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Filed for Benefits Delivery at Discharge claim, but have more claims to file

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I am still active duty (for 2 more weeks) and with the help of a VSO I had filed a BDD (Benefits Delivery at discharge) several months ago.

Possible problem I have is that I still have additional claims to make. Now, the original VSO I worked with claimed that she was unable to add things to my claim until that claim is resolved. Now I have spoken to my county VSO and they have told me that she lied to me.

However, he warned me that if I tried to add my other claims now that it would essentially restart my claims process so that I would not get any decisions at discharge.

Other details:

  • I have had 2 of 3 C&P exams completed already and I will not have the 3rd one completed till after I separate (No ear, nose, throat doctors near me).
  • I am on terminal leave and will be heading cross country to attend college. So I would not remain in the state I am in currently throughout the claims process if I filed the other claims before my separation date.
  • My additional claims relate to other body systems and parts than I currently have claims in for.


All in all I would like people's feedback on the following:

1. Should I wait till I at least get a partial decision before I file my remaining claims or should I just go ahead and file them now? I imagine if I filed the rest of my claims now it would fall under Quick Start (1-59 days before separation). I also imagine that filing under Quick Start would make my claims processes shorter than if I had filed after I separated?

             1a. I know that if I file within one year of separation that I am entitled to back pay to the date of my separation. But would I then need to worry about getting nexus letters stating my issues are service related even if I filed within that 1 year window?

2. Are there any inherent issues that the vast majority of my "military" medical records are from civilian providers? (My last duty station was very isolated and we could only see civilian doctors. No sick call, I went to the local urgent care, ER, or clinics.)

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It helps when you "remember" who pays your VSO.  Your "county" is paid by your county, but most VSO's (their bosses, not the individual VSO's) get paid per POA.  

Even if the VSO does not receive anything with each POA, remember their office "gets free rent" in VAMC's and VARO offices.  

Now, remember the saying, "Their is no free rent"?  Yea, that one?  

Trust me, VA "expects" something for their free rent.    And that "something" they expect has "nothing to do" with making sure the VSO helps the VEt in any way possible.  No.  It has more to do with representing VA management's agenda.  

Now, the VA will tell you that its a non adversarial claimant friendly system, and Shinseki witll reduce Veteran homelessness to zero.   Cigarette companies told you that cigarette smoking is not addictive and not bad for your health.  Monsanto says that "Roundup" is safe, even tho the state of california says its main active ingredient causes cancer.    Let's count how many of these claims you should you should fall for.  

Im thinking the best number of these to beleive is "0".  

Many, if not most, hadit members no longer have VSO representation.  Im one of them.  Im kind of tired of paying VSO's rent at VAMC's and VARO's.  

Someday, I may calculate how much my VSO representation "really" cost me.  Let me begin.  I filed the claim (with the VSO) and he sat on that for 2 months before filing.  I estimate that alone to cost me, if/when I get 100 percent for that, about 6000.00.  

In December, I will have been on hadit 10 years.  I have gotten about 18 VARO decisions, 3 board decisions, and three trips to the CAVC, one of which I represented myself.  

Remember, when you accept VSO representation, you are using your opponents attorney.  Not a good idea.  Now, there are many, many caring and competent VSO's, who do a great job and help many Veterans.  However, these are usually very busy when you apply so you get sent to the one with the fewest clients, by their secretary, or YOU, because YOU want an appointment "right away".  Do you want to have lunch at the resteraunt in your town with the fewest customers and shortest line??  Sure, you would be served quickly, but served WHAT quickly?  

My dad always said to get the best food, go the the resteraunt with the longest line.  This is the fundamental principal of democracy, that most people will do the right thing, and vote for the right person, and "Candidate Wrong" wont get elected.  I have actually had fairly good luck selecting the resteraunt with the best reviews.  I have not had nearly as good luck just ignoring the reviews, even tho there are SOME people that can not be pleased no matter what.  I think it was Abe Lincoln  who said you can fool some of the people some of the time, or even all the people some of the time, but you cant fool all the people all the time.  

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I am in the same situation. I signed out on Terminal leave 22 June and filed my BDD in April. I now have at least 8 more items to add. The VFW rep that I filed with told me the same thing don't add new conditions as it could put me at the end of the line. He explained that a BDD claim has priority to get processed before your retirement or ETS date. My retirement date is 31 OCT. Have you heard any thing on your ratings?

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