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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Status Replies posted by ArNG11

  1. 100 % PT Folks. Finally.

    1. ArNG11


      They still dogged the ratings so back to BVA but this go around I am going to go above the BVA since the regional office won't rate correctly.  

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. Man kind of bummed but working on a resolution.  I finally got my very own Had it coffee mug but I received it with the handle in pieces. Got a hold of the vendor, so hopefully a replacement will be in soon.  Still excited about the mug though.  Silly but now I can kind of have coffee in the morning with Had it keeping me company.  I gotta wait till the replacement ships.

    1. ArNG11


      Got my replacement mug and I have put to use on the daily.  It is my go to cup now.  Very Happy seasoned guy.   It's the small things that make my day better. 


  3. 100 % PT Folks. Finally.

    1. ArNG11


      I resent the operative reports so now I will wait and see what the Regional Office does.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. Won on the hips sort of.  Still waiting on getting the decision in the mail, but thigh limitation of motion, thigh limitation of motion extension.  Won't know the details until the darn thing gets to my mailbox, but still great news. No GRAND news.  The correct effective date will be another fight but the most difficult part is done.  Took me almost 10 years but heh, if you have the evidence and the law and regulations confirm the validity of the claim, pursue it, even if you can't do it alone.  You are not alone, (we) Had it has your six copy, LIMA CHARLIE!!!  Service connection .  Finally service connected now.  

    1. ArNG11


      I stand corrected on effective date. Finally got the letter in the mail with the details on the decision. The VA got it right mostly in that respect.  Ratings not so much but that will be another venture.


  5. 100 % PT Folks. Finally.

    1. ArNG11


      Thanks T Bird.  I could not wait for the damn decision to be delivered so I printed out from the VA websites. I still got more to go but the hard part is done I am service connected for both right and left hips. I am now Total and Permanent. It got back dated to September of 2013.  So I am elated but they claim in the decision that they couldn't rate me higher because they didn't have the operative reports which is total SHI##. I found the OP report on the left.  I am still looking for the right hip operative report.  I still have a fight ahead but I was so happy I cried. Tears of joy sadness and a whole bunch of other emotions.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. I just got a decision in the mail about rhinitis.  I have service connection but only to the effective date of the law change.  I filled for Gulf war conditions in 2013-2014.  Denied and appealed all the way to the BVA and no dice. Until now but with a crap effective date.   I feel this is win but I can't say that I am overjoyed.  Denied higher ratings for Hypothyroid and GERD, service connection of sinusitis under same regulations and denied the higher ratings on law changes in 2017.  But approved for Rhinitis with an effective date of August 5, 2021.  Geesh why do I have a feeling this is going to be the norm whenever the laws change in the Veterans favor, effective dates go out the window it seems.   Im getting tired but Permanent and Total is just barely over the horizon and seems attainable 

    1. ArNG11


      Carl your right on the money.  I feel the BVA is going to do the same thing again on the latter the 2nd remand on the hips.  It looks like I have a good C&P opinion on connections of the hips after 2 remands from the BVA.  I can't help to think the same.  We gave you service connection on Rhinitis now so drop the effective date and be happy. Never mind the 8 years of fighting. Hmm. just doesn't feel right to give in and conceded to the offer on the table.

      It will be a third go at the regional office to deny the hips.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. Well I got some disappointing news from one of the law firms I sought to represent me at the CAVC.  From a financial standpoint I understand why, but from a legal point of view, it is a little disheartening.  I still have one other firm I sought help from so I will wait and see what is decided there.  I am bummed but I am having a hot cup of espresso and my greek yogurt for breakfast and it is helping.  I'm not done yet, I still have 90 days or so and I have the BVA win on rhinitis and the remand again for service connection of the hips.  

    1. ArNG11


      Sweet thanks for the info.  I am running out of time to appeal on the issues that need to go to the CAVC, I also have a few on remand again to the BVA so I will reach out to him.  There is only so many attorneys that can represent at the CAVC and it is cut throat at that point.  Crap I wish I was on here more often your message was from 14 days ago. 


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  8. NO GO on Chisholm, Chisholm, & Kilpatrick, so on to the next attorney.  They suggested the DAV at the CAVC, nope.  I would rather go at it alone than with a VSO at the CAVC.  No disrespect to service organizations, I would rather fight sharks with bigger sharks that have more teeth and biting force.

    1. ArNG11


      Veterans Law Group?  Out of California? I will look into them, I am not sure if they can represent at the CAVC but I will call and find out.  

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. Well I got some disappointing news from one of the law firms I sought to represent me at the CAVC.  From a financial standpoint I understand why, but from a legal point of view, it is a little disheartening.  I still have one other firm I sought help from so I will wait and see what is decided there.  I am bummed but I am having a hot cup of espresso and my greek yogurt for breakfast and it is helping.  I'm not done yet, I still have 90 days or so and I have the BVA win on rhinitis and the remand again for service connection of the hips.  

    1. ArNG11


      Heh thanks Whodat.  I will give them a look see.  Chisholm passed, still waiting on one other firm, but I will give them a look see.  There is a limited group of attorneys to choose from at CAVC representation. I still have some BVA remands and a grant I will keep pursuing. 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. I gotta get on a regular sleep cycle again woke up like 115 am and still up.  Sheep where are you?  baaahhhhhhh

    1. ArNG11


      So I tried this approach and it helped.  A bit more complicated than counting sheep but the approach works very well.  GB thanks for the tip. Hope you are well.  Sorry I took so long to reply but I have tried it several times since then and it works like a charm.  I was impressed.  It is an efficient way to diffuse and calm your mind. Thanks again

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. I gotta get on a regular sleep cycle again woke up like 115 am and still up.  Sheep where are you?  baaahhhhhhh

    1. ArNG11


      I will try that. Good suggestion.  Last night I had some CBD and some Xanax but I will definitely try this approach.  

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. Been a while.  This COVID crap and all the craziness in the world has had me baffled, so much for progress, although, while skeptical and cynical, can't help hoping for better times. If life throws you lemons, make Long Island Iced teas? : )

    1. ArNG11


      BVA Hearing seemed to have gone well. At least for the higher thyroid ratings of 30%, hips I made my case but I didn't  get a real definite answer.  I mentioned the two favorable IMEs for the hips but this is a crazy circus as you well know. GERD is going to be another hearing I imagine.  with the regulation change I should eventually get 30% for GERD without myxedema. Now the waiting game and if all goes well the long wait for the regional office to implement the awards.  


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. Finally, my Board Hearing is today, but I can't freaking go back to sleep.   This is going to be interesting.  My hearing is today at 1245.  I hope I am clear headed enough.  My stomach is in knots and my eyes and head feel like they are throbbing.   Geesh.  

    Slow is smooth.. Smooth is fast.  squeeze that trigger, don't pull. 

    1. ArNG11


      Man I hope so.  The hearing went well, but that doesn't mean anything until I see it in black and white.  The Board has had the information before and all it got me was a remand for the VA Regional Office to lie some more.  They discounted my evidence and did not service connect my claims before.  But heh maybe the face to face brings up reasonable doubt this time to award me.  Doubt it, I may have to pay for another IME since they are discounting my personal physicians.  This is all a big circus.   I am with you, I hope the hammer of justice does fall in my favor.


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. Finally, my Board Hearing is today, but I can't freaking go back to sleep.   This is going to be interesting.  My hearing is today at 1245.  I hope I am clear headed enough.  My stomach is in knots and my eyes and head feel like they are throbbing.   Geesh.  

    1. ArNG11


      Thanks GBArmy.  I just wish I could sleep and be rested but alas it is what it is.  I have been and will work on my points.  It is all I can do at this point.  Never Give up !  

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  15. Hi  ArNG11!  Hope all is going great for You,  have a blessed day!

    1. ArNG11


      Heh thanks.  Was having trouble trying to get my correct profile on here so I could not log in but looks like I have it now.  I hope the same for you roy. Sorry it has been a while.


  16. Been a while.  This COVID crap and all the craziness in the world has had me baffled, so much for progress, although, while skeptical and cynical, can't help hoping for better times. If life throws you lemons, make Long Island Iced teas? : )

    1. ArNG11


      Been living in Oregon, medicating with natural meds, reading about all the chaos and laughing at the VA and all their games. Kind of fell of the social grid a bit.  Dementia, never filed for that, but after the BVA seems  the VA took it upon themselves to add this to my claims.  Shennanagans trying to setup to discredit my testimony is my guess. Same old same old.

      Wow.  I tend to do the same and stay home that is, only go out when I need to pick up the wife, food runs, same old stuff or when I get bored which is a lot.

      With the claims I think I have the hips locked in, got to get some new ratings on the thyroid applied, and revisit some others but almost done.  I'll stop when Im total and permanent, with housebound. File for higher SMC when the time comes hoping not to get that bad but you know the drill.

      It's nice to chat with people who remember you, this lockdown crap, has made me bitter and lonesome.  It blows.  How have you been? Always busy in the forums I see.  Thats great, Vets will always need help fighting.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  17. Change of scenery for me,  moved to Oregon and taking in the beautiful landscapes.  

    1. ArNG11


      yeah you were not kidding, but it has gotten better in the mid months


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. Change of scenery for me,  moved to Oregon and taking in the beautiful landscapes.  

    1. ArNG11


      Heh Buck sorry for the time in between.  It has taken me  a while to adjust and that is just to say that I can take the wife to work and barely with errors get home.

      The scenery is so beautiful, I love the colors, trees, and although this is raining season here the weather.  It so beats Oklahoma.  Other than family and familiarity I won't miss OK much. 

      Man I feel so how should we say "fish out of water " feeling. Definitely a change of pace.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. Happy Belated New Years to everyone.  Sorry a bit behind the curve these days.  Have a prosperous new year and may your VA battles be swift and victorious.

    1. ArNG11


      I haven't been too great mentally but hanging in there otherwise.  Things with my claims should be good although I believe I might have screwed the pooch on one the timelines for my last Form 9.  The VA took over a year to provide me a copy of the last decision a year a go.  I did send in the NOD and I did send in a Form 9 however. I didn't know the date of the last effective decision so I wrote one up stating that I was contesting the last decision.  

      It boils down to the effective date of my neck claim.  It should have the same effective date as my back since SMR's and the LOD for the back and the LOD for neck were all in my records in the hands of the VA at the time of my initial claim. Then the rest of my contentions I've rested on the medical evidence and independent medical opinions.

      It looks like I may have 3 separate dockets dates but I am still not for certain on that since I can't get a complete answer from the VA via IRIS or helpline.

      I've received the 90 day letter from the BVA for evidence before the Board issues a decision in my appeal. So everything is moving smoothly to my knowledge.

      Keeping this all together is so taxing.  DOL, Social Security , OPM retirement, and Veterans benefits.   In all these years, and mind you, I haven't been at it as much as most on here on had it,  with my conditions, specifically the mental, which relies heavily on for recollection of events in my claims, I'm screwed.  Most days I can't tell you what day of the week it is, or what I had for breakfast that day,  if I remember at all, it is only after some big hints and recaps from my family that I can piece together whats going on.  Which lends to even more problems for  an already paranoid person, it sucks.  But I try to get by, try being the operative word.

      In any case didn't mean to write a novel.  I was just excited to hear from folks I consider friends on here.How have things been on your front?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  20. :cool: Still pressing on.  Keep the faith fellow Veterans.  Keep the fight up.  

    1. ArNG11


      So so, been contemplating the two fusion surgeries I have been trying to avoid on my hands.  Most days have been a blur for me with meds. Things could be worse though.  

      I won my SS case which was a plus.  Not sure if I had posted or rather talked about it much other than saying I got approved finally by the Judge.  Man it feels so good of sorts when you are vindicated that way.  Now the icing on the cake will be the VA caving in to what I am entitled to.

      Buck how about you ?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  21. FOIA request finally came in.  Only took 600 plus days but I received my copy today.  Of all things even at my correct address along with my full digital CD copy of my C-File was included.  Imagine that.  Almost two years late, but heh I have it now so I am locked cocked, ready to rock for BVA, whenever that is.  Good times

    1. ArNG11


      Actually Buck I haven't, not compared to some of the hardcore Veterans here.  I have been actually very lucky.  Very luck to have found Had it.  It truly is a gem.  I would not have gotten as far as I have without the knowledge gained from this site.  I know that for a fact.  I really attribute my successes to the knowledge and advice from my fellow brothers and sisters in arms.   It has made this whole debacle almost bare able.   I'll still give the credit to slow is smooth and smooth is fast.  Of course the fight, fight,  fight attitude does come into play.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  22. Been working on health issues.  Still here and still moving forward, at least that is the daily plan.:tongue:

  23. Right Hip Surgery went well.  A little surprised I'm using the walker so well.  The left hip was less FUBARed than the right and that surgery was a killer regarding pain.  But yippee all is well, still no word on BVA but heh it's the Holidays no time to think about the VA woes.  Enjoy the holidays folks, enjoy the family and friends.  

    1. ArNG11


      Thanks Buck.  It's been hard these last few months, but I got both knees and both hips done while waiting for my claims to have some movement towards the BVA.

      Luckily it both times for me were not replacements just torn ligaments and a bunch of arthritis, however, all is well.  Thanks Buck.

      I need to get back in the loop,:wink: I have been gone for a little bit.:sad:

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  24. I just did a a MH Dept sponsored Pain Clinic at my VMC (about 6 wks X 1 per). Besides supplying me with an Essential Oil Pain mixture (been using it for over a year, shit really works), 1 of the meditation exercises involved listening to a recorded CD. After about 4 min of listening, I was gone, the Dr had to snap me out of it. Bro, did I feel good and refreshed, I was feeling no pain, at least for awhile.

    You get a chance, Secure MHV Msg your MH Clinician, they should be able to get you a copy of the CD to try. Worth a shot, right.

    1. ArNG11


      I know which CD's you are referring to.  They were actually helpful, most were knowledge and techniques that I have used in the past but haven't used in a while. Some were similar to other techniques and the rest were PTSD 101 type aids.    I stopped going to the VA medicals centers about a year and a half ago.  I don't trust VA docs and OKC VAMC burned me several times too many.  I have been exclusively private care since then.

      I've done cognitive behavioral therapy, EMDR, self talk methods, and even the PTSD program on the iPhone for a while.  Some methods were helpful, some still are, but none are taken care of by the VA any more.  I pay out of pocket, well after my DOD retiree health benefits that is.

      The hard part for me is trusting the provider and the was difficult in the beginning but is easy now is to keep an open mind and use all the tools and techniques.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  25. Out of knee surgery, A Okay, but dang this is more painful than the hip surgery several months ago. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. One surgery at a time :huh:

    1. ArNG11


      Thanks Buck52.  I thought the hip was bad, geesh this takes the cake.  I'm happy though it wasn't a total or partial knee. Definitely could have been worse. :lol: Couple of torn meniscus MCL.  

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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