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AJ's Pain

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Posts posted by AJ's Pain

  1. Thank you for your reply. The letter states no more reviews, 100% TDIU Total and Permanent. So I’m not sure if I will be called for more comp and pen evals. Since I’m paid at the 100% rate and with the T&P I get the same benefits I think I’m just going to leave it be. Nothing really changes, my pay is the same but my VSO says my wife, whom is my caregiver, now qualifies for health insurance and my daughters can use Ch 35(I think) for college. So these are good things.

    thank you again!

  2. I’ve  been here for several years, rarely post but always lurk to see if I can ever offer any help. 5 years ago I was placed at 80% Scheduler and TDIU. Last month I was scheduled for a Comp and Pen re-evaluation and I had this appointment this Past Monday. It Lasted about 40 min, she was kind and understanding. I was still afraid the VA was going to lower my rating even though I’ve been terribly ill for 5 years.

    Two days later my VSO called and said my rating is now Total and Permanent and my official letter and package would be in the mail on Friday. 2 days for a decision on T&P?! I’ve never seen the VA move that fast. 

    My question is: is it worth it to try now to get my rating to 100% Scheduler or just leave it as is, because I am paid at the 100% rate and it’s now T&P. I think I should just leave it, stop worrying over this stuff and live my life of Drs, specialists and hospitals. Because that’s mostly what my life is. I just turned 40 last month and 10 months ago SSDI approved my social security disability. So this rating is bittersweet. On the one hand my family and I are taken care of, on the other....I will never work again.

    Thank you for any advice and I hope this question is in the correct forum. 

  3. Hi Gastone,

    Thank you for your reply and kind advice. I just completed my BS using Voc Rehab and was 2 semesters in for my Masters when all of this happened. I had to drop out and do not know when or if I will be able to complete my Track. I have to speak with my counselor next week and I will know about where I stand at that point. You are correct, i am hoping for the best but I also know that I may never be able to go back to work. Right now, I only leave my house for appointments and I never leave town. But I am trying to get myself back. Thank you again for your wonderful advice.


  4. Hi,

    I was just approved to TDIU and mine started the same as yours, with a request for increase. With a new combined rating of 80%, I too thought that they would infer IU but I was told by my VSO that they no longer infer a claim of TDIU(this is what I was told), so we had to file a separate claim for IU. We did this right away, I mean they were processing the claim for IU less the 70 days after the C&P for the org request for increase. So in my case, they just sent the request to the Dr that had just performed my C&P and he wrote his opinion, I was not required to go to another C&P. So if your last exam was really close to this new claim, they might not schedule you for another one. Good luck and I hope it works out.


  5. Thanks everyone and I am so grateful for sites such as these.

    @ Berta-No I do not plan on applying, at least not yet. This is a Temp rating until Oct 2019. I am really hoping to get better and be able to go back to work. I am so thankful for the money and help while I am really sick but I made a lot more money at my job. I am only 35, almost finished with my Masters with 2 daughters that I would like to help put through college. I know that if you become P & T they will help your kids with college but I haven't thought about this.

    This breakdown and physical problems feel as if they snuck up on me, if you know what I mean? I went for years on very little meds and was doing great and then......BAM. Everything fell apart and it was like I was back at the beginning. So I am still hoping for a recovery but I know if that is not in the cards, I will file for SSI. Thank you guys and I hope many others will get good news today!


  6. Great news yesterday, My claim for increase and TDIU was granted. I am truly shocked at how quickly the WI VA moved on this one. I have been service connected at 30% for 5 years and until last April, I was doing really well. In April I had a major breakdown, couldn't drive anymore, forget to eat and couldn't take my own meds. Of course, I could not longer work either. We put in a claim for an increase with a Hardship and within 4 months I was grated 80% SC. We then immediately filed for TDIU and for 6 weeks they lost my claim. But as soon as they realized their error they rushed it through and 3 weeks letter I am just waiting on the decision packet in the mail. My VSO told me it had all been approved. This was so fast and my VSO and Drs did most of the work for me(I couldn't even think straight). They also helped my wife get VA Caregiver status as she has to stay home and care for me at this time.

    There are good VA's out there that really care and try to help. I just wanted to share the good news. I also realize that I am extremely lucky that it went this way for me, I have read all of the horror stories and I was scared to death I would not receive the help I needed. I love this forum and all of the wonderful info one here. Thanks for being here for me, even I wasn't involved all that often.


  7. Hello,

    I am new to the forum, well I have been reading the topics for a few weeks now. I am a disabled navy Vet and have been fighting for my rating and treatment for a 5 years now. I am happy to have found a community of fellow vets going through many of the same issues.

    I have recently had cervical spine surgery through the VA and am now a Chronic Pain patient. The Treatment that Vets receive as these types of patients is disgraceful. I am happy to be on board here with many other vets enduring the same and many other troubles the VA medical care system.


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