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Posts posted by bm6546

  1. I'm still pretty new with the claims process. My claims are only a little over 2 years old, so I guess I can't complain yet. But I will give the Oakland Calif RO a D- because they are taking for ever, probably hoping I go away or die trying. I'm not going anywhere for awhile. The VAMC in Reno Nevada deserves a B+. I am happy with my appts and the people there are always very nice to me. Except the NP that gave me 2 C&P's, both negative. The VA clinic in Auburn Calif most definately deserves an A+. My appts are within a 30 day period and the people there can not be any nicer. When you call and ask them a question and they tell you they will get back to you in a day or so, someone actually calls me back when they say they will.

    Overall, if you take the RO out of the picture, I am very happy with my treatment at the VA......so far. Stay tuned, I will let you know how it turns out.


  2. BSM, if they took it years ago and you did not improve like they said you did, that my friend may be what we call a cue. You did not appeal. It is a final decision.

    I would check the rating criteria for back then and see if they had good reason to take it.

    If not, I would file the cue claim with the evidence yesterday.

    Good luck, I would like to see that claim.



    I'm not sure what a cue is. All I know is I was discharged from the Navy because I couldn't do half the physical things your supposed to do in the Navy, so they discharged me with a SC heart condition at 10%. After approx 18 months they decided that I was employed full time so I did not need the $17.00 a month and took it away. My heart condition has only got worse over the years, and I had a heart attack 2 1/2 years ago. I tried at least twice over the last 40 years to get the VA to reinstate my 10% and was denied both times. I have filed a couple of claims in the last 2 years and waiting to see what happens.

    The VA had no problem giving me the VA health care. I don't get it!!

  3. Even if you are just 0% for the heart condition then I think if you filed for ED as secondary it should fly if a doctor says that your ED is a result of the heart condition. You need doctor's opinion to tie the heart attacks to the SC heart condition. When you are dealing with secondary conditions you almost always need a nexus statement from a doctor. I got PN and PAD secondary to SC DMII but I had to get medical opinions.


    The VA Cardiologist is the one that first diagnosed me with ED. He said that it was common in some men after a heart attack. Unfortunately, that VA doctor is no longer at the VA hospital. I am going back to the VA hospital next week to see a new Cardiologist. Trying to get my Plavix renewed. I also want to see if the new Cardiologist will prescribe Viagra instead of the Vardenafil that the VA prescribed. Vardenafil doesn't seem to work very well for me. The Viagra seems to work a little better.

    I have been SC at 0% for my heart condition for over 40 years. I am trying to get the SMC for ED as secondary for my depression, anxiety and PTSD which was brought on from my heart attack. My Service Officer said that if the VA gives me SMC for ED and they make it SC as a secondary condition to my heart condition, I will have a good chance of getting my other conditions approved.

    Will just have to wait and see how the VA feels about it.


  4. "They took the 10% away from me after 18 months."

    What happened? Did your heart get well?

    Or, did your SO go to sleep at the wheel? If so, then I guess that'd make him an SOB.

    No my heart did not get any better, it got worse. They took back my 10% in 1968. They said I was able to work so obviously my heart wasn't bothering me too bad. I was only 20 years old at that time and I did not have a SO. I did not NOD it at that time. Young, stupid and full of testosterone.

  5. Brian,

    In your post you indicated, the ED was secondary to the heart condition they continue to deny. If you ED claim is filed secondary to heart disease and you do not have SC for heart disease you are shot down before you even went to the exam. Have I misunderstood? Are you SC for heart disease but at a 0% rating?

    Best regards,


    Tyler, I am SC for a heart condition and am at 0%. My ED claim is secondary to my depression, anxiety and PTSD claim as a direct result from my heart attack with my SC heart condition. Make any sense? I have been diagnosed with heart disease but the VA has not associated the two yet...heart disease and my heart condition. I was discharged over 40 years ago with SC 10% for my heart condition. They took the 10% away from me after 18 months.


  6. I can empathize with women who prefer women for their medical issues as well as I like my female Doc at VA but I would be a tad uncomfortable dealing with ED C&P and a female nurse at VA.

    Pete, I agree with you 100%. I am very uncomfortable talking about my ED with anyone, especially with a younger, nice looking NURSE. She isn't even a doctor, I guess that's the part that really bothers me

  7. I think if she wrote a report that ended in a denial the first time you have a good gripe that she is biased. They should not send you to the same C&P doctor twice for the same condition. How in the world do they conduct a exam for ED? All they can do is ask you if you are impotent. You probably need a good private medical opinion. No one should rely on the VA to determine their claim. Is your ED a secondary condition to an accepted condition like DMII?

    The first C&P was for my heart and in her report she said the veteran is no longer having any heart problems. Of course she did not say that after the veteran had his heart attack and they inserted 2 stents and they have prescribed a whole battery of pills and the veteran can no longer work and he is on SSDI because he has depression and anxiety and a mild form of PTSD (does anyone know what a mild form of PTSD is?). I thought either you have it or don't have it. And now I have ED caused by my depression and everything else secondary to my SC heart condition from over 40 years ago. All of these conditions have been verified and continually treated by VA Cardiologists, VA Psychiatrists, and VA Psycologists.

    She insisted on asking questions repeatedly about my ED and how long have I had it. She asked me about several things related to ED and I'm not sure how graphic I can get here so you let me know if you want to hear it and I will be happy to let you know.

    The exam was a full physical and she checked my penis and my boys and did the old single digit trick. I have had those exams before and not fun they are, this was extremely uncomfortable and not because she was a woman, and I might add, younger and attractive. I think she was a plant to see how I would react. And no, I did not react.

    My ED is secondary to my SC heart condition that the VA continually denies.

    At the end of the exam I asked her point blank if she thought I had ED and she would not tell me.

    Anyway John, thanks for the feedback and letting me vent a little.


  8. Had my C&P today for ED. Same nurse that gave me a C&P almost 2 years ago and from her mis-information and deletion of pertinent info, the VARO flat turned my claim down. Its almost like she looked at me as if to say, "Your back again...what is it this time that you think you have and that I can deny for you again".

    I'm sorry, but I don't think I handled this examination very well. She asked me a lot of questions about problems associated with guys that have ED and repeated the questions over and over again. She could see that I was very upset and pissed off that I got her for my exam, and she must have asked me a half dozen times if I wanted to cancel or postpone this exam and reschedule for a later date. I know it would take at least 6 months to a year to get another exam.

    My question is how long should it take to get the results from my C&P and how can I get a copy of the C&P.

    Good thing I was riding on the VA van because as upset as I was I probably would have driven off the freeway, accidently.

    Any answers would be appreciated, as always and thanks in advance.



    (AKA Brian)

  9. I am still confused about my upcoming ED C&P on June 3rd. I guess it is a C&P exam. The VARO is sending me to the VA hospital for an examination for my claim for ED which I filed over a year ago. The VA Cardiologist told me I have ED and prescribed Vardenafil (Levitra). The small dosage that they give me really doesn't work that well. I tried to get them to prescribe Viagra, which seems to help a little better. The VA won't give me Viagra.

    My ED has developed after my heart attack over 2 years sgo and have a claim for depression, anxiety , PTSD and ED. I am SC for my heart condition. I have been on SSDI for over 2 years.

    My question is...am I wasting my time going to this examination and have the nurse, or whoever examines me, turn me down on my claim for ED. I am currently at SC 0%. I just don't understand why they would give me anything for my ED when I am at 0%. And if the pills work somewhat will they still deny you, or will they give you the monthly amount if the pills work.

    I have read a lot of useful info on Hadit and there seems to be conflicting answers.

    Thanks, Brian

  10. Berta,

    No doctor as of yet has come out and said that my heart disease is linked to my time in the service. I was discharged from the Navy with a SC heart condition.

    My VA Psychiatrist and VA Psychologist as well as my private doctors have all agreed that my depression and anxiety developed after my heart attack over 2 years ago. No doctor has said or will actually say that it is directly related to my heart attack and heart disease. It just seems kind of strange to me that before I had my heart attack and diagnosed with heart disease, I felt OK and did not have any of these symptoms. Then after my heart attack all of these symptoms occured.

    Yes I do have a service officer and she appears to be pretty knowledgeable. She filed a claim over a year ago for PTSD, anxiety, depression and ED caused as a direct result from my heart attack and my SC heart condition.

    The VA denied my claim for heart condition and continued at 0 SC. We filed a NOD on this claim and it is currently with the DRO.

    My claim for PTSD, depression, anxiety and ED were filed as secondary to my heart condition. After 1 year I received a phone call from the RO that they were sending me to the VA hospital in Reno for an examination for my ED.

    Even the SSDI, which i am collecting, determined as Primary Diagnosis-Anxiety Disorder and Secondary Diagnosis-Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease with or w/o Angina.

    Berta, thank you for your help, it is very much appreciated. Brian

  11. I am not sure what a C & P for ED is all about-

    but it sounds like you should get it SCed wth no problem-in the long run------but

    I am very concerned by this-

    "The VA doc prescribed the medication for the ED and said it was caused by my depression which is a direct result from my heart attack due to my SC heart condition, which they have continually denied compensation. My heart claim is currently under review with DRO."

    Did the doctor or any doctor formally state that your heart disease is linked to your service yet?

    Did you claim depression as related directly do to your heart disease?

    If they deny on PTSD -with SC CAD and depression due to that they should rate you for the depression if secondary to the CAD-if that is SCed.

    Sounds like they are diverting the issues here-and looking at it all backwards.

    If you have strong medical evidence of SC for heart disease you should NOT drop any of these claims at all.

    All of these claims could be directly related to the heart disease and your PTSD when SCed could be aggravating it, if they deny on the depression as related to it.

    Do you have a service officer or vet rep?

    "am a little nervous (that is an understatement), of going for the C&P exam for my ED. The last C&P (for my SC heart condition) I had 2 years ago was done by a nurse practioner. (Should have been done by a Cardiologist). She asked me 3 or 4 questions about my heart condition and asked me if I was having any problems with my heart. I told her I was not because the medication was helping. The VARO denied my claim for a heart condition and said the NP reported that I was now fine and my heart condition was no longer a problem"

    I hope you nodded that -I think you should check via Iris on all of these claims as to their status -something seems very odd here to me-

    With a statement like that from your C & P I guess the VA can tell any vet they are cured of their disability-and say it is no longer a problem.

    A VA cardiologist told me in 1992 that my husband had no heart problems either-he dropped dead 2 years later from heart attack and when I looked into his med recs- they had already misdiagnosed a prior heart attack he had while working at the VA.

    I just found out that this doctor and the other doctors who misdiagnosed my husband were never reported to the NPDB so it makes me wonder how many other vets they messed up too-

    I am sure you are fne and this is not the case with you still-

    you do have heart disease and the VA must rate it properly

    and determine if it is service connected.

    What was the % they gave you in the rating of your heart disease in the last denial letter (your rep would have the blue rating sheet if you didnt get it.)

    Did you fully comply for each of these claims with everything that each VCAA asked you to send them?

  12. Thanks for the replies. I called the VA 800 number and they do not show any activity on my claim for PTSD, depression and anxiety.

    I am a little nervous (that is an understatement), of going for the C&P exam for my ED. The last C&P (for my SC heart condition) I had 2 years ago was done by a nurse practioner. (Should have been done by a Cardiologist). She asked me 3 or 4 questions about my heart condition and asked me if I was having any problems with my heart. I told her I was not because the medication was helping. The VARO denied my claim for a heart condition and said the NP reported that I was now fine and my heart condition was no longer a problem.

    So I am a little nervous about my upcoming C&P for ED. If they deny the ED I feel they will turn down my claim for PTSD, depression and anxiety. Can anyone tell me what to expect from a C&P for ED. And what kind of a doctor should be examining me for ED. After all, it was the VA Cardiologist who diagnosed me with ED and prescribed the medication that seems to work quite well.

    I also feel that the VA is trying to trick me and get me to say something wrong that will give them a reason to deny my claim. I guess I am being a little paranoid about dealing with the VA.

    Oh thats right! I forgot....that is why I have a claim in for PTSD, depression and anxiety...I think, not sure.

    Again, thanks for any help, Brian

  13. I received a phone call today from a lady at the VA Regional office in Oakland. She told me they were going to set up an appointment at the VA hospital in Reno for an exam for my claim for ED.

    After hearing nothing from the VA for over a year on my claim for PTSD, anxiety, depression and ED from my heart attack, they are now going to address my claim for ED. My claim for ED was sort of tacked on at the end of my main claim for the other things. I am not sure what this means. Is it a C&P exam? I am not sure if ED is even a compensated % or is it a special compensation or what? Have they skipped the rest of my claims? The VA doc prescribed the medication for the ED and said it was caused by my depression which is a direct result from my heart attack due to my SC heart condition, which they have continually denied compensation. My heart claim is currently under review with DRO.

    Sorry for rambling on. Not sure what to expect with this appointment with the Reno hospital. Any answers would really be appreciated. Thank you.


  14. Based upon your answer to my questions Jangrin is 100 percent correct. Your file is bouncing around in the VARO between the appeals area, rating area etc..... This happens when you have several things ongoing at one time. Once the appeal is in place they seem to have priority over the file so when the rater "checks" it out and is done with it it goes back to the appeals area.

    Ricky, Thank you for explaining. Do you have any idea with all this bouncing around at the VA, how long does this all take, approx. Thanks, Brian

  15. Jangrin, Sorry but I am having a problem with replying to a post. Please bear with me.

    Yes, you are right on. I am SC for my heart. Have been for over 40 years. I originally was receiving 10% but after 1 year the VA took it away from me. But I am still SC for my heart. My vet rep filed for compensation approx year and a half ago but VA has turned me down twice for compensation. We were trying to get increase from 0 %. The VA still has me SC for my heart, that has never changed. My vet rep said that is ridiculous, the VA should compensate me for 100% for my heart because they discharged me in 1966 with a medical discharge because of my heart. I am currently on SSDI for my heart because I can no longer work. My vet rep decided to go ahead and file a new claim for anxiety, depression and PTSD and is hoping the VA will address those issues and also increase my 0% for my heart.

    I hope this helps to explain my situation. If you or anybody needs more explanation, please ask me. Sometimes I don't explain things very good and I am not that good with the computer. Thanks again for your help.


  16. bm6546

    If I understand this correctly, you filed an original claim for heart condition. The VA denied that claim, and your vet representative helped you file for an appeal. Then it sounds like your vet rep helped you file for a new claim of anxiety,Depression and PTSD as secondary to your SC heart.

    If your heart condition is service connected, when you said they turned down your SC heart condition. Were you seeking an increase for your SC Heart condition or were you denied SC for the heart? Please if you could clarify your current SC conditions.

    It is not unusual for the VA to work appeals matters and ratings for new claims or increases at the same time. Quite often a veteran will get a decision on the new claims and have the appeals matter not settled. The file will go back and forth between pre, ratings, and post teams depending on the issues and what information has been recieved, etc. The fact that your file is moving from one area to another is generally a good thing as it is being worked and not sitting on a shelf somewhere.Once Ratings make a decision, the file still has to go to the post team to process the award and any money that may be due. This usually goes fairly quickly.Then the file will be sent back to the appeals team to finish that process.

    Good luck on your claims.-- Jangrin

  17. An appeal goes up to the Appeal determination TEAM and they are in essence like "Mom"and between two siblings per se (Veteran and VA RO). They determine after all the evidence and statements what is "JUST". The appeals then determines did the VARO do it's job properly and correctly or did they overlook something and make an error, or is the communication of evidence being done correctly. The Appeals department does not have the authority to change your rating in the SYSTEM, or the amounts. What happens is the APPEALS team has the authority to direct, or dictate to the VARO to correct the error. Once the Appeal team determines who is correct (in your NOD-Disagreement), if the claim has been done correctly they will direct the veteran and the VARO that the prior determination is Correct and Justified, no action is needed. If the Appeals team determines that the VARO made an error they will contact both parties (VARO and Veteran) that the error was made and (I can't think of the term used) but they will by their authority direct the Rating Board at your local VARO to correct the error and make the correct changes. It can in some cases go back and forth between the VBA and VARO Rating Board several times IF They are asking the VBA for more "direction" on how to correct the error. Sometimes this creates a hang up. If this IS happening (I don't individually recommend it to be used often) you can call on "Dad" (Congress Representation) to ask the VARO and VBA to inquire on the status and request (again by Congressional Inquiry) to expedite the process. In essence it is like "tattling" per se. The VA has certain deadlines they are imposed to meet when a Congressional Inquiry is done. I believe it is 30 days. At least you will get your answer you are requesting. However, understand that during the "Congressional Inquiry" your file comes out of (both hands of the VARO and VBA) and goes to a specialized team to review your folder and "ANSWER" the Congressional Inquiry. Therefore if you ask this and the determination is NOT Complete you may have delayed your answer for 30 days. Does this help?
  18. Yes I have an appeal with the VA. They recently turned down my request for compensation for my SC heart condition. My vet rep went ahead and filed for anxiety, depression and PTSD secondary to my heart attack over 2 years ago. Would that be 2 different claims or 1 claim with an appeal? I have no idea. I rely on what she is doing, seems to know what she is doing.

    Thanks, Brian

  19. I checked about 2 weeks ago on the 800 number and was told my claim was at Ratings.

    Last week I received an IRIS e-mail that said my claim is currently being processed at the Appeals Team. Can anyone tell me what the difference is between the Ratings and the Appeals Team. This whole process is driving me more crazy and making me nuts,LOL. Maybe I should file a claim against the VA for making me crazy with their BS. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance, Brian

  20. I also am SC 0% and have no idea when I will hear back from the VA.

    I checked with IRIS and they e-mailed back with:

    "We received your Form 9 on 01/14/08. Your claim folder is currently being processed at the Appeals Team at the VA Oakland RO. We also received your VA Form 21-8940 Individual Unemployability on 01/03/08".

    Just waiting patiently and hoping for the best.


  21. After 2 years and 2 denials, I called the 800# and they told me that my claim has been sent to the Rating Board. I have not been sent for a new C&P and the 800# lady said that if I am currently being treated by a Psychologist for my anxiety and depression, the VA probably doesn't need a C&P report. Can anyone please tell me what this means by going to the Rating Board. I am currently SC at 0%. Trying not to get too optimistic because of the previous letdowns. Thanks in advance. Brian

  22. Hi

    I would like to know why our claims are being shoved to the end of the line and the Iraqi

    and Afgan troops are being pushed to the head of line. Are they just waiting for us to croak to

    me this is discrimination. I did not go to war but I did volunteer for Viet Nam but couldn't go

    since my brother was there at the same time. I have served my time in hell and now I'm waiting

    for just cause. I feel slighted everytime I call to check on my claim. How many others are in my shoes? We are all supposed to be equal.


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