 years my claim has been played with. Good luck on trying to get that scenario SC

100% SC P&T PTSD 100% CAD 10% Hypertension and A&A = SMC L, SSD
a disabled American veteran certified lol
"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step."

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good luck, I have it in my records I was given LSD by the Army, they told me that since I am already being paid for PTSD forget being compensated again for the flashbacks. I have the records to prove I was at Edgewood High, that the doctors classified me as a level a test subject for use in pyscho chemical tests.  The VARO has never once mentioned in the tests at Edgewood Arsenal Maryland in 1974 in the 3 years my claim has been played with. Good luck on trying to get that scenario SC


Test Vet,

My claim has not been adjudicated yet. Thanks for your direct evidence

about LSD testing in the Army. I may get compensated for PTSD but

since my claim was mis filed (for PTSD) I really should be compensated

for "aggravation of ..??" Screwy situation. I guess some - if not examiners" are

really tight on the medical evidence and adherence to the CFRs.

Wild Cat Bien Hoa 1967

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  • HadIt.com Elder
On reading a Senate Report on the Use of Veterans in secret drug tests with out their informed consent or records of such events being recorded in their medical charts, it came to mind in my case, don't ask me how, but it did.

While a Navy Corpsman, I was stationed at a Drug Rehab Center for returning Marines and Naval personel, mostly from Vietnam. Most were their under a Drug Amnesty program that would allow them an Honorable discharge from the Service.

It has come to my mind, that my duty post was inherently dangerous to a possiblity that I or some other duty personal could have been exposed to a non intentional drug injestion by accident or on purpose by one of the patients. This was not a locked ward and liberty was generally given once an intake and evaluation was done with at least one visit to a psychiatrist and group session with other pathients.

I claimed at one point in my enlistment that I had been exposed to some type of hallucinogenic, only making note of this exposure soon after reporting to a new duty station that I had made a request for.

Is it possible to show service connection for such an exposure, with only having the duty station at this Drug Rehab Center, as your only proof that the likelyhood of the event happened, in light of no other evidence to prove the fact?

Jim S. :unsure:


I missed this post and found it today. I was going to ask on my next post if you thought you might have been slipped LSD. At this time I am not sure how it would affect your claim if in fact you had been given the drug. LSD is known to be psycho memick. (Not sure about the spelling). That is it mimics psychosis.

On one hand it would give reason for a shrink to say your psychosis was not part of any ongoing condition. On the other hand that fact that you did not know what caused the psychotic event could in and of itself cause an ongoing and developing mental condition. The fact that you were discharged for the psychotic event and the fact that there is no evidence one way or the other that you were slipped LSD should work in your favor. Again, the benefit of the doubt rule would apply if there was no way of telling what actually happened.

The post I put up in response to "puntative diagnosis" by Susan cites a CBS 60 minutews special where active duty members of the military were given drugs without the patient being informed. The research was to find "truth serums" CBS did cite LSD as one of the drugs the military shrinks were giving to active military for test purposes. The 60 minute special on this subject could have been 15 years ago.


100% for Angioedema with secondary conditions.

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I missed this post and found it today. I was going to ask on my next post if you thought you might have been slipped LSD. At this time I am not sure how it would affect your claim if in fact you had been given the drug. LSD is known to be psycho memick. (Not sure about the spelling). That is it mimics psychosis.

On one hand it would give reason for a shrink to say your psychosis was not part of any ongoing condition. On the other hand that fact that you did not know what caused the psychotic event could in and of itself cause an ongoing and developing mental condition. The fact that you were discharged for the psychotic event and the fact that there is no evidence one way or the other that you were slipped LSD should work in your favor. Again, the benefit of the doubt rule would apply if there was no way of telling what actually happened.

The post I put up in response to "puntative diagnosis" by Susan cites a CBS 60 minutews special where active duty members of the military were given drugs without the patient being informed. The research was to find "truth serums" CBS did cite LSD as one of the drugs the military shrinks were giving to active military for test purposes. The 60 minute special on this subject could have been 15 years ago.


Thanks for your response to Jim S. and to a degree myself. I am very depressed to learn that the Army

and my government "medically abused" me without any possible reason. I was a model soldier - no

article 15s. or any other displinary infractions. It was a drastice "lack of staff/supervision" that lead to

my over medication of Thorazine (chemical strait jacket) in order to be tranquil and VERY easy to

monitor - supervise to meals, shower time, light outs, etc. It was a management decision...callous

and indifferent but necessary in their eyes. Screw em. Imagine finding out about this stuff when you've

been out of the Army 37 years ( 1968). The bad memories have reintruded my mind. How many other

soldiers, Marines, sailors, military personnel did they "chemically strait jacket" over the years?

I bet NOT one has been compensated for such unprofession medical conduct for as to do so would

establish a PRECEDENT and we all know what that means. A well grounded decision for payment

establishes a solid (hopefully) precedent to "pay all" who suffered Thorazine brain damage various

degress of compensation - -

Stay tuned - - -

Wild Cat Bien Hoa 1967

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