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First I want to apologyze if I am about to ask a question thats been asked a million times on here. I tried doing a little research myself on the internet and I have read dozens of similar posts on this issue. But Im hoping I can get a perspective of someone with something similar going on or maybe someone with a little more knowledge of how it works or what to expect at this point. I filed back on 28OCT2014 and since then not a whole lot has happened I havent been scheduled any exams I did send any medical records I could get a hold of to the VA when I filed. This was also back when it didnt show what you actually sent like now but I did look at account activity and according to that it does say that I did send in said documents. Also I believe the beginning of April my claim moved to Preperation for Decision and havent heard anything yet even tried the 800 number of course its the same general response answers, Ive also tried the chat, sending in questions and even sending 2 letters to 2 different VA processing centers. So I guess my question is A should I be worried that after this long I havent heard anything especially about any exams. And B I guess is there anything else I can do at this point or do I just sit and wait like everyone else expect the worst and hope for the best? I also stated in my letters that if things continue the way they are Im going to start losing everything because its just getting too hard to keep up after so long. I know thats probably every single person who is currently still waiting on something so I dont want to think my hardship is above anyone elses Im just getting overwelmed and am tired of my family seeing me stress and more importanly Im tired of seeing my family go without the things they need. Any advice or words of wisdom I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you

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Do you have an ebenefits account? Check it if you do, and if you dont, consider getting one. (A premium account).

You can also try calling "peggy".

Other than that a year is a short time in VA time. Mine has gone 13 years, and will probably take 5 more years, but I have had to appeal, twice. You may be one of the lucky 15 percent who gets yours on the first try.

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Yes I do have a premium account and Im sure I have worn out that thing like everyone else. Who is Peggy? And how do I get a hold of this person? Im also going through the Indianapolis VA if that means anything I know they have been backlogged for sometime. And yes I agree a year is a short time in VA land but unfortunatley a year feels alot longer when everyday is a struggle.

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It took about a year after I reopened a claim to get scheduled for a C&P exam. That only happened cuz the time was coming up for my claims so called completion date. Someone above my RO gave my RO a deadline to complete all C&P exams needed.

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My claim moved to Pending Decision Approval Stage about the same time that yours did and I'm still waiting also like you are? I've heard that sometimes, there is a delay at this stage for 2 issues. One is that if the retro is over 25K it takes a second supervisory signature. Also., the second is if you claimed Gulf War Issues and were denied, then that takes a second signature as well. Currently, I think the 3rd issue is that so many claims are being closed now due to the "big push" to get the claims backlog down now , I speculate that that's another reason why it's taking more time than usual at this Stage? One of the reasons for the lack of CP Exams could be that your file may have the required smr evidence to make a decision. That said, the skeptical side of me says that they don't want to do anything that would hold a claim up when they want to eliminate the backlog? Sometime ago, I said I was concerned after looking at the backlog stats and seeing that there were quick and siignificant drops in the numbers of backlogged cases and what affect that may have one claims being adjudicated right now? For instance, my claim was only at the Gathering Evidence Stage for about 2 days and it moved quickly to the Pending Decision Approval Stage now? - -where it is stuck? So, I asked the question to the Hadit.com group, "from a rater's standpoint, is it easier to either approve, deny or defer a claim in terms of the actual labor required to do so.? My speculation is that whatever, will take the least amount of time or labor to do will occur most oftern during the backlog reduction push? As an example, I speculate, if it's just easier to deny a claim, then statistically there will probably more denials that approvals during this period and vice-versa? Frankly, no one will know until after the IG does their work, probably next year sometime. We''ll see when all of the dust fianlly settles..

Edited by rootbeer22
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Peggy is the name given to the persons answering the VA's main telephone number 1-800-827-1000. Usually they are not much help but it doesn't hurt to call and see if they can answer your questions.

Good luck on your claim and thank you for your service.


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Ah yes hurry up and wait...I was also trying to research that and come up with some conclusions...I was wondering the same thing myself if its easier or faster to deny or approve a claim I feel like the evidenve I provided should be at least enough to get the ball rolling somewhere. I feel like they are creating more work or problems by denying more claims because they have to know that most if not all will file an appeal and create even more work and backlash from Vets and cause more problems in the public eye. Again this is just a guestimate with nothing to back that up what so ever. Another thing I was wondering is it easier or the same with Vets getting out and filing claims now then for alot of the older vets seens how medical records and other documents are saved and tracked alot better?

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