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Third Class Petty Officers
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About marine26

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  1. I called the VA today and they said my claim was closed but my letter hasnt been sent out yet. I thought they were suspose to send the letter before the closed the claim. Is that true? How long after a claim is closed do you usually recieve your letter and retro pay?
  2. Well I want to say thanks to everyone whom gave me advice. I havent recieved mt rating letter in the mail yet, but I checked ebenefits' letter generator and it states I am at 100%. From my understanding, that is updated as soon as a rating is released so things look good. Thanks again to all!
  3. Well I want to say thanks to everyone whom gave me advice. I havent recieved mt rating letter in the mail yet, but I checked ebenefits' letter generator and it states I am at 100%. From my understanding, that is updated as soon as a rating is released so things look good. Thanks again to all!
  4. Well I want to say thanks to everyone whom gave me advice. I havent recieved mt rating letter in the mail yet, but I checked ebenefits' letter generator and it states I am at 100%. From my understanding, that is updated as soon as a rating is released so things look good. Thanks again to all!
  5. Well I want to say thanks to everyone whom gave me advice. I havent recieved mt rating letter in the mail yet, but I checked ebenefits' letter generator and it states I am at 100%. From my understanding, that is updated as soon as a rating is released so things look good. Thanks again to all!
  6. Yea right! you must be talking about the omelet or jumbalaya! Well give it some time, patience,and luck and maybe we will get a resupply!
  7. Thanks a lot to the both of you. Its good to see vets helping vets get what we have earned and deserve. I will let yall know what my rating is when i get it. And if I need more advice from there i will be sure to ask your advice!
  8. I hear ya, but we r on the last stretch so maybe it will all be done soon so we can try to put our lives back together! Semper Fi devil, and good luck on you claim
  9. To the other posts, I have not applied for tdiu yeat and was told that if i applied now it would slow my rating down. Is that true? I called the VA yesterday and they said my claim has already been rated and is now just waiting to be reviewed and signed off on. Any advice on whether or not i should apply for tdiu based on these circumstances?
  10. Well , under #3 Occupational and social impairment, it has the different rating criterias for 0 - 100%. From a mental condition has been formally diagnosed , but symptoms are not severe enough either to interfere with occupational and social functiong or to require continuous medicaton (0%) to total occupational and social impairments to Total occupational and social impairment (100%), but does not have the "due to such symptoms as" sub text for the rating criterias. The directions for the examiner say: Which of the following best summarizes the Veteran's level of occupational and social impairment with regards to all mental diagnoses? And he checked Total occupational and social impairment. I hope that clarifies things!
  11. Actually, if you are referring to the part that you pasted, that was just an overview of the first diagnosis. The intirety of that overview is very similiar to my C&P exam.
  12. That was verbatim besides points that were N/A or dealt with stressors. Which all 3 stressors were verified. What do you feel is missing and if there is anything wrote about them i will clarify!
  13. Thanks Pete and I sincerely apologize Kelly, sometimes I tend to take anything nice said as sarcasm. Service connection has been made. "The examiner is able to opine the veteran suffers from PTSD that is most likely (more than 50/50 probability) caused by or a result of military service." I called the VA today and was told that my claim was recieved back from the C&P and rated on 9/17. They said it was in the review process as of 9/19 and took an average of 9 days from there to be signed off on. So unless there is something else im missing, I should have the determination pretty soon, correct? And I have already started on my SSD but was waiting for this last exam to move foward in the process! Thanks again everyone for all of your advice, and again I apologize if I stepped on any toes!
  14. Thanks for you advice. Crazy thing is my c&p was on 9/9. I called the Va today and they said my regional office recieved my file back from the c&p on 9/15, they also said that i recieved my rating on 9/17 and it was sent to be reviewed on 9/19. They also told me that the review phase will take (on average) 9 days, which puts it at 9/28. I dont know what to think of it moving so fast. It has just been lingering in VA land since april of last year. I contacted my congressmans office on 8/15 and 4 days later i had my c&p scheduled. And 8 days after my c&p it was rated . Whats going on here? Does that sound good or bad?
  15. Thank you sir, but I sense some sarcasm in your post! If untrue then i apologize! And, i think im experiencing quite a bit more then "unpleasant feelings" . I dont ask for your sympathy, I just ask for answers to a question that dwells on my mind as well as my families, so that maybe my daughter will have a good future and be proud of daddy. And its pretty hard to find a hobby i can enjoy when everything I once enjoyed is haunted with memories and regrets! Thanks again!
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